Carnivorous plants?

Anybody every put carnivorous plants like Venus fly traps or more exotic ones in their rooms or tents?


I don’t personally, but I know a couple of guys who play with them down in Florida.

@Kraven you keep any in your rooms?


Sounds like a a hell of good idea but then then the tiny bastards might work themselves out of the trap! Any thoughts on a Pitcher plant as another attractor?

Of course that might not even be available commercially!


I keep them and they like the high light atmosphere, they are at home in a 50/50 mix of perlite and peat and have to be given either ro water or rain water and absolutely no nutes, just set them in 2-3 inches of water and leave them alone they love it. I would not put them in the bunker though due to the fact they attract a lot of bugs, now I do keep them in the yard close to the bunker and they stay well fed. Peace


damn, those are beautiful plants Kraven! I love gardening with unusual plants instead of the usual flowery crap. Other medicinal herbs or plants with unusual foliage interest me.

A friend of mine installed a small outdoor garden of carnivorous plants, I think most of them like it fairly marshy - wet - probably not a good match for indoor cannabis gardens.


I bought a venus fly trap at a local nursery, they need acidic peat moss/ perlite mix to thrive no nutrients ever & only RO water is what they said

makes me wonder how they survive in the wild?

its caught a few bugs on my patio

I live in california, asked them about cobra plants which are native to the state & they had no idea what I was talking about, they didn’t have any other carnivorous plants either

I looked online and there are some sites that sell seeds but some of them require stratification & refrigeration, I’d rather have established clones or plants.


@JustSumTomatoes, @BeeLady I didn’t know that you can create new crosses

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I’ve got this guy in my tent currently. I doubt it does anything for the bugs but it’s fun to look at lol. Seems to enjoy the lights, it has grown many new traps since putting it in there


They are cool for sure. In reality the only ones that will help practically control some flying pests would be drosera capensis. Those guys are the weeds of CP’s that will handle abuse and still trap lots of gnats and stuff. Pitchers are ok, flytraps more fun to look at but need bigger bugs to trigger traps, and are limited in the amount they will control populations.

Used to have quite a few myself. Should be able to toss a handful of capensis in a pot with 50/50 peat / perilite and they will grow Once flowers set and drop seed you’ll never be without a sundew again. They come up everywhere. Find a CP forum and you can snag some pretty easy.


Second season with this guy. Ro water only, keep it wet, bring it in for winter. Also likes full sun.

Oh yeah they require a hibernation period in winter were they look like they die out but dont


@PhilCuisine You sure can and they hybridize very well. Their flowers are actually designed to avoid self-pollination and they love to outcross.


My carnivorous plants made it through the winter but not through spring…I didn’t know that birds/animals would eat them…I don’t have any at the moment and undecided if I’ll get any…

My Cephalotus are looking particularly happy


Mine all died except for this small one.


That sucks, it was a rough year for me too. Lost way too many, still trying to figure out what happened. My B52’s are doing great though.


Pretty plant! Healthy and really nice color!

I will snap some pics of the carnivorous plants we have at work, but not until Thursday which is my next workday.



Well grown cephs, not the easiest to do.

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Nice 52’s as well, I got some from Henning back in the day. Not the most colorful but really big they were.

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Ha ! You’re doing fine, hafta kill a bunch to dial it in. Hard to get used to growing without nutrients. The only thing that I would feed was nepenthes, and they only got 1/4 strength orchid fert every couple weeks.