The Laundry Room

Well, heres where it all began…

Welcome to my Laundry Room! Although, were not just doing laundry in here folks. Got the growing itch about 15 years ago and have many a halfassed, stealth closet/dresser grows during early years and eventually stopped dealing with the hassel and paranoia and gave it up for about about 8 years. Fast forward to 2021 and my state finally became a green state. Of course this reiginited my intrest in growing this lovely plant and to the internet i took, looking to find whatever the latest and greatest equipment to get me going again lol. Shopping cart full of grow tent, lights, fans, everything. Then i remembered i live in a small, rented (by private owner who may not be okay with legalization) and two kids running crazy through the house. Got the okay from the Mrs. as long as it wasnt obvious to the kids or the landlord. Say no more. Laundry rooms need storage, so why not build a big cabinet to keep the Laundry room nice and tidy lol.

With 8 foot ceilings and about 8 Square feet of space to work with my idea started to form and building began. Needed to build everything so that no grow equipment was visible to anyone standing in the room. the grow chamber itself is 21 inches deep x 36 inches wide x 70 inches high. the upper chamber contains an AC Infinity 6 inch fan, but i had to end up putting the carbon filter on the outside of the box on the top. the top also contains a DIY humidifier setup (wish i could fit a regular humdifier in the lower cab but im still tweaking this setup and it works for what i need it for currently) Also have an AC Infinity BT and WiFi controller to keep everything in check. Air exchange comes from two built in light-trapped passive air ducts in the back wall of the cabinet.

First run in the new cabinet i went with some 5 gallon SIP totes and ran Francos Lemon Cheese, Gorilla Zkittles and Apple Blossom (pictured from left to right ) also built a little veg cabinet for some keeper bonsais and seedlings and clones. 3 small SIPs was a lot of upkeep given the size the plants got. Grown in a Clackamas Coots style soil recipe and top dressed with BAS craft blend and build-a-flower and bokashi. Grown under 2 ViparSpectra P1500’s.

Being thoroughly impressed with the growth rate of a plant in a SIP, but not wanting to deal with the constant top dressings and water refills, i started looking into making a larger single SIP to go with a no till bed style grow. Unfortunately my choice of totes that would fit into this cabinet dwindled as i could not find a large enough tote in my size dimensions. I had heard about people doing indoor no till in fabric beds and reached out to Grassroots Fabric pots to see if they could custom fit a bed to the size i needed. sure enough 2 weeks later i had the exact size bed i needed and went to work cutting it up and turning it into a SIP. 45 gallons of soil will fill this bed and it sits overtop a 16 gallon wooden box coated in many many layers of flew seal. 2 seven inch nursery pots extend down into the reservoir and a fill tube is located at the front of the bed. filled to max capacity ive got about a1.5 inch air gap between the bed and the water level.

packed and mounded the wicks tight and proceeded to fill the bed with my soil mix.

Im in a 1:1:1 mix of Peatmoss, EWC, and perlite/pumice/rice hulls with some minerals from BAS and nutrients from Down to Earth.
Plants on the left are Apple Blossom cuts i took from first run and a local breeders cross of Grim Dog x Island Chill.

The first run in the cab i mainlined all the girls and went with a scrog the second run. Picked up some Lemon Tree Punch from Greenpoint seeds and went with 4 girls mainlined again this time. Seemed to get 3 different phenos in this run and the stand out one was the 2nd from the right hand side. this girl had about a 4x stretch in her and was supercropped multiple times to keep her out of the lights. i think i almost reached max capacity in the cabinet on this latest run. got 14 zips out of these ladies.

Getting my current run going these past few weeks. got taken out by covid, again, back in early january and i lost everything i had started/mothers/ clones…everything. was gifted to older clones of Purple (?) Grease Monkey living in some Big Gulps and took about a week or so for them to really tap into the bed. both have been topped a few times and are ready to start their transition to flower.

Whew!! Now that ive got you all caught up, get comfy, converse, grab your best smoke and lets grow!



Love your build! Enjoyed the detailed descriptions and pics. :smiley: Big congrats on getting back into growing first, an awesomely successful build second, and the start of a great grow journal. I’ll be sitting on the dryer if you don’t mind, :wink: like my cat hoping its warm :wink:


You crafty bro. This is bad ass!


Nice build mate. Looks like you put a fair bit of thought into it and it’s certainly paid off :heart_eyes:


Hey @Smscreations . That is truely AWESOME. :grin:


that takes me back to the old days. nice work.


Lovely design and execution of your cabinets. Very clean and thought-out :clap::clap::+1::+1:


I’d love doing laundry over at your house :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Nice setup brotha!


Wow! That is very cool!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Extremely well done! Much better than the old home improvement cabs we use to run years back! This is what I use to live for, discrete and well built environment for the space! :fist::green_heart::seedling:

I am currently recovering from covid as well, only took 3 years to reach me… Stay strong and keep us in the loop!


great work and a really nice setup! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Well done! Beautiful work…

Thanks for sharing, enjoy the new space


Awesome build man. Looks like it works well.


This is awesome, great build. And welcome back to growing! How was Franco’s Lemon Cheese?

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Jealous of your craftmanship


@Smscreations what materiel is the white liner after the insulation, is it White FRP?

Overall Excellent work… :grinning:

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Lol thank you! Might be fighting for space with our cat though :joy:

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appreciate it!! many years of trial and error setting up DIY stealth grows came to this lol

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Epic setup and flowers. :beers:


:raised_hands: thank you!! ive used dressers, armoires, used one of those tall outdoor patio cabinets.
yea ive got covid twice in the past 3 years and each time took me completely down and out!! glad my health is better now and im back on track