Canuck Pinboard

CBC: ‘Why is cannabis treated like a firearm?’ Cannabis users protest police raids in Regina (2016-Apr-6)


Global: Quebec’s opposition parties don’t want cannabis allowed in public (2018-Apr-9)

Global: Ontario Real Estate Association calls for stronger protections against marijuana grow ops (2018-Apr-9)

Euh… What took them so long to admit it publicly?..

TLN: The pen is mightier (2018-Apr-9)

« …cannabis vape pens won’t be legally available in Canada until up to one year after marijuana legalization takes effect. »

And yet not a word on THC:CBD ratios + “entourage” effects, vaporizers, ways to deal with Trudeau’s mari-caca pesticides (like home-growing “bio”), etc…

Finalement un signataire de la bannière Narconon (liée à l’église scientologique) revient dans l’actualité avec une certaine aura d’angélisme, pour ainsi dire…

JdM: Légalisation du cannabis: Trudeau sera «peut-être responsable» de quelques décès, selon Jean Lapointe (2018-Apr-9)

« Aux prochaines élections fédérales, Justin, il n’aura pas mon vote. C’est clair, net et précis. »

Oui mais pourquoi au juste, c’est la vraie question qu’on devraient tous se poser. :confused:

« Le gouvernement de Philippe Couillard venait tout juste d’annoncer une subvention du gouvernement de 1,5 M$ à la Fondation Jean Lapointe… … …Lucie Charlebois, et le ministre de l’Éducation, Sébastien Proulx, ont procédé à l’annonce en compagnie de l’ex-sénateur qui avait été nommé en 2001 par le premier ministre libéral Jean Chrétien. Ce montant sera égalé par la Fondation, pour un total de 3 M$. »

Bin là au moins c’est plus clair. :pensive:

Et pour finir en beauté:

JdM: [VIDÉO] Cannabis dans les lieux publics: la ministre Charlebois sort de ses gonds (2018-Apr-9)

Tous des missionnaires à les écouter. :expressionless:

En tant qu’ado légalement mineur en 2018 j’aurais carrément la chienne qu’un de ces prédateurs me tombe dessus et me fouille le cerveau, au nom des enfants…

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Mtl Gazette: Quebec municipalities want the power to regulate recreational cannabis (2018-Apr-10)

CBC: Cannabis grow-op registry needed to protect homebuyers, association urges (2018-Apr-10)

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CBC: Smoking cannabis, vaping now banned in most public places in Victoria (2018-Apr-12)

« …no one can smoke any type of cigarette, cigar, pipe, hookah pipe, or vaporizing device in parks, except in a private vehicle… »

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Multiple pictures are presently “broken” when from “”, temporary solution is to replace “org” domain with “cc” instead, for example:

[ s14.postimg.CC/ktglegik1/SRC_-_Jardins_int_rieurs_synonymes_de_Crime_Organise_Asiatique.gif ]

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could also just right click -> copy image -> paste in OG instead of linking to 3rd party hosting

was that article about manitoba quebec banning just an editorial? or was that official policy to let provinces decide for themselves? because its my understanding qc and mb will both face constitutional challenges to their proposed bans for rec growing


Salutatios LegalCanada,

Then verification of any possible link between Hydropothecary and GMOs would be an option i think!

The Télé-Journal video you’ve refered to was about some Radio-Canada propaganda based on the principle that 98 % of illegal growers belong to some Asian mafia, which is kind of funny because those same kind of journalist showed a house destroyed by careless people who only rent it and were no asians anyway. TV itself is sick, they keep using every chance to warn against “banalization”, while when i switch channels what i see is police and violence banalization invading our collective evening program(s). Even better, at night channel “V” offers its devoted supporters lessons on motorcycles and summer clothing… No obcessions there the least little bit. Of course i’m cynical, simply implying that a lot of what’s being actively advertized on TV these days must feel toxic to a vulnerable minor who would abuse of it and yet it’s percfectly accepted “scocially” depending on who’s looking.

Publicities make it fun to beat elders in order to valorize some “cool” car they got to sell, that’s supposed to be a joke but i bet no cannabis jokes will be possible in Québec, and possibly elwewhere too.

Honestly i’ve started to let go, the collective mediatic madness boosted by all those making a dime on it is quite saddening. It’s been very peculiar to hear Lucie “Nez-Rouge” Charlebois complaining in Québec’s parliament that guys like us must be respected too, as they also are citizens and whatnot. I concur, but what a show!! … Never forget she’s the one who managed to render vaporizers equal to e-Cigs and even SMOKING (which landlords will be allowed to ban during a rental contract if rumours are correct).

About which here’s one more of those masterpieces pretending to “educate” us, though all they got is a “stoner”/“droÿé” detector. Because heavy taxation just ain’t sufficient, now they want contravention tickets including into Justin’s “légaleezation”…

JdQ: Le cannabis au volant, un enjeu «majeur» (2018-Apr-14)

« …former et équiper les policiers du pays… »

Now that’s funny, i thought cannabic “junkies” were eventually meant to be dealt as a Public Health issue, instead of feeding a policing economy, etc. While the UN continues to split the world between good and evil, CBD versus THC, “medical” vs “illegal” and soon “récreational”, as if the world is binary with only 2 options: sin, which a vice industry feeds on, etc., etc. And on the other side there’s the worthy “medical” client$, most vulnerable and yet actually exposed to such products these require sterelization by cobalt-60 irradiation, treating the marchandise like it were destined to animals…

M’well, that just a glimpse of how i “welcome” the “légaleezation” on Trudeau.

Of course there will be justice causes, i’m sure i ain’t the only one to find some arguments about a need for excuses and compensation absolutely legitimate and reasonable. Or even better, lets have a referendum instead of insulting/degrading head games serving spin-doctors, with the “spe¢iali$ts”/“expert$” doing all the talking on topics pre-formated by our saint sinister of holy health habits anyway.

Sorry to be such a disapointment, we’re entering a dark era that nothing can stop it seems. Maybe i’ll have a “spark” later but right at this moment my window persecutes with noise like a blizard, a sign of providence to remind me we’re about to witness social engineering effects as contrasting as passing from silent to talking cinema, or Beta to VHS… Propaganda campaigns will fill young brains with socio-toxic stuff meant to perpetuate an injustice forever, that cannabis is not to be confused with nuisible consumption methods, or THC-centric selection hardly compatible with the average user profile, go figure, etc. All considerations i don’t hear about on TV, of if i ever happen to read about something then it’s only a recuperation, like “Micro-Dosing” in the mouths of socio-toxic bigots, for example.

Given the context in Québec i really feel a need to mourn lately! The procession of predatory peasants seems endless.

I’ll revisit the picture hosting problem at a later time, nothing to worry. Can’t stand computer time 16 hr/day anymore…

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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TS: Cannabis not ‘answer to the opioid crisis’: CAMH senior scientist (2018-Apr-14)

« ‘Is cannabis the answer to the opioid crisis?’ I can assure you that it’s not. »


À propos de “l’article 301 du Code criminel canadien”, maintenant que la dinde a été généreusement farcie…

SRC – Manipulation électorale des réseaux sociaux: Québec mise sur la prévention (2018-Apr-17)

« Il n’y a pas d’initiative pour l’instant au gouvernement du Québec dans ce sens », confirme la ministre Kathleen Weil. »

Le Devoir: La diffamation explose sur les réseaux sociaux (2018-Apr-17)

« …ils ont tiré le constat voulant que “le droit individuel de critiquer les policiers au Canada semble varier en fonction du statut, des moyens et de la politesse des propos tenus”, puisqu’un certain type d’individus — les inconnus sans richesse ni pouvoir — avait davantage de risque de faire l’objet d’une poursuite. … La formulation actuelle de l’article permet l’emprisonnement d’une personne qui a tenu des propos véridiques, mais diffamatoires… »

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Diffamation vs notion de “motif valable”/“intérêt public”

Et d’ailleurs, justement en parlant de farce: c’est programme double ce soir!!

SRC – CBC Forum: Talking to your kids about cannabis (2018-Apr-17)

CTV: Supreme Court upholds law in cross-border beer case, averting trade shakeup (2018-Apr-19)

La Presse – Cannabis: une campagne de promotion provoque colère et malaise (2018-Apr-20)

« …ministre déléguée à la Santé publique, Lucie Charlebois. « C’est inacceptable et indécent », a-t-elle pourfendu. … …MedReleaf a annoncé que son événement montréalais était annulé… … Les projets de loi sur le cannabis actuellement à l’étude tant à Québec qu’à Ottawa interdiront clairement aux producteurs de cannabis de faire de la promotion ou de la publicité de type « style de vie », qui glorifient ou banalisent la consommation du pot ou quelque émotion positive qui y est rattachée. La loi fédérale interdira aussi toute commandite d’événements culturels ou sportifs par les entreprises de cannabis, ainsi que la distribution d’objets promotionnels gratuits à l’effigie d’une marque. »

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How on earth are these deals allowed to be made…

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SRC – Légalisation du cannabis: un casse-tête pour les propriétaires de condo (2018-Apr-29)

SRC – Légalisation du cannabis: l’organisme Portage lance une campagne de sensibilisation (2018-Apr-28)

« …88 % des jeunes de 14 à 18 ans qui sont pris en charge chez Portage annuellement sont dépendant au cannabis. … Portage réitère sa recommandation de ne pas légaliser la consommation du cannabis avant l’âge de 21 ans. … …l’organisme souhaite également que le niveau de THC dans le cannabis soit contrôlé. … …Portage croit que le gouvernement a le devoir de financer les centres de réadaptation… »

SRC: Des appréhensions à l’approche de la légalisation du cannabis (2018-Apr-28)

SRC: Un premier comptoir de cannabis autochtone au Québec (2018-Apr-27)

SRC – Cannabis: pas de comptoirs si les municipalités n’en veulent pas (2018-Apr-26)

Droit-Inc – Marijuana légal: les employeurs ont-ils raisons d’être inquiets? (2018-Apr-26)

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Salutations Bonglemagne,

The “Légaleezation” of Trudeau was never meant to be fair, on the contrary. His Liberal suite of politicians must have concluded the average Canuck Joe would remain silent as long as there’s a promise to collect lots of public money for some, or just bully “stoner$”/“droÿé$” to serve the most subjective motives of others… Today people love-to-hate/hate-to-love, that’s been imprinted in generations of human brains using popular culture, mainly papers , TV and radio. Now Hollywood and the internet are real powers.

Politicians give the people what they’re conditioned to ask for, a right to love-to-hate/hate-to-love. After all there’s already freedom of thought in the matter of religions anyway, right?

M’well, maybe not. Because now the love-haters/hater-lovers are being told by this nation’s main propaganda organ, in both official languages, that politicians plan to address the problem of “Hate-Speech” on social media - anyway who’s against vitue??

For example, only a few hours ago i was hearing some long and detailed diatribe using the recent sad Toronto case of a mass-killer vehicule, discussing terrorism, etc., etc. The purpose was to argue there’s public interest in controlling communication channels as FaceBook, Twitter and many similar “social networks”, i even learned about one that’s dedicated to males who get no sex life “by the fault of females” (6:53), somehow… Better see & hear for yourself, simply listen at TLMEP (2018-Apr-29):

It’s about radicalism, intolerance… IMO violence-inducing hate-expression, essentially.

One problem with this is that you and i we can bet it won’t be the only target once the new laws are in place. Another is that you can expect they won’t walk the “pro-cannabic” path by announcing protection measures in advance: they want our courts of justice overloaded for the next few decades, to tie our hands and lips. Or maybe i’m only magnifying hypothetical repercussions a tiny bit. Go figure, all i know is that i’d feel more confident if our politicians did walk the path at least once, saying for example that Joy Davies was perfectly entitled to raise the matter of science by refering to an article on “stoner”/“droÿé” families with babies/minors around. There was no danger to home-grow, as i recall. Which i find reasonable considering that USA patented cannabinoïds as an anti-oxydant and neuro-protective agent, long ago in 2003. I read another similar article myself (*see ref. way down below) which explained that those pregnant mothers exposed to multi-intoxication and who also happened to consume cannabis were not putting their yet-to-be-born babies to as much risk than those on alcohol, cocaïne, a mix of both, etc., etc. In other words the study showed a partially protective effect associated to cannabis, which simply confirmed USA’s patent US6630507B1:

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Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants (2003-Oct-7)

Walking that path by at least admitting that “science” needs to be debated should have proven easy if Justin really had intended to do any good in our favour. Instead Joy Davies was instrumentalized to boost “stoner$”/“droÿé$” support then about a month before elections day the controversy took her down, which can be expected to have pleased those who voted Harper before. The confusion made some difference i figure, but there were other factors, like the way incidental “possession” got translated in a later French version where the correct legal term should have been “possession simple”, but yet somehow it was not… Not walking the path there again!

So, it’s clear the politic class is required to react promptly to the Toronto attack as that’s a matter of public security, though i predict our “elite” politicians are about to exploit similar juxtapositions with “social media” for a purpose: to get rid of criticism. The same as when SRC juxtaposes elements serving banalization of its own.


But that’s me, there again i may be magnifying. Just like when under Harper i commented that Trudeau’s father sent the army in the streets of Québec’s métropole while i predicted that young Trudeau would someday managed to get people’s lives threatened by para-military police - which actually occured in Montréal-Nord 2 years ago - already. Euh… Definitely not walking the path, not to mention the context where Bill G20 Blair was nominated only a few months before SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert shot a “ballistic wand” at unsafe distance while aiming for the head of Bony Jean-Pierre as he appeared in the middle of a window-frame during a no-knock bust. 3 weeks after he died in hospital we saw Canada’s Health minister Jane Philpott make her famous speech at the United nations’s event, UNGASS 2016 which was severely criticized by high-profile UN insiders as Louise Arbour and peers the very next day, e.g. after “4-20”!.. Still not walking the path there neither.

In The Name Of Children.

That’s how.

Initially the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists got their power from a UN treaty of 1925 which got superseeded by 3 more starting with Nixon, which is a blessing to Trudeau who won’t speak the names of Henri-Sévérin Béland and much less Raoul Dandurand, who’s activist wife once wrote a feminist paper, “Le coin du feu” that must have showed up on the radar of another famous feminist named Emily F. Murphy, aka Janey Canuck, author of “The black candle”, chap. XXXII “Marahuana – A new menace”, Macleans 1922… Etc., etc.

So there’s a path indeed, just not the one that many “stoner”/“droÿé” voters were led to believe by cap’tain Itnoc!

How on earth are these deals allowed to be made? Maybe because no corrections are ever made, allowing abuse to pile up indefinitely as there are no repercussions for self-endulging predators who make a dime on it.

M’yeap, that’s how i’d say it works and that’s not the end of it. Things will get even more blurred by the time we go to the votation poles again, i believe.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


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Nature: Prenatal exposure to recreational drugs affects global motion perception in preschool children (2016-Nov-9)

« …global motion perception was improved… »
« …marijuana reduced the negative effect of alcohol exposure… »

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Global: Edmonton dogs fall ill after ingesting marijuana on walks (2018-Apr-30)

Global: Illegal marijuana grow op at N.B. house revealed after police respond to fire call (2018-Apr-30)

Timmins Press: Timmins to march for marijuana rights on Saturday (2018-Apr-30)

CBC: Realtors warn legal cannabis home cultivation could undermine property values (2018-Apr-30)

CTV: Construction industry worried about workers using cannabis on the job (2018-Apr-30)

CBC: Doctors’ group wants to scrap Canada’s medical cannabis program (2018-Apr-30)


CBC: Senators recommend delaying cannabis bill for a year to address Indigenous issues (2018-May-1)

Global: Growing 4 cannabis plants for recreational use is not a ‘grow-op,’ expert says (2018-May-1)

CBC: Pregnant women asked to avoid cannabis in face of poor research (2018-May-1)

TS: Marijuana legalization should be put off until First Nations tax sharing worked out: Senate committee (2018-May-1)

CTV: Officers find child in Ontario marijuana grow-op; man, 22, charged (2018-May-1)

G&M: CREA calls for moratorium on homegrown marijuana (2018-Apr-30)

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CBC: Cannabis as colonialism? N.W.T. woman says government shouldn’t ‘impose’ legalization (2018-May-2)

CTV: Legalizing cannabis: Senate committee recommends banning homegrown marijuana (2018-May-2)