CaptainRon's Imaginarium: Off-grid, indoor growing(DLA 5.3 Soma's Amnesia Haze), geothermal greenhouse build, a place to store my thoughts

What a beautiful boy!

LAB is very simple and only takes a few minutes to make.
These are the measurements I use but you can make more or less by following the 1 part rice wash water to 10 parts milk.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup Rice(any kind), 1 cup water, 1/2 gallon whole milk. You may be able to use any type of milk but a lot of people recommend whole milk for the fat content.

  1. Take 1/2 cup of rice and put in a bowl and add 1 cup of water. Mix until the water is cloudy. I will usually let it sit after I mix it for 10/15 minutes. Strain the rice and put the rice wash water into a jar.
    You can do what you’d like with the rice but you won’t need it anymore.

  2. Once you have the wash water in a jar you’ll want to add a breathable lid. Either lightly tighten the lid or use a paper towel. Put into a dark cabinet.

  3. Depending on temps, in about 2-5 days the rice wash water will have a sweet smell. It’s a noticeable sweet smell and you should be able to pick it up on your first time. Warmer ambient temps will hasten the process. at 75 degrees, mine usually smells sweet by the second day/night. If the smell is sour, the window of opportunity is missed and you’ll need to start over.

  4. Now it’s time for the milk. You’ll want a jar large enough to hold more than a 1/2g(2L), and to have a wide mouth. I use 2 jars since I don’t have anything larger than 1/2g. I just split the rice wash water between the two. In the large jar pour in the milk, then add the rice wash water.
    Lightly tighten the cap or use a paper towel again, and put back into the cabinet.

  5. Now you’ll want to check at hours 12, 24, 36, etc. Warm ambient temps will hasten the process.
    You’ll see the separation of the whey and the now-forming cheese curd on top. You’ll know the process is complete when you have a hazy but clear liquid on the bottom and a solid, white cheese on top.

  6. Now it’s time to remove the cheese and strain the liquid. To start use anything you’d like to cut through the cheese and remove it. Yes, this cheese is 100% edible for you and your animals and is very tasty! Referred to as ‘farmhouse cheese’. The cheese is also full of LAB.
    Stain liquid through a strainer and cheesecloth. You don’t want any of the curds in the final solution.

  7. The liquid is your LAB. For garden and consumption, you’ll want to dilute 2 tablespoons(30ml)/liter of water. Drink before or after eating. I soak my cats dry food in it and they love it.
    Give to your pup before or after feeding. Same for yourself, if you are about to eat a heavy meal, drink some before or after. It’s amazing how quick-acting it is.

  8. Store in the fridge with a tight lid for up to 90 days. Like most things though, best used and made fresh. I try and make every 2 weeks.

This guy does a good job explaining and showing the process.

I truly hope this helps him out! I found it to be invaluable for myself, animals, and garden.