Dear Diary,
the last two days i waited for the deliveryvan icon on a “live tracking map” to arrive at my place. It was an exciting time, with the van dissappearing, my package being here, being there, being nowhere, allegedly having been delivered, not having been delivered, i wouldnt be at home, or the earth might be flat and the routeplaner not work correctly on a spherical map, and about three dozen other explanations, none which really replied to my many requests for clarification or simply, a delivery.
Fuck GLS… and before You wonder, Fuck DHL too… sorry for the expressive language, i fail to remember adequate words that describe the sheer fuckery.
well, i intended to report here about my newest bean aquisition but appearantly today we have to get sidetracked to make due.
While i steamed in excited anger, i made this, pasta bolognese, with basil grown next to ganja, but also with tomatos like a heretic.
it didnt feel right to use tomatos against the expressed prohibition of these according to the italian lady that taught me bolognese. But there we have it, popularistic pressure. Tastes nice either way to be fäääir.
If one truly digs deep into bolognese, its in the end the very same tomato+meat product sauce half the world makes anyway. roast sausage/or meat if wealthy, add tomato/ketchup, add karrot/sugar, add cream/milk. If we are very scientific today we can then conclude that yes, butter chicken is just another sauce bolognese.
same thing, just some more cinammon, chillis and such, yoghurt, and chicken… cus chicken gud. tastes like sauce bolognese with parmesan… like some dude found a way to create parmesan taste without parmesan… calleth me impressed.
Tropicanna is doing fine i guess, could get some more food thou, looks so starved the poor thing.
since Hazeboy opened its first pollen sacks i also pollinated her lowest low end buds. Might be a bit late but mmh, maybe.
Mimosa seems to be on the good side of things again and grows steadily, might remove those dying leaves soon to make some space, and maybe cut the lowest two branches. Also gotta select a branch for some pollen.
She was a slow starter, but i kinda like the quite level bud distribution due to her bondage, still room to improve but yes, i like.
But yeah, i want to find a decent rotation that allows me one harvest per month, with no more than 3 flowering plants at once. And i guess its time to germ a new seed soon, am already overdue. mmmh…
just which?..
and what goodies might the delivery bring, will it ever arrive?
find out, and more, in the next episode of Carpsy’s Dear Diary