Cannatrol users

I’d do anything to not sacrifice my quality of smoke. I’ve ruined too many harvest :pensive:

I could grow the hell out of a plant though :grin:


Why I spent 250 bucks and made a room .
Cannatrol would sure be nice to have however . Would not knock anyone for having one and bet bud out of it is superior to the knockers product lol :sunglasses:


Had I know what VPD actually did during the dry phase, I would’ve set my room settings differently, as I have everything to control all parameters as you do.
I just happen to be lucky that my wife bought mine for me.
I think after your 1st run in your room, your going to see a difference, especially in how it tastes.


Because of YOU


Had I not read about the canna an found out about vpd and how it all works , I’d still be hanging wet towels , running upstairs 30 times a day , and not sleeping worrying about my 4 month investment .

Room been dead ass stable all day , I’m sleeping good tonight .

Maybe it will work like your Cannatrol. I’ll be honest . Last harvest was same exact plants and dry was GOOD but fretful , lol . I’ll post up in here my findings in 2 weeks .


Awesome dude!!!
Thanks for the props!!!
Had I known before my wife bought mine, I would have made the changes.
I get EXACTLY what you mean about running back and forth 30 times a day, worrying, not sleeping, LOL

This is where I’ve been running mine from factory defaults, and I feel it works better for me.


I’m eager to know… hell $250 sounds better than $1600. I’d still need an extra room but who needs a half bathroom anyway :joy:

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@Thats_bank the whole deal revolves around VPD and dew point during drying, not relative humidity, as we’ve been chasing all these years. They have a few VERY informative videos on their site that explain the process and theory behind it.


It seems I need to do a little more research. However If my drying curing process isn’t improved by next year I’m pulling the trigger on one for sure

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I suggest you watch some of the YouTube videos as the owner explains it very well. Then you just need to get the equipment as @Jetdro has done and copy the parameters.


Yea if I can I’m gonna turn that half bathroom into a cannatrol going to YouTube now @Jetdro im interested in what equipment you use

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That’s pretty cool bro!!!


Welcome to the Users lounge @Terpsnpurps
Glad you popped In!!!


I’ve been talking to cannatrol and I told them I wanted a little drier than average… I’d like to be able to put it in a box with a bat… so dry enough for that . They said no problem and lower a few settings etc… have you messed around with the actual settings at all?

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Thanks buddy… this is a cool topic for sure… because out of us all we shall line out the best ways to use this machine… I’m so stoked about it!!!


Yes I have. If you look above, I posted what I’ve been running mine at. 64 degrees 49 dewpoint.
It works better for me than factory defaults.

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Yeah I saw that… but I’m talking about the slope and how many days… all that… maybe play with much longer cures… and slower slopes… my theory on slower slooes is to retain even more flavor… retain more of an array of terps… maybe extending how long it can be in the dry and the cure stage by a considerable time qill make magic? I’m looking to make this machine produce interesting facts and finds about curing itself

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.87 vpd it looks like

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Ohhhhh, now I get it, LOL
Yes, I’ve been running 5 dry 5 cure and I’ve got a batch that been on “hold” for about 90 days and has only gotten WAY better. As far as slope, I don’t think that’s “adjustable” per se. What I did notice, was the longer the dry cycle, the longer it took to hit the slope set point, so that how I believe it can be adjusted.


Yes that’s what I meant how long the slope takes itself… etc… slower drying slower curing I think is where the true beauty is… like u said that 90 day stuff is better… I wonder where the cutoff is actually? 100 days… 150 days? 200? I’m curious but doubt I can hold out that long… maybe someday lol

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I wonder if just staying in cure not holding… wouldn’t be better too?

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