Resimax's Indoor Garden #1

I decided I’ll share my first grow diary here with you all.

I’m currently just starting flower in my main 3x3 tent, but my 4x2 tent has been sitting idle for a few months due to a failed light. Well not idle, but just getting some seedlings ready for outdoors, but now it is idle. I just got a new cheap-ish light today, an AC Infinity Ionboard S24 for 30% off, so my poor ass will be happy with that for a while.

This grow is sort of going to be a little different than my usual grows. Ya see, I stopped consuming THC-dominant cultivars (for medical reasons). I’ve been growing CBD-dominant strains for a little bit now to help my conditions. But, I have a stockpile of seeds, mostly high THC, that I can’t give away fast enough. I sent a bunch out, and I still have a bunch more. I’m too new to these forums to do any giveaways either, so, we’re remedying the situation by doing about 30 or so in small 16oz cups from seed to harvest.

I did this last year with autoflowering cultivars with quite good results, but these are all photoperiodic varieties. I grow organically, and I honestly don’t have any idea how this will go. They’ll only vegetate for a short while, of course, and most of these seeds are fairly old and weren’t well-kept, so I’m not expecting them all to crack open. We’ll see how it goes, I guess.

In the line-up are one of each of the following:

  1. Garden of Green - Diesel Berry Cough
  2. HUBA Seed Bank - Purple OG
  3. HUBA Seed Bank - Deep Chunk x The OG #18 (unreleased)
  4. Ganja Farmer Seeds - Ganja Skunk Fast Version
  5. Ganja Farmer Seeds - Skywalker 2.0
  6. Ganja Farmer Seeds - OG Kush Fast Version
  7. Ganja Farmer Seeds - Amnesia
  8. Ganja Farmer Seeds - Cheese
  9. Ganja Farmer Seeds - Lemon OG Kush
  10. Seedsman - Critical Purple Kush
  11. Seedsman - Black Sugar
  12. Seedsman - Banana Jealousy
  13. Seedsman - Purple Ghost Candy
  14. Seedsman - Bubba Cheesecake
  15. Seedsman - Peyote Gorilla
  16. Seedsman - Gelato 41 BX
  17. Seedsman - Peyote Zkittlez
  18. Kannabia Seed Company - Purple Kush
  19. Kannabia Seed Company - Mataró Blue
  20. Kannabia Seed Company - Thai Fantasy
  21. Kannabia Seed Company - Afrodite
  22. Kannabia Seed Company - Skunk+
  23. Kannabia Seed Company - Kiss
  24. Kannabia Seed Company - Monkey Grease
  25. Royal Queen Seeds - North Thunderfuck
  26. Royal Queen Seeds - Hulkberry
  27. Royal Queen Seeds - Critical
  28. MSNL - OG Kush
  29. MSNL - Cali Kush

I grew most of these before with great success, though, in larger pots or outdoors.

Of particular note is #13 – I grew this outdoors last year and took the gold medal for Seedsman’s outdoor competition last year. Woohoo! It was some tasty stuff.

I also grew #19 and #23 outdoor last year, and both were my largest harvests ever. I forgot the weight exactly, but I still have 5-gallon buckets of the stuff I give away to stoppers-by.

I’m in the US, but I really do have an appreciation for both Seedsman and Kannabia genetics – neither has ever let me down when it comes to quality. They are my favorites.

I don’t have high hopes for #1, as I have a bunch of these and tried germinating about a dozen over the last couple years without a budge, and I have a near 100% germination rate if not for those.

Well, I sowed them all into their cups today, and I’m incubating them now in some storage containers in a warm location, while I hang the new lighting equipment in the 2x4.

As mentioned, we’ll be using an AC Infinity Ionboard S24 (200W), but we’re also adding a bunch of 3ft T5 LED tube lamps (15W each) for under-canopy and side lighting, just because I have them so yeah.

I’ll post some pictures when everything is set up, and the seedlings are in their new home, but for now, I’ll share a couple pictures of my 3x3 tent, growing Purplematic CBD from RQS:

Beginning of week 5

6 days into week 5, and still not flowering, but almost done stretching (it’s an auto).

Maybe we’ll post some more pictures of her along the way, but I’d like to reserve this diary for my 4x2 tent mostly.

See ya’ll soon!


THANKS for the view of your work. You have a MASSIVE Grow, but well up to the task. Save a spot in that far, right corner, if you don’t mind. I’ll hang out, bring my Pencil and Pad to take Notes. Continued success, take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That is a lot of strains going on

:green_heart: :seedling:


So, it’s been 48h since they’ve been incubating in cotton pads. Let’s have a look to see who the winners and losers are. In the process, I found out the missing seed was Kannabia Seed Company - Monkey Grease, so I edited the list in the first post.

Out of 29 old seeds, 24 have radicles protruding after 48 hours. The losers that we won’t be growing are:

Seedsman - Peyote Zkittlez
Seedsman Purple - Ghost Candy
Ganja Farmer Seeds - Cheese
Ganja Farmer Seeds - Lemon OG Kush
Garden of Green - Diesel Berry Cough

We’ll sow these into their cups right now, and discard the five losers. We’ll be back shortly with a view of them in their new home.


They are seated in their new home, my 4x2 tent under the brand new Ionboard S24.

The light was a breeze to hang, unlike this tent’s previous quantum boards.

Surprisingly, it was all leveled out on the first try.

Well, here we go!


A day after moving into their new home, and 3 days from the start of germination, we have about 75% popping through the soil, and 4 out of 24 of them with their first sets of true leaves


True leaves more than doubled over night – up to 9 seedlings, now.

1 seed looks like it died, as its taproot is flowing across the top of the soil, sort of dry, with cotyledon still unseen. I covered it up. Who knows?

This is more of an experiment than anything, as I don’t even consume THC-dominant cannabis anymore, so I would not be disappointed with a completely failed harvest. Instead, it’s a challenge to exceed the quality of a solo cup grow of autoflowers I did last year. Only time will tell…

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The most exciting part of a grow is when you have numerous seedlings emerging to show their true beauty in mere weeks.

We’ll give the rest another day or two, and then cull out the losers. At the end of next week, or in about 10 days, we’ll see where we stand. If there are any less vigorous specimens, we’ll cull some more, and up-pot to 1L’s. Only the strong survive for this grow, and to maximize surface area, we’ll up-pot only if the numbers are small enough.

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At the end of the first week, our 17 babies are doing just fine. We have been spraying them with a fish excrement foliar spray daily, sitting in their custom soil with endo-myco innoculant, enclosed to contain the humidity optimally.

I decided that I am going to take 2-3 of these and place them in a new tent, under a new light I just ordered, in adequately-sized containers. Which ones is still a mystery. Let’s see how they all do for the next week!


What a nice setup! Your seedlings look great!


Middle of week 2 and they are all ready to be transplanted, but, we aren’t! Well, we are going to take two of them and put them in a new tent and light setup I just got, and infact, I transplanted 1 of them so far into a 5-gallon fabric pot. That cultivar was Seedsman Banana Jealousy:

As for the other ones in 16oz cups, here they are today:

I can’t complain so far, and soon, in about another week, we’ll be flipping them to bloom.


Well, week 2 is over, and I’m making the decision to switch their light schedule to initiate blooming now. None of them are sexually mature yet, but that’s okay – they’ll bloom when they’re ready.

We’re switching early for two reasons:

  1. We want to limit their growth, and start blooming as soon as possible, given their small containers.
  2. We put a new tent and light in our lung room this week, which makes it a bit warmer with all 3 of my tents on the same 18-hour light schedule.

Because of point #2 above, we want to reduce the heat a bit, so we are going to run these for 24 hours of light, without letting them sleep tonight. Then, when the other two tents’ lights come on, we will turn this tent’s light off for 12 hours. This should reduce the heat in my lung room, and make the air conditioning and exhaust fans operate more efficiently throughout the rest of the cycle.

This week, we had a brutal heat wave, with temperatures in the triple digits (F) all week, and humidity near 100% as well. My lung room’s cooling equipment was struggling to say the least, and these plants’ tent was over 90F at times. Still though, they didn’t flinch, and look pretty good! Here they are on the last day of week 2, on their last day of vegetation:

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Week 3 of my “THC Surplus Solution” garden

There isn’t much to report this week. I switched the light schedule to 12/12 at the start of the week as planned. They are all drinking very fast, as expected, growing in their tiny 16oz cups.

Yesterday, I was in a hurry, and I didn’t water them enough. As such, 1 plant showed yellowing of its first set of leaves today. This is one lesson I learned when growing in tiny cups from before. Do not defoliate until later. The phloem cells are your friend with such crowded roots, bringing nutrition upwards to where it’s needed from lower leaves. I would have normally pruned this set of leaves already, but I purposely left them until they were utilized from the thirsty roots not getting enough moisture/nutrients from the soil.

I don’t expect to see the start of flowers until the end of next week at the earliest, as they are not sexually mature yet. I only flipped them early to limit their size, another lesson I learned previously. Once they begin flowering, things should be smooth sailing, and the plants should take care of themselves, being accustomed to their small homes, provided I water them regularly – another lesson learned from experience with these types of grows.

Which brings me to food. These plants aren’t being fed any nutrients through drenching nor am I using any foliar sprays since switching to bloom this week. The organic soil mix should have all of the nutrition they need to finish their life. Yes, we will get some symptoms mid to late flower, but it’s also about the time senescence kicks in, and it’s never a cause for alarm. All of my previous small grows like this have produced top-notch organically-grown flower using the technique of just adding water. I don’t usually grow without amending with a top dressing, or drenching with a tea, but it seems to work good for this method if I don’t, and it saves me on concocting a product from raw ingredients, leaving more for the big girls, and more time for me. After all, this grow is simply to provide my family with some extra flower to come around this year’s large outdoor harvest, not to mention two other indoor cannabis gardens.

Until next time, take care!


It’s been two weeks since I flipped the light schedule, with just a couple starting to form buds, but not much of anything yet.

This week we defoliated a lot of spent lower leaves, due to the expenditure of nutrition in the growing medium.

We also amended the soil with bio-char, beneficial microbes, and a banana-based fermented plant juice.

Here is each plant by itself, with pots labeled:


Unfortunately, I have to step away indefinitely. I am very poor and in poor health, and I have some medical expenses that I can’t afford, and indoor growing is using too much electricity and resources. I might be back at some point. Sorry all.

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Sorry to hear, but your health and finances are much more important than some flower. I truly hope you get both issues straightened out in the best ways possible as quickly and painlessly as you can. Best of luck!!

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After thinking, I am going to keep ticking until there are no more ticks left in me, and my plants will keep going. Had a big scare this week, and I’m losing my mind stressing over not having any money for important expenses, not even counting this fun hobby, but we’ll see how it goes. Positive thoughts. Thanks @PatHealy

Here’s the pile of 16oz cups, well into flower now:

And a closeup of a few ahead of the pack:


Ugh, I was sitting in the other room hanging out talking here on OG when I heard a big crashing sound in the other room: something loud that I never heard before. It sounded like something heavy fell on my basement floor, but I checked and nothing was out of place.

Went back to sit down after investigating, and my software program I wrote sent out an alert to my stereo system, telling me the humidity in this diary was 75%.

The inline fan stopped working. Upon closer inspection, half of the fan blades were broken and dangling inside.

Luckily I had a backup of the same cheap fan, just in case this happened. It only lasted me a year. That’s what you get for being poor and picking from the bottom I guess :smiley:

Hooked up the backup and we’re running smoothly again…until we’re not.

The joys of indoor growing. Always something to do and something new to buy around here for my 3 setups.

No big deal I guess.

What is a bigger deal, is these plants are not doing the greatest. We’re seeing all sorts of micro-nutrient deficiencies and I’m defoliating more than I should this late into flower. I’m too lazy to get any pictures today, but you’ll see in the next update.

I honestly just want this grow to be over so I can do a real grow. I really only did this for two reasons: I do this every year for the challenge, but it has never been this tough, and, I am trying to use up some of my THC seeds that I don’t really consume anymore. I’ll be happy when this grow is over and this diary becomes home to a new grow.


This grow was never a serious grow, more of a fun experiment that I try every year with a bunch of tiny cups. This year, something went horribly wrong.

At this point, I scrapped the experiment, and sacrificed most of the plants.

For the last few weeks we have been battling sickly looking leaves. Some of it is lockout of a lot of nutrients from being calcium deficient. Some of it looks to be pathogenic, with obvious fungal colony patterns that didn’t show up very well on camera.

I purged all but 7 plants in the experiment, and sprayed them all down with a fermented citrus and lactose solution. I’m not expecting anything to make it to the finish line, as the infection spread fast, and I am betting in a day or two I will see some of the remaining 7 with disease.

It’s okay though. This was just an experiment, and I don’t even consume THC-dominant cannabis anymore, anyway, so no loss really.

What’s left:

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Ok, this garden is official done. I lost another to (probable, seemingly) septoria, and, on top of that, I noticed large ripe seeds in all 7 plants. I checked them all good and 1 of them had a single anther on it that was split open. It pollinated the whole grow. Not like I would smoke any of it anyway with the pathogen running loose. Time to spray everything down and start anew.

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