Carpsy's Dear Diary

Dearest Diary,

My cabbage plant seems to still have very moist soil. But the newly emerged mushrooms seem friendly at least. This soil mix, soaky pebbles with mediterranean gardening soil, on a soaky pebble bed, sealed with a top layer of sand, seems to be too dense and to hold moisture for far too long in these pots.

Tropicanna has her own problems i believe. It looks like too much nitrogen resulting in a few different deficencies. Im just not sure where that nitrogen is coming from.

Some leaf samples, left mimosa, right tropicanna.

Not quite sure what exactly is missing or too much. Any pointers welcome.
Plan atm is to let em dry out as fast as possible and see if they can find a new balance.
i probably also gonna trim some of those cabbage leaves and spread out the branches a bit in the hopes of at least getting a decent bonsai thing instead of sauerkraut.

Next plants def gonna get some coco mixed into the soil to improve airation.




Dear Diary,

Tropicanna is becoming a fine young lady…

…as long as you dont look too long.

removed a bunch of the lower leaves and lowest budsites and adjusted the bondage a bit.
But she def has problems, and is too wet to feed anything.
i believe the soil is too moist, hence PH gets screwed and nitro intake blocks other nutris… or its so much light that she burns everything too fast apart from nitrogen.
helpful tips to make her more happy are welcome!

For now i raised the light to 50-60cm, gave her fresh, plain water, topfed, even thou she is so wet, hoping it might dillute the nitro and allow other nutes. she seemed to like it. But it didnt fix her problems.
Im not too keen on outright flushing it.

Her new little neighbour, a Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze (Auto), is looking very sophisticated and fine thou. i like the leaf structure it shows, so even and pretty.

Cabbage Girl, formerly knows as Red Mimosa the 2nd, has gotten a slight haircut so she can see stuff again, its 2024 and hip people have brocolli haircuts, we gonna work on that. i feel reluctant too cut too much at once since it reduces photosynthes. Shes just a bit slow it seems, prolly cus i screwed up the soil and watering, but maybe once she grows a little she will become a fine 70’s afro bush.

i modified my LST wireing too, only doubling the ends, not the whole wire, should still improve hook strength to withstand the branches growing, whilst saving material.
but really gotta be careful not to touch the plant with the darn, sharp end of the wire, i accidently sliced through a leaf. Maybe rather double wire all the length afterall, so as to keep the pointy ends at the pot rim.


Dear Diary,

even though the soil was appearantly too moist, i added more fresh water, and miraculously, the next day the pots were much lighter and the plants had appearantly had a good sip. Maybe they refused to drink the stinky brine that had accumulated in the soil without a bit of actual water.
So i gave em a splash of the mad spanish ferti (Top Bud Auto or somin) mixed with some more water.
It feels like they enjoyed that, could be subjective bias but it feels like the leaves and stems look healthier already.

Tropicanna Poison
i like pom pom balls so much.

Red Mimosa becoming a bush… slowly… very slowly…

There also was a very pleasant surprise today.
May i introduce Mister Neville jr.
First seed to germ, vigerous growth, but quite compact, looks like it has decent hairyness and even some leaf trichiomes. Didnt rub it yet. Might be a bit dominant seeing how strong he is.
But whatever, im not doing selective breeding here, happy to have a dude now. And Mister Neville is gonna be a fine dad one day, i can see it ahead, he will be quarterback and pitcher and hit plenty a homerun too, five touchdowns in one game, laying all the prom night ladies, hes ma boy. \o/

any idea when he is probably starting to pop? how soon to seperate him? want to keep him all horny till its time. The girls scent might keep him on edge and he will produce much pollen.


Dear Diary,

red mimosa bush being a bush… maybe she just doesnt want to outgrow the basil… geee… get at it! up! go! on i va! allez! jalla jalla! vorwärts marsch!

i like pom poms, but growth is getting rather uneventful on Tropi, with little new to see, except slightly more white hair… but who keeps count… 3347 exactly… as of 0731 today.

Mister Neville Jr. #1 is growing quite a bunch of bollocks, already… quick he is tis one, growth is a bit wild but well, hes manly aight. Hes got a nice fat 10l/2gal pot now, thou i guess a tiny one would have sufficed to make some pollen. But i get to test my new soil mix without merditerranean bullshit soil, only humus, sand, chicken manure, pebbles, and of course i added coco as suggested by @webeblzr.

some soil porn for the pervs (in a plastic bottle).


Dear Diary,

Red Mimosa is finally showing some hair, slowly doing its thing.
Its growing alot of nodes and thin looking leaves instead of stretching herself. whatever… shell be fine.

Tropicanna Poison is getting into gear thou. She is not really stretching, just adding budsize. The smell is currently intensely nut like with a hint of ripe, mellow fruit. Opening the tent or even sniffing the buds reminds me of something but i cant quite put my hand on it yet. Sometimes you catch a whiff of it somewhere far away, outside the tent, beyond the filter system… strong and quick, like shes calling for me to look at her and sniff her terpenes. Possibly her way to attract me so i would exhale nitrogen. Its very tempting.

Mister Neville jr is becoming quite a handsome young plant. With thickening bollocks dangling around to impress the girls. Im not sure if hes maybe a bit too fast to be a good breeder, i heard the girls like it when they take their time. But yo, hes so healthy, looks nearly perfect, so compact, so many ball sites, so soon. I really like this dude.
Its exciting to wait for him to ripen up before removing him, some balls look so big already, he might just burst and make many little babies… oh no… well… good on him if he does… thats his job afterall, would prefer to get him out in time tho so i can control it a bit…

The new soil mixture (humus+coco+sand+pebbles+chickens) seems to be much better, junior seems to enjoy it. The replanted basil, that looked more yellowish amongst mimosa, looks much better than in the old soil mix too.


Dear Diary,

straight up, Samsung A52s has a terrible cam. Totally not viable as a replacement for DSLRs.

Tropi keeps flowering like a flower should. Still a pity about the early Nitro oversaturation and i could prolly add some Mag (red petioles). Well, she has the worst soil of all the plants tbf. No chickens, no coco, just terrifying mediterranean waste dirt with some pebbles.

Mimosa does whatever… seemingly showing some sativa traits in her “stretch”, as miniscule as that stretch may be.

And then theres this one… “im a girl, im a boy, im also a tree. lalalala”
check the preflower nodes… one fem (with muultiple pistils), one male, and some others just makes more branches O.o
More branches would have be an interesting mutation, she also has more leaf fingers than the others and grows rather quickly. Pity she seems to herm. Will get a few more days to be sure those are male buds before Dr Chop Chop takes care of her and brings her to the eternal Ganja farm.
But then again, some of the best strains come from hermies, they are just so strong, large and fast compared to the mono sexers. mmmh… i presume that would require intense selection thou to reduce the herming while keeping 3 branches, 3 pistils and early 7 finger leaves… not even sure those are positive traits tbh.


Dear Diary,

the last two days i waited for the deliveryvan icon on a “live tracking map” to arrive at my place. It was an exciting time, with the van dissappearing, my package being here, being there, being nowhere, allegedly having been delivered, not having been delivered, i wouldnt be at home, or the earth might be flat and the routeplaner not work correctly on a spherical map, and about three dozen other explanations, none which really replied to my many requests for clarification or simply, a delivery.
Fuck GLS… and before You wonder, Fuck DHL too… sorry for the expressive language, i fail to remember adequate words that describe the sheer fuckery.

well, i intended to report here about my newest bean aquisition but appearantly today we have to get sidetracked to make due.

While i steamed in excited anger, i made this, pasta bolognese, with basil grown next to ganja, but also with tomatos like a heretic.

it didnt feel right to use tomatos against the expressed prohibition of these according to the italian lady that taught me bolognese. But there we have it, popularistic pressure. Tastes nice either way to be fäääir.
If one truly digs deep into bolognese, its in the end the very same tomato+meat product sauce half the world makes anyway. roast sausage/or meat if wealthy, add tomato/ketchup, add karrot/sugar, add cream/milk. If we are very scientific today we can then conclude that yes, butter chicken is just another sauce bolognese.

same thing, just some more cinammon, chillis and such, yoghurt, and chicken… cus chicken gud. tastes like sauce bolognese with parmesan… like some dude found a way to create parmesan taste without parmesan… calleth me impressed.

Tropicanna is doing fine i guess, could get some more food thou, looks so starved the poor thing.

since Hazeboy opened its first pollen sacks i also pollinated her lowest low end buds. Might be a bit late but mmh, maybe.

Mimosa seems to be on the good side of things again and grows steadily, might remove those dying leaves soon to make some space, and maybe cut the lowest two branches. Also gotta select a branch for some pollen.
She was a slow starter, but i kinda like the quite level bud distribution due to her bondage, still room to improve but yes, i like.

But yeah, i want to find a decent rotation that allows me one harvest per month, with no more than 3 flowering plants at once. And i guess its time to germ a new seed soon, am already overdue. mmmh…
just which?..
and what goodies might the delivery bring, will it ever arrive?

find out, and more, in the next episode of Carpsy’s Dear Diary


Dear Diary,

i managed to pick up the goodies myself, a bit smashed, Khabib style, but the beans seem intact. raging skyfist at GLS

-sadly only one Fastbuds freebie instead of the promised two.
-gave the Elite Seeds Limonet Haze away to someone looking for a medical strain like it. They came in a metal minibox which helped with the GLS treatment.
-Nirvana’s came with a sticker and boxed! yay! but the seeds are just in a tenner bag, not a tube or somin protective.

cant wait to finish the other plants to try these sativas.

Neville jr is producing nicely yellow plant spunk.
am lazy and just use the folded piece of paper to clip an opened flower and then wiggle it free, then just a bit of gentle tapping against the paper to seperate the pollen from the flower.
So far only the preflowers are opening and i dread of em all suddenly going kaboyaa.

The girls are allright. Well not perfectly green i guess uhm uhm. Maybe a bit much light. Dunno.
When i opened the tent i got slapped with lemon aroma, citric and intense. Not sure where that came from but it was great. Tropicanna’s buds smell still more like spicy nuts with ripe fruits, not as fresh. But Mimosa does mostly just smell of that one coriander leaf, maybe two, below her. shrug

Tropicanna’s trichiomery

just a pretty flower

Will little Neville go kaboyaaa and organize a proper orgy? will Tropicanna find new green leaves under all those crystals? Will Mimos become a fine flower? or get knocked up by naughty Neville jr before prom already?

Find out about the future, in the future after it happens, and click in, once again, when it is time, foooor Deeeeeear Diary!


Dear Diary,

Today a pot in which a plant once stood was prepared for the next bean, a Creme De La Chem.
Only the mainstem/root of the old plant was removed, and then this probably generous amount of new chicken pellets added. With a bunch of basil.
That small leaf basil btw, it is growing strong and seems to enjoy trimming. Highly recommended even just to have more plant subjects in your realm. i dont know what they really do to be honest. Allegedly good against fungus gnats… ye right. Nice for pasta for sure thou.

There was a vile fungus gnat sighting and yellow shieldmaidens were deployed.

Tropicanna is busy building up crystals for the winter.

I also raised the light a bit because Tropi keeps praying. Doesnt seem to do much and im out of recommended range by now. Maybe its just too much light at 150W ~1,5ft, in regards to my environment optimization. i have the feeling my nutes are all over the place too.
im really a bit worried that she is hurting. if anyone has any pointers please let me know?
id really prefer her to stay green a bit longer even thou she is approaching the 9th week now and was appraised as finishing in 8 under optimal conditions. To me she still has at least 2 more to go.
Her buds are getting a slight blueish tint, like mountains in a distance, i guess its an optical effect from the still mostly clear crystals stacking up

I might have messed up the pollination just a tiny bit, there are crisping tips here and there where they shouldnt be due to aging and natural dry out, even on Mimosa hehe. Naughty Neville jr…
im not too worried thou as long as theres some bud left. its just for personal stash and i enjoy the excitement of finding a seed here and there. Free seeds yooooo!
i just hope that male is somewhat decent so i can simply select by gender next run without worrying too much about phenos.

Any opinions on crossing a Neville Haze auto with other autos? any matings to avoid? like does it have a cousin from the hills that would lead to deformed freaks? or somin that might make a simply sexy combination?
Prolly gonna cross em with whatever comes around till its spunk is gone, but maybe there is somin worth chasing i am overlooking?

And on another note, does any of You have trusty methods to combat micro fiber contamination of sticky af buds?
The tent helps alot compared to my old bedroom but those darn tiny fibers still get in. And i dont wanna shave off my eyebrowns and go full psycho just to avoid textiles in my smoke.

Shaving in general sucks ass. Here, i said it. i embrace apehood. \o/
ye… fish can identify as apes too… its legit self determination.


Dear Diary,

Neville’s hairy balls keep producing the yellow spunk…

…much to the delight of Tropicanna whose pollinated buds start to show effect…

…compared to the unpollinated ones.

she might not be the prettiest in daylight…

…but when you get close…

…and closer…

…and closer…

…you might just get lost and never find her again amongst all those crystals… im not sure she could even produce more, wheres that leaf thats supposed to be underneath?

Mimo meanwhile, is Mimo… i levelled her buds a bit more and ya… gotta be patient with this one. im curious about her hopefully sativa character once she matures. She still looks like a plant half her age.

+1 perception bonus for whoever spots her pollinated butt.


Dear Diary,

Tropi is eating her own leaves it seems. Or maybe its autumn in my tent now.

Then a mate and me were wondering about smart places to dry the stuff afterwards. To keep it safe from hair, fibers and dust and all that, yet allow it to breathe.

maybe garden trashbags, or a mosquito net

but ma mate is sophisticated, and suggested better ideas

we shall see, we shall see


Great diary bro, quite entertaining. And the buds look great.
I’m thinking your leaves yellowed from a lack of food… as in they used up the nutes in the soil and went hungry. Have you given any thought to starting a regular and consistent feeding schedule, say like 30 days in when the soil runs out of nutrients?

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thanks hey,

lack of food seems about right, im just not sure yet why.

gave her more nutes than my photos usually got in sunlight even tho autos are supposed to eat less.
But im not having a shedule nor measure the stuff properly, i just give her what and how much i feel they might need.
That might change if i ever go soilless again. As You mentioned in Your diary, its kinda difficult to even determine amounts if one doesnt really know how much the soil has, how much it delivers and whats going on in there. i mean, mushroom party and all… Gotta see the symptoms and react.

But she also has the worst soil, very dense and no real clue whats in it other than “mediterranean soil”, whatever tf that is, appearantly half a landfill. Which was also very wet at the beginning and dried very slowly.

i also did a few early waterings from bottom AND top and realized thats not very smart. The pot started to make loud mechanical noises… so i wiggled and lifted it a bit, and huge air bubbles came plopping out the bottom. i assume air got trapped and the roots got too little fresh oxygen/air to make proper use of nutes.

It all started with the tips becoming yellow as if she had too much nitro which lead to my blockage opinion. So i gave her plain water till the soil became decently airated again and then started to chuck in bloom and veg till the water was colorful but not dark.

The tips died, which might be due to the early nitro overflow or proper burn from too many nutes.
Seeing how she keeps yellowing however would suggest that its too few nutes imo. But then, she still forms pretty decent bud compared to her body mass and might really be going towards her natural end.
It being week 9 now and she supposedly being finished at 8 (which ya, is optimistic).

i also have the feeling that alot of the nutes get stuck in my top sand, which changed color, and stay behind in the bottom plates, which show residue. Might be able to flush them in with a follow up watering.

Do You use the all perlite pots for the full growth cycle now?
Might look into that and proper nutrition at some point too. Wanna do a few more runs in soil for now but fungus gnats alone are worth the consideration for me.


Hey Hey.

So yeah, I use the “Hempy Bucket” system, perlite only.

Essentially it’s just 1.2gal buckets filled with perlite, and 1 hole drilled into the side of the bucket 2 inches up from the bottom. This results in a “resovoir” of nutrient solution at the bottom of the buckets (under that drilled hole) for the plants to drink out of. Above the hole is an oxygen rich environment of perlite only. I would definitely suggest for anybody to look into hempy buckets, it’s easy peasy to keep plants super healthy all the way through the end. It’s alot like hydro but no pumps, timers, leaks, etc etc. Simple man’s hydro, just water with nutes every day until the water shoots out of that hole.

There’s some really good hempy bucket threads out there on some other sites if you were to do a Google search for hempy buckets. I also have a grow diary going here, I’m happy to answer any questions on how I do it.


Here’s a visual. As you can see, regular old buckets with 1 hole drilled in it. That little piece you see coming out of the hole is just a chunk of a zip tie that I used to push the roots back into the hole during veg lol.


ye, i googled the hempies after i read your thread and saw the same soilless style in Nefrella’s thread.
Thanks for your explanation, much better than those tutorials i found.

i fooled around with plain coco and pebble stuff before i got into seedling soil (humus and such).
But i had no idea about nutes back then and my plants always looked so sad compared to the soil ones.

Just got bag of lightweight CompoSana soil that should be a bit like Plagron or BioBizz. Can sadly only order the latter two since they aint being sold in town and then the price kinda doubles.
But also got a bag of perlite like stuff that was supposed to be my drainage layer. Sadly a bit pricy, and i need to find a cheaper source.

My hardwarestore is simply a mess. Salesdude told me to find an agricultural needs shop if i have ideas and wishes… i just wanted some CalMag! -.-
Germany kinda sucks in regards to ingredient lists, its all “rose ferti” “bush ferti” “grass ferti”… barely anyone tells you what it is exactly… same for food, ingredients list is a bunch of made up words usually. “natural aroma” my arse, just say its MSG.

But i guess ill get a brick of coco too and just test all three methods side by side, and learn how to measure nutris hehe… damn… there goes the magic XD


Dear Diary,

Ballsy Neville was shaking it out too vigorously, and his shaft broke.

i used the situational comedy and improved the collection method.

Just by putting this piece of paper below it, it automaticly has a bunch of pollen collected in the morning, and i can wrap it up and shake n tap some more without a large percentage just going puff when i touch him. hes so sensitive.

I then use a smaller piece of paper, folded aswell, to scoop up a tiny bit of pollen from the large piece of paper. It works surprisingly well to distribute it onto flowers accurately that way.

The rest goes into the fridge as is, inside the paper, marked by date and donor. im not sure that works well as of now. My fridge controls humidty so should be ok. Takes up alot of space for sure. Half my fridge door is just seeds n pollen blush

Yesterday Neville jr. was so excited one of his balls kept vibrating, everything else was still and it was a bit creepy i admit. alien inside? i dunno! but is it all coincidence? i dunno! made a video just in case they find my remnants one day. dunno how to upload that here without going youtube bs.

Red Mimosa has gotten a haircut so she can hear the wind blow again. She is blossoming up and i like the flowering growth, seems very sativa. Her coriander underlings stink.

Tropicanna Poison got a proper feeding last night. She had lost a few leaves this morning thou. But her buds keep maturing nicely and shes prolly just a proper lady now. So ya, mostly doing okish i guess.


Hey blackcarp,

I’m not sure if your into making stuff for yourself, but I’m doing this today, using this persons YT path.
I’ll also add some Epsom salts to mine, once the reaction stops, in a week to 10 days.
Another amazing concoction I’ve been using Aloe Vera, I use the leaves that are getting ready to fall off, or ones that need trimmed off.
Grind them with some water/filter it/ and store in the refrigerator.
I use the extracted juices as the water for the next leaves I grind, so it gets more and more potent.
This past week, I added some LAB’s I made, with some AV, a shot glass of each into a 10 gallon tote of well water.
I use my last tent ever, on a 18/6 light schedule, a sort of pre flowering area. well, after a month most organics additives need reapplied.
I was being lazy with them, had not peeked in on them for a week or 2, yes that is shameful on my part, lol! They had paled out a bit, wanting food, water, or just tea time.
Someone, elsewhere, told me to add AV juice to LAB’s, as AV is a chelator, (stilling wrapping my old brain around that), and LAB’s is acidic.
I’ve never witnessed organics react so fast, as did this combo has!
The next day, every plant in that tent, the leaf sets, wide open, reaching upward, they so perked up!
I’ve seen that reaction with salt based fertilizers, and the premixed up formulas, that I have no problems at all using if I choose to.
I’m not defined by the fertilizers I use LOL!
My next homemade fertilizer will be fish hydrolase, once I get down to creek and catch some fish, then turn them into hydrolase.
Anyway, I’m not trying to stink up your thread LOL!!
I’m finally using many of the homemade recipe’s, for fertilizers or additives whatever they are called with pretty good results.
Purchased fertilizers are so easy, if you can get them, and they are excellent to use…but there is something a bit more thrilling as a grower, when you make it yourself, and see how well they work, as I can only do an indoor weed garden, due to the state I live in.
Your doing a fine job, with your grows, getting everything we need, is a horse of a different color.
If you want it, I got a site that can give us a way to make it all we need, for our growing endeavors.
All the best to you!!


interesting stuff,
i might just fool around with the aloe leaf juice abit. Got two of those for the occasional blister or sunburn etc. and really like them. I just dont have dying leaves really, it mostly woody tips that get cut off eventually. Maybe i just mix those into the soilmixture?

Not sure i wanna make a LAB juice yet thou.
i got neither yard nor garden, not even a balcony atm, just traffic noise, and can barely even open the windows due to the dirt cars produce. So for now maybe no fermentation experiments hehe.

i heard good things about fish too, just a bit worried about water pollution and heavy metals, plastics etc.

if growing soil we can probably just chuck in alot of the stuff as is, fishbones and skin, algae, fingernails, chicken poop etc, but if pure perlite is the goal then maybe liquids are a must. i guess with coco either works.

the leaf “praying to the sun” position is weird, i usually get it when the soil is very moist under LED, and many describe it as too much light, of which im not sure. But under natural light it always appeared to be a sign of sheer happiness due to blistering sunshine and enough cool and fresh water.
Its generally amazing how quickly they get their leaves back up after drying out a bit and starting to hang, like 15mins and boom, whole new plant. Better than viagra tis water.

still gonna get me a bottle of CalMag, just in case… :stuck_out_tongue:
my Cal needs are probably solved by all that bird sand, but i def need a source of Mag. Seen Epsom Salt at the stores at least if all else fails, but am looking for dolomite stuff for my soil pots so the shrooms or whoever can manage the distro more gently.

And you aint clobbering up the thread Webe, im glad for any replies, sharing experience and whatever wisdom we aquire is the main idea of OG i think, or ze internets, or speech, and such :wink:
So please feel free to make a cuppa and roll a fat one while talking your butt off like these stoners i heard of do. :stuck_out_tongue:

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