Carnivorous plants

I LOVE carnivorous plants! All of them there is so many. I don’t not know if there is a thread for this but hey what the f… Im growing Venus fly traps. They actually only grow in the usa and a 75 mile radius from Wilmington NC near the coast. That’s it in the whole world. I always thought they were from the rain forest, nope just nutrient low marsh lands in a small costal area. They love spagnum and coir usually watered with distilled water. They get most of their nutes from photosynthesis but since such a low nutrient soil what they can’t get from sun they get from eating bugs. Full sun 70-80° comfort range in a room high humidity. Pretty much your grow tent veg especially is

perfect environment. Carnivorous plants also don’t usually eat their pollenators which is cool since they react by literal hair triggers.

Love them even had one flower.

Low nute, eat bugs, distilled water and full light. What’s not to love. When in a humidity dome you can catch a fly and put in some. Eventually it will go after the sweet sweet smell the plant releases and gets eaten.

Anyways please share your carnivorous plant experiences or your favorite. Pictures are greatly encouraged.
@PsillyRabbit care to share and maybe tag?


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