Cannabis microscopy

that’s some nice optics right there. Looks kind of like my hash dissolving in alcohol video lol! I wonder what kind of stage they are using looks like some darkfield there. Nice!
I got some new photos here! I am sure you can recognize some of the players on this stage!

yooooo I spent a half an hour calibrating this beast…enjoy!


shiiiiit, I forgot to watermark that photo with the damned magnification I was using. It was 100X. This reduction lens is the shit! It makes the image so fucking bright I could go blind!

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here’s some more goodies! I think my calibration worked lol!

At least the trichome heads seem to be the same size under different magnification.


they say one of those trichomes is 50-100 micrometers in size, so it seems about right? That one seems to be like 50 micrometers, or microns if you are from usa. Be interesting to see how large they are once fully developed.

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yo, I’ve gone microscope crazy! Like a new toy on festivus eve!

Phear my watermark!


Just so everyone knows, the trinocular attachment is the nizzle for shizzle. I can be looking through the eyepiece and get whatever I want staged up, then pull the prism on the trinocular attachment and unleash the camera. Observe:

This reduction lens is ready for oil immersion. I should probably get the slide with the hash smear prepped! That would be nice! Shiiiiiite I forgot I have to calibrate the thing for those resolutions so the measurement works. Gotta calibrate for each objective. objective aka magnification. Microscope lingo yay!


wow that fucking thing takes good photos, they are way better than my digital camera. I can fiddle-focus the amscope camera like a maniac using the fine stage focusing mechanism. One crank to the left…check the image…one crank to the right…etc I should be able to get to a cellular level with phase contrast oil immersion.


ok we got lateral root action. You can see a few hairs! The white crud is enticing… I almost feel if I changed to phase contrast I could see where it’s coming from, or going.

Should I be cropping these images for relevant data? I’m not sure all those black pixels are required to transmit data :wink:


Wow…nice photos.

grabs the :popcorn::popcorn:

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hey thanks! It’s my new toy…lol merged with my old toy. I’m just giving it a practice whirl trying to master the dark arts of digital microscopy…get it? dark arts? heh ehh.

hopefully this photo is cropped nicely.


if you look close, it seems like that white crud goes inside the root tip. It also seemed as the root dried out once it was removed, the white crud gathered more on the upper part of the root. Oh, I’m having fun now!

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here’s a photo of the same root all dried up.


I got a couple terabytes to store all these photos I’m taking bah hah haha! I’m compiling data for a study on the size of trichome heads, that’s going to be something!


oh just you wait until I do a trichome density count in my hash thread now, I can put a measurement on the head of each one in focus lol! Got to establish a new baseline over there!

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Ooooh - root size & trichomes!!!


here’s some more testing. It’s easier to get an image of something flat, so I used a bud leaf. That will probably end up being my sampling area.

tell me if I missed some hah hah! I uhh wonder if I am actually putting the right magnification level on those images. I better double check those details lol!


uh oh the real truth is I should have looked up what magnification I am using in those images because I have no idea. all I know is 4x objective and .5x reduction, now I just have to figure out the computer monitor magnification level. That image above might even work out to be 100X who knows.

ok data point number one, it seems like the head of the trichome is fully formed long before harvest. They appear to be almost uniform in dimension! aboutish 12ish mostlyish micrometers hah hah I mean there are none that are twice as big or something strange. You think they are the same size wet as dried?? oooooo!

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ok so I figure on my monitors it’s 4x49x.5=98x magnification! ehhh I guess my estimate of 100 was off but I had printed 40X on the photos lol!!! Oh well, live and learn. That would make the photos I put 100x on as 10x49x.5=245X ok that was way off. I had made the magnification estimate based on my eyepiece of 10x…uhh I forgot that had nothing to do with it anymore.

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ok after reading up and doing the math and stuff… I know there’s no way I can estimate the possible magnification you will experience when viewing these photos. It’s all dependent on the DPI of your computers monitor and what scale you are viewing the photo at on said monitor…or TV I suppose. Or cell phone. Who knows, but that’s the point right? So! What I am going to do, is keep stamping the physical viewing magnification on there, and you, as the viewer, can use your imagination to imagine how much larger than real life the photo is! But if you are really into math…hah hah just kidding it’s:
(objective magnification)x(monitor magnification)x(reduction magnification) = how many times.
unknown is monitor magnification which is equivalent to pixels/DPI = monitor magnification. So if your monitor is showing 2000pixels/92DPI=21.7 sooooo… 4x21.7x.5= 43.4X magnification. examples are purely based on made up numbers for the monitors DPI and image resolution. Insert your computers numbers in there. Ahh the digital! It adds a new layer of complexity to the image magnification.