Unicorn Meat Clones

I decided to clone my keeper of Unicorn Meat from Thug Pug Genetics. I’ve never cloned from a clone before and that’s what I had to do here.
I grew out the original clone and she went to flower. I was really impressed with the original plant and had made the clone but i flowered the clone and later realized i should of kept it around in a veg state to make more clones or seed. So i clipped a flowered clone and after about a month i started seeing it reveg. I grew it out for about two months and took some new clones from it. I am keeping the mother (clone of a clone) and have taken new clones from her. I’ve got no idea how these clones of clones of clones will turn out but they are still pretty vigorous and some have started taking to their new pots. I’m going to try and pack my tent with them and for the first run i’ll try and reverse a clone to make some pollen. I’ll post the original mom so you can get an idea of what I’m hoping to get bud wise out of these clones.

Here are the clones


Hey @Itslegalnow nice to meet you! I am a huge thug pug fan and that unicorn meat plant looks insane! :fire::fire::fire:

I read you can take a clone of a clone “forever”.
I wouldnt know because i never done it but my go to guy @JoeCrowe said he did it for something crazy like 100 generations and didnt notice any negative effects.

Good luck with your reversal! Ill be pulling up a chair on this one. :seedling::chair::v:t3:


17 years of clones from clones, before the flood took everything out.


That’s awesome to hear. I had heard that i’ll see weakness at this point which i haven’t so that’s great news.


I think the key is to make sure the clone you are taking the next clone from is healthy.


That’s awesome! Did you notice any short coming or lack of vigor at some point?


Dude… Holy dank!

Good luck dude. My good friend reveg’d his coveted Gary Peyton cut and has been growing crazy nice plants for years with cuts of cuts of cuts of those cuts.


They were my prize plants, pumping at probably 3% calyx mass as trichomes.


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Crazy how many years I have believed clones could only be taken for so long before they weren’t any good. Glad to know what i thought I knew was wrong.


Not much to report but I will say that two clones were probably not ready to leave the cloner and get into the soil. They are probably not going to make it so i put them outside so i wouldn’t have to look at them anymore. I might have some replacement clones in a few days. Currently they’re hanging out in the kitchen in coco coir. I’ll mention that the clone mama has a bit of a Thrip issue right now and she gave the clones a bit of it as well. I have some lost coast coming in the mail and have used some insect soap spray as well. Hopefully they’ll all kick the bugs in the next couple of weeks.

Here’s the remaining gals. Notice the ugly little runt PBB. I hope to save it but we shall see. If i do great, if not i still have the main plant flowering outside so i’ll get something regardless.


Check these out




Looks great bud, that mother is a looker for sure. Hope this goes well, I’ll be along for the ride :metal:t2:

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Thank you, i appreciate it.