Cannatrol users

Looks like I need a wife more than the box :joy:


This looks like the Sensor Push display?? I got one to cross check the new cannatrol and it’s the most accurate one they make and it’s tracked almost exactly with Cannatrol display. Want another one to hang in tent.


I didn’t tell my wife what it cost. It’s like how much I have spent on Wilson Combat pistol’s. I don’t ask her how much that new purse or clothes cost. It’s worked out :grin:


Love it!!! If my wife ever asked me what any of my firearms cost, she’d faint!!! Especially if it’s one I’m building with a an 80% receiver.
And that purse she bought, well, it costs way more than any of guns or my Trol!!!


Yup waltz by her coming home from a USPSA or Multigun match with the whole kit STI, JP Rifle, Firebird shotty and all the gear and she just asked if I had a good time. Im sure other guys get away with more but the idea is the same. Dont ask dont tell plus she likes the weed more than me so I KNOW she wont complain. I sitll have a few 80% lowers and the specs prints and parts to finish them out.

BTW Im just in day 2 of 10 re drying and curing a smallish sample I got from someone that was not really ready.

I still suggest a PushDisplay sensor to cross check. And its easier to see the trend for me at this point. Im just dipping my toe in this part of the grow/harvest with this thing.

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And I still have a $75 dollar one use discount card for anyone who will use it.


Hope it works out but what are you going to use for an enclosure cabinet?? I’m sure the chinese are sadly going to put out a cheap version of the cannatrol at some point.

I’m still holding 4 80% AR lowers, and 2 80% .45 kits. Have them programmed into my mill, set zeros, set tool heights, hit start button and walk away for 10 minutes, done.
It’s probably going to be a couple years before the Chinese models hit the market, once their patent runs out, it’s going to be game on, and they are going to pump them out just like they do Rosin presses.
Hope the “redry” works out, hopefully it had enough moisture left in it for the box to actually do its thing, as the 1st 24hrs is where a lot of the “magic” happens. It will still probably turn out better than drying and burping. Hitting buttons too early in the morning, reply was meant for @Jasper

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A wife is WAY more expensive than a Trol, she will blow thru $1600 in one shopping trip to the mall with her girlfriends. In our household, there’s her money, my money, and a “slush fund” which is ours. Since I make the bulk of the income, she can’t really say what money is spent on, she takes care of her bills, car payment, credit cards, etc & I mostly take on the rest, food, gas, electric, taxes, and the mortgage which in essence is “free” because its company paid since I’m a part owner.


I wonder how these work in 85% rH & 78F ???

May have to do what @Jetdro has but without rally stripes :joy:


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Mine ran really well thru the “Indian summer” we had last fall. 84 degrees with 85% humidity for almost a week and it didn’t skip a beat. They have “recommended” parameters for the surrounding ambient temps, but for the life of me can’t remember what they are. I’ll have to look in the manual when I get back home. It’s Saturday, and Ranger is looking at me wondering when he’s going to get his Sausage McMuffin.


Lmao… your dog likes sausage Mcmuffins too???

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I bought a Cannatrol for my summer harvest. I live in a high mountain desert environment with extremely low humidity. Drying the traditional way has always been a challenge for me. My flowers would go from too wet to too dry from the time i went to bed to the time i woke up. Also, the smells would permeate the entire house from September into November. This summer’s entire harvest was perfectly dried and cured without any issue and with minimal smell. For me, it was money well spent.


Why I got a Cannatrol:

  • Like in a lot of NYC apartments, I don’t control the heat so it is a challenge to have low enough temps for my dry tent.
  • Humidity in NYC is low most of the year, especially in winter. (And high in the summer.)
  • Although I’m now legal, I don’t want to have strong odors that annoy my neighbors.
  • I have very limited space. Now, my 2x2 veg/dry tent is a veg/flower tent. The Cannatrol is stored in a closet when it is not in use.

Even though I have learned some tricks over the years that allow me to get good results with my dry tent, I get better results with Cannatrol with much less effort. I put in the buds, wait two weeks and then it is ready for jars and to smoke. No burping jars. No checking the dry tent daily (hourly? :slight_smile: ) and panicking if things are not exactly right. No second guessing if it is too soon for jars.

Things I don’t like about it:

  • Cost, of course
  • Getting to the back of the unit to empty the water catch. Not a big deal for most people as it takes 2 minutes and you only need to do it the first few days of drying. However, I have back issues that make it an annoying task.
  • I prefer dry trimming, but I found I got better results with my Cannatrol when I wet trim. I want to test that again because others say dry trimming is fine, but I’ve gone back to wet trimming for now.
  • It sometimes says “Add Water” when there is already water in the sponge dish.

Cannatrol by design does not take your buds to stem snap dryness. That was a little bit of an adjustment for me.

All in all, I’m very happy with my purchase.


Video from Cannatrol claims 60/60 as the ideal temp/RH for drying is a myth:


I think slightly lower is the sweet spot… like Kgrim said 56 percent was pretty decent… I may go even lower like 52 or 54 percent but strung out over more days


Dont forget the hash browns ! My boy loved them but he is being treated for cancer and in remission sort of and we had to cut out the junk for him because he cant tolerate it with the chemo meds and it makes his pancreas freak out which is another 2-3 days at the vet on IV meds. He loves Oreo’s as well but that also came to an end. Here is a tip, make ice cubes of frozen PLAIN yogurt they love it. Plus its got the pro-biotic thing going on.


Very cool I will remember that


Interesting… so they’re saying to do 68 degrees F with a dew point of 54 degrees… meaning RH is still 60-61%

That happens to be what I do when I’m lazy. 50-60% RH and whatever my room is. 68-72 usually. Flower comes out pretty good regardless even though it’s not perfect.


Lol… so what do you do when you’re not lazy? @HolyAngel