Carper finds his way back to OG

If you want to see more of the flood table on how i did it , hit me up mate and ill gladly send pictures

Grtz carper


Just had a look , that Chempak is cheap !
Whats it like in a resivor, does it keep stable

Gonna look into this

Here is a quote from my old topic

Thought it may interest you , if your into feeding sheduals
: )
It’s been tweaked slightly since but the basics I still use

When in veg the plant is just cruising so we give a balanced type feed 1/1/1 ,10/10/10, 12/11/13 etc etc
But after about 3-4weeks plant gradually runs low on pk , so we give some bloom feed to top her up

Especially grow annnnd calmag as the calmag has more n in it so mix in relation has less pk
P for roots k for plant health ( vibrancy of the green )

I feed 1/2/2 bloom type plus add calmag
So mix is like 1/1.5/1.5 as it changed with the added n
We don’t need to know exact ratio , we just need a feel for what we pushing , if I feel they too light on occasion I will just give a feed or two of my stretch feed ( 1/1/1 and calmag to top up n )
Now with this mix I can just feed and not need top up of bloom anymore
Plus good for mums as pk nice level
Plants will be a lighter green but nice vibrant green
And we don’t worry cuz in stretch which is next we will be pushing n as plant now really growing leaf and stem plus the extra n will be stored in leafs as a safety bank for in flo as backup as we push pk again
This is the opposite to feeding grow and topping up with pk but a lot more benifits
It’s easier quicker to fix n deff than p or k def plus it’s easier to spot n def and is less damaging

Worse case n def and you lose a couple of lower fans ( no big deal ) but p or k or both defs affects all of plant and is harder to spot and then fix
One of the bonuses of the feed shedual is your always pushing something at different stages , that means if there is going to be a def , it will be the element your are not pushing so thats what you keep an eye out for ( no difficult thinking ) always in control
But in general there is no defs as you feeding plant what it wants for the job it wants to do at that particular stage with this feeding
Are plants are in veg and about to be flipped to 12/12
They have been on a slightly more pk than n in ratio , so leafs are lush green vibrant , not dark
Sure we may have lost one or two lower fans as we dial in but sure we would be cleaning them up anyway as we tidy up plant before flip
In stretch plant has a burst of growing leaf and stem so that’s what we give it , 30/30/30 plus calmag ( n in there ) pushes n in ratio
Any left over n will be stored in leafs and in stretch we don’t need to worry about pk as leafs already packed with it from veg , plus in 2-3 weeks time we be back to pushing pk for flower , so in stretch leafs are darker green

Once buds the size of your baby fingernail appear we go into flower mode
1/2/2/ or 1/3/2 ( jacks ) so now we pushing pk again
If we were to keep pushing n the plant would have to share its flowering power with growing leafs to store extra n in them , waste of energy , leafy buds less smells etc )

What ever ppm/ec you at at start of flower is your bench mark for your base feed up to start of finish
So every time you mixing more food same base ppm/ec butttttt you raise feed with pk as weeks progress

Now at about w8 on a 10w strain you will see some individual or small clusters of calyx fattening
This is the plant starting to ripen
Now the curve of growing new bud starts to tail off , you can A . Keep feeding high pk and squeeze more bud from the cola but after some time the Extra bud to electric will not be worth it ( excess foxtailing ) plus you will have extended your grow time
B . Decide to go to finish stage.
to grow bud the plant needs p and k togeather in evenish good supply , sooooo if we drop a lot of the p but still keep good k in ratio the plant is forced to finish ( 1/2/5 ) and the k will keep plant healthy to end with just p and n fade and not fried leafs from k def

So if you got extra time or that pheno or strain enjoys it you can push longer at end of flower or if you have more Sativa leaner you can force an earlier finish
So all in all
You have 3 feeds
1/3/2 for veg and base for flowering
30/30/30 for stretch
And 6/12/30 for finish ( at original base flower eec/ppm )

And a bottle of pk
And calmag

Haha people will find this long winded and boring lol


Lovely i fish
Cheers for sending me this

Im gonna write done the number codes and google it abit

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Pm anytime to shoot the breeze : )

Works with every medium bar coco due to its cations to adjust for

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It wil work yes.

I also like rfx-1 mapito+foam flakes. Not for the small plants fast runs but with bigger plants. I sort out the foam flakes. Mix them with mapito 50/50 for the first 5-6cm of the pot and just mapito on top. I see better drain in begin when plants are to small for the big pot so i can flood faster and they will set root and grow faster.

I really like mapito but i also had lazy big bag organic dirt times when it was possible.

For feeding, yes you can mix yourself but i have seen (lazy) also good results with hesi, hypro, mills, goldlabel.

IFish i also recognize your name.


I remember back on Hennepdesk days when a uk guy was running this sponge stuff with impressive results
I suppose i never used anything else for the availability of cultilene mapito is good

Whats jt like when it comes to renewal time, do you have to use enzymes like in rockwall still

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Will do mate

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Never use enzyme only water peroxide 35 percent 1 ml/liter once a week.

I have only used Cannazym or hesi power zyme
Every time i water or prep with used mapito

Grtz carper

I would go with the bar configuration if you can wait I have a hlg 600r while an amazing light it runs pretty hot quantum boards grow really nice weed but the better environmental control from a removable driver along with better light spread from the tomahawk doesn’t make it seem worth going the Diablo route either way would be a great light though


Thankyou for your unbiased opinion, there is not many reviews
I really did like the tomahawk but i did think the hot spot in the middle was a issue

Unfortunately, i agreed to the shipping this morning, i know ill be more then happy with the unit
Im in uk so hopefully the board will not be so much of a problem with environmental control, seems my tent is only 4x4
So possibly no more then 70% power

Grtz carper

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14day 12/12
First mistake
Vegged for to long before 12/12
The bloody things have gone mental trying to fill the tent at a crazy speed, so drastic measures have to be taken
Super cropped the Amnesia and wait and see how that turns out
Im aiming for 24 days 12/12 before i take off the large blocking fan leaves

Still feeding total 2ec included a quick hit of pk 5ml /25ltrs of pond water

Hlg shipping update : 14th delivered

Grtz. Carper

Grtz carper


Pond water ?

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yeah mate, no typo error :laughing: but I still pH 5.8
My koi pond is 31000L , water is cleaner then bottled water with my high end filtration system

Aquaponics for my coco


Update time wk3 - 12/12
another week has gone by and it starting to get interesting especially with this being delivered
Never had a led before, old school hps 600’s

And i cannot describe how much the effect on the plants was within 24hrs
Ill let you guys decided

After - i couldn’t help myself and gave it 7 clicks out of 10 twiddling that power nipple good n proper

I finally shoe horned this fuka up as high as i could get it, without face planting into the tent, i can honestly say i was nervous grabbing hold of that zipper and giving it a tug :sweat_smile: with the crazy sight i was about to clap my eyes on
Which was a relief when i realised i didnt nuke them

Grtz carper


That is a great light for bud building!!
Dang they did get all perky, and reaching for that glow
In one of the gardens I set up, I encouraged the them to purchase that light.
They bought 3 cheapos, and one of Diablos.
In 2 months time, the cheapos were down and 1 other Diablo replaced those 3.
Lovely work!!
And yeah, dimmers rock!!