Anybody use a humidor to store their weed?

Hey there OGers, just wondering if anyone out there stores their weed in a humidor? Got an opportunity today to get one from Amazon to do a review on and jumped at it. It has electric heat and humidity control and says it will maintain the levels of temp and RH I am looking for. It’s made for cigars but I figure to put it to the test anyway. Do any of you use such a thing to store your stash? Here is the unit I am getting. Any tips or tricks current users of such things have would be welcomed and appreciated. :v:



Howdy @DougDawson, would you be storing in glass jars or utilizing the climate controls to store flowers in their raw form? Many blessings and much love

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Don’t know, I’ve never used one before so there will be some trial and error. Does seem a bit redundant though. If it’s sealed in a jar, the humidor wouldn’t be needed.


Sounds great!!! I have not used these but I have known a few that love them for storage. I love my wine fridge For storage as well. I’m still trying to score the Cannatrol ( I’ll save that for another thread lol) Would be interesting to see what the low temp is when you get it up and running… Cheers

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Grove bags if still burping and glass if your past burping is the general rule of thumb for storage on units similar. Should be great !!!


It looks good as far as the writeup goes but will have to see in real life. It’s the temp and RH range that caught my eye.


Absolutely that would work !!! It’s amazing how a few degrees below room temperature really helps out !!! I’m kind of pushing lower and lower these days on storage temps. So this would fit right in my tolerance aswell. Cheers !!!

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I dont really understand the value of storing stuff sealed in glass jars in such a unit. If it’s sealed in a jar, what would be the benefit of RH control as that wouldn’t affect the inside of the jars? Or am I missing something?

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We actually only go to sealed glass When we’re completely happy with Final RH for long term storage. The humidity side of the machine comes in to play with the groove bags. They allow for a small amount of moisture exchange both ways. This allows you to burp, small amounts of moisture as needed. But not allow for overly dry. That can happen in groove bags.


Yeah, I can see the potential for Grove bags for sure. Glass jars I would think are fine in my basement closet where I normally store them. This feels like a perfect end of drying phase machine to help get it to the RH I am looking for. Kind of like a cannatrol in some ways.


I converted my wine fridge to a full dryer when Things are done drying then move to curing in grove bags. Then to glass jars back in the dryer for long-term storage. It works so well If I don’t get a cannatrol fairly soon, I’ll just make another one. As I’ll be needing more storage space fairly soon. My ambient relative humidity is too low Along with my temps for storage outside of the dryer / wine fridge. At this point, I get excited opening jars out of the fridge. I call them fresh!!! Hoping you the same !!!


Dream big :blush:

Google image search
“walk-in humidor rooms“


Don’t they sell packets of something that keeps everything just right , ya toss in jar ?


They sure do generally speaking use them as long storage continues as needed


Always interesting to see what happens with long-term storage and flavors. When you keep him storage properly, the flavored definitely changes . You can get very refined, smooth flavors store properly long-term


Wow, I am quite surprised by the lack of comments. I would have thought many would have used a humidor of one kind or another. Oh well, still going to be fun to play with it, lol.


I’m surprised by the amount of people that use the Cannatrol… Hurts my wallet just thinking about one.

Since being in the new space though I can totally maintain controls/cure for a month and then switch to grove bags. It’s been pretty pleasant in this manor. Next step for me is to add a Cedar cabinet. I was listening to a podcast the other day and hearing a grower at scale has an entire cedar room climate controlled for his dry and cure. Wouldn’t mind build a cedar cabinet and drying/curing in this style but still in the climate controlled environment.

@BTYGMO this dude does a climate controlled open room. Obviously I wouldn’t be going this hard but chopping down to individual branches and drying/curing like this is definitely something I’d like to experiment with with a large cabinet build for the amount of plants I typically harvest.

I’m curious how many people do actually use humidors like Doug is mentioning. I don’t know anyone personally who does this.


Cool I will have to look into that. Some people say cedar could leach during drying/ curing but not in sealed jars.I was thought that was strange because why would tobacco use it so exclusively ? More testing must be done. I love the control you can have over the environment.


I don’t either and I too am curious. It’s close to 4k to get a cannatrol here in Canada, that’s just way too much for me to spend on such a thing. When I saw the humidor I though, why not. I mean, it’s free for me, all I have to do is an honest review on Amazon and it’s mine.


I would use it for drying buds after harvest.
If it can keep 60 degrees and 60% humidity.
Other than that it’s built for storing and aging tobacco. Cigars mainly but pipe tobacco too.
I don’t have a humidor but I keep cigars in large Mason jars with humidity packs.