Caps Ghost indoor tent grow

He is a houseplant now I keep him inside away from my tent full of ladies.

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Been thinning out fan leaves as I go to light up lower buds ,the Male has been since cleaned up and is still doing that claw thing in spite of only being fed only once at super low dose.These boys are sensitive feeders but it don’t burn up it just does this claw thing and canoe leaves.He has this Funk to him that I can smell as soon as I walk in the door 20 ft away.It’s a Piney Skunky fuel stink that slaps you in the face.My wife has been a saint putting up with this.The female has this Piney Funky church incense Skunky smell that also kicks you right in the balls.She handles Nute burn like a champ and bounces back twice as fast.Corrected now and being monitored.I have them dialed in now


It happens to the best of us I guess the ghost show is coming to a close .I was checking plants out today and I found bunches of pollen clusters popping up everywhere and I mean everywhere from the bottom to about 6 inches shy of the main top kola.None have busted open and all that I have seen are all still green caught this fucker in the nick of time one more day and I would have been up shits creek ,I checked every inch of that plant to find a open yellow pollen sac and they are all green.Checked the whole tent over no more so the Ghost for some reason is the only one to go herm.Only thing I can think of other than Genetics is that plant is closer to my bottom tent flap and might have got some bleed off from my veg light but wouldn’t it have hit my other plants too and not all over that plant but the spot where the light hit it ?Glad I caught it sucks I got to chuck it.No room and I can’t chance him fucking up my medicine tent I’ll .No pollen chucking with them


Going to keep a Close and I mean Close eye on my tent every inch of it from here on out.Who ever is Growing with anything from Mark from Strainley that’s called Ghost just be on the cautious side with it.With actual pollen sacs forming and not nanners out of bud sites this is looking more genetic

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I stand corrected and redact my following statement I found a light leak in my tent and have since corrected it and am back on track.It’s not looking like a genetic thing.Sorry Mark on Strainley I didn’t mean to trash talk your gear I made a mistake

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