Cannatrol users

60/60 :rofl:


I’m Gojng 66 60 this run

I’m the middle . Easier on ac and humidifier

May go to 68 62 in another few days

I’m in no danger of rot


I’m curious as to what will be the very best… I’ve read about it quite a bit but it’s always subjective

yeah at those temps(60-70 F)/rh(~60%) i’ve left plants hanging for 60+ days before finally jarring em. Was just picking bud off the stem as it cured in the room. Only jarred because I needed the room on the hangers for the next batch :joy:


Thinking anywhere near 60 60 or it’s corresponding vpd or dew point settings will be fine .

Thing is with the dew point or vpd readings one can tailor the TIME the dry takes by adjusting Dp or VPD

I wanted to pull good deal of moisture first few days then lower vpd and slow it down .

Thinking anywhere near the sacred 60 60 for 10 to 15 days is in the ballpark .

My room can do anything I want , but so many parameters to adjust makes the combinations endless . I picked what I thought would give me a 15 day dry with no chance of rot

I’ll see how it goes


That’s what I think is the sweet area… keeping as much moisture as long as possible but be drying as well… then the same with curing. Try to slow that process and allow the sugars to be consumed etc etc… more terps more flavor… it’s just what I think… doesn’t mean it’s truth… but from what I’ve seen it seems like during the cure the moisture keeping the bacteria alive is important so it being present as long as possible may help more flavor and possible potency shine through? What do you think? Like you said. You gotta worry about mold or rot… I wonder if just below mold and rot isn’t best @Jetdro


I feel this is the best way myself.
Get rid of the chance of rot, then slowly finish things off, that is what I try to do.
I have no fancy equipment but I do the best I can.
I would love to have a dry room or a freeze dryer if I could so you folks got me green with envy… :nauseated_face: the good kind…LOL

I will be hangin’ out, smokin’ my hang dried…wondering what the good stuff tastes like. :drooling_face:


@shag I’m just north of you in the Mitten state.
I have no doubt that you’ve got some good tasting dried product!!!
If you look at my opening post, I compared the cost of “home,craft” freeze dryers. They range from $2,500 to upwards of $50k!!! At $1600, the Cannatrol IMO is a way better machine.
My wife was a doll and bought mine for me, after I had mentioned I wanted to buy one.
My dry room was pretty dialed in, but doesn’t compare to the ease and convenience of the Cannatrol.
I’m probably going to add a 2nd one for this years outdoor harvest.
If you’ve got some “early” finishers, I’d be more than happy to do a run for you when the time comes, even an indoor run, as mine is primarily used during October harvest time.


@Jetdro have you had a chance to try your room out since you bought the controllers and associated equipment??? Hoping it hits a home run for you!!!



Was no where near as easy as your machine. The built in variance in the A/c humidifier dehumidifier meant it was always “hunting” . Something was always on, or 2 of the three always on.

The dehiumidifier died on day 7 or so, didnt realize it until alarm notified me. Had another here thank God.

Id say i stayed within 3 degrees and 4 % humididty for 15 days around 63-66 F temps.Took 13.5 days for snapping tems.

Harvest is ON POINT, stinky stick, dense . YES it worked well, i prolly spent 1/2 of what the cannatrol costs on electricity in those 15 days however :woozy_face:


Good deal!!! Too bad on the electric!!!
Hopefully you can taste the difference between old method and new method.


Still trimming those blue totes full of harvest ??? Man my hands hurt just thinking about it. PS I ordered canagar mold.


Yup but only 5 more to go :sneezing_face:

I bought a wine fridge for storage today, so all will be just fine.

BTW…WC is a snap…snip snip snip…thats an ounce :heart_eyes:


I saw that.

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what did you order, from who and what size ?

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The small from the cannagar site. It won’t get used except on occasion when we will be at a group event or something. I usually just smoke out of a glass pipe since I don’t smoke a whole lot usually just a few hits and come back in a bit.


Where i bought, Purple Rose Supply???

The small? 3.5 to 7 gram one, or the Mini 1-2 gram version ???

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Purple Rose 3.5-7. I should say it’s in my shopping cart at home computer since I didn’t have the CC in hand.


Quality piece, great design, you will love it. Of the 3 i have , i use that one the least. Im hooked on my Mini size now, or the 2-4 gram size. The 3.5 to 7 is too big for JUST ME


Man that sucks bro… gotta be a more efficient piece of equipment somewhere… the cannatrol uses 70 watts only