Can't raise moisture in room and the temp is too high (using HPS). What to do?

You can also get an LED you know… :grin:


85F is without the intake. With intake to 100% I got it down to 77F.
I appreciate the help. Will try to see what I can do.

Humidity swings are worse than constant even low humidity

Let the plant adjust grow to the low humidity from start and it will grow accordingly

If your humidity swings then plant has to adjust every time ditching parts of leafs etc ( confused / problems )

Low humidity is better than high humidity

A cool tube would be a good purchase , especially as summer is coming
: )

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Ah damn, I just cranked the humidity up to 75% in the lights off phase. Alright then, I will just let it be lower until I can make and uphold sustainable humid atmosphere.



Soak some towels and lay/hang them out. I envy your dilemma, I’ve got the opposite problem, fighting the mould even in veg.

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Yeah man, when I saw a grow for the first time, it had one of those too. The downside of that is, it takes space up in the tent. But it works and doesn’t cost a million dollars :hugs:

That’s a pretty decent temp man