Carpsy's Dear Diary

Hey blackcarp,
I can forget, we all are in different settings, different countries, and all.
Sorry to broadcast out , like everyone has the same living spaces, and what not.
I’m in the foot hills of Appalachia, in south central Pennsylvania.
It was a very rural setting 27 years ago when we bought this place.
Mountain streams, are just short scooter trip, 10 minutes, down the road, and most are never even walked on anymore!!
Full of small fish, waiting to be fertilizer.
Just joking, I’m not a thrill kill nut, like I sound like.
But I am a cheap phucker, and will save a buck where ever I can, LOL!
If gypsum is available, I’m finding that stuff wonderful for our fav’s also.
All the best to ya!!

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hehe, isnt that great about the internet thou? Its not like i never met people from “exotic” (lol) backgrounds before, but inet turned it from a hipster thing into a banality we experience daily. it gives me some hope humanity might be able to survive for a bit longer if we see how people are really the same everywhere and most are just nice folks.

and ha, been to pennsylvania before! driving down the 95 with fam as a kid. chestbump XD
But got more interested in it due to the long ass hiking trail there, and then later while watching some civil war docus lol.
Love fishing myself, but theres so few fish in our coastalwaters now, and fresh water needs a handful of permits and liscences, yet i can imagine it being nice to stand by some clear stream, throwing a fly around for the fertilizer nod nod

im in the middle of the rhineland and its just agriculture and industry here, flat and barren, except for the landfill. Theres barely any nature left. i guess the only wild forests are far in the east now, beyond Poland and towards Belarus. So what i could gather in nature, would be whatever constructions sites leave behind or what i can find in parks, under a layer of canadian geese shit and needles. i guess the geese poop might actually be pretty great, looks like chewed grass.

cheers webe o/

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Dear Diary,

Junior doesnt seem to care much that his shaft broke, it only made collection easier with that folded paper method. He just lazily lays on it and drools all over it. Today he pumped out his best load of yellow lovedust so far.

The micro leaf basil does respond really good to topping. Im just trying to keep is small but it’s doing its best to turn into a full on bush.

Tropicanna Poison is fattenning up for winter i think, already looking juicy.

Looks quite milky already and i see amber here and there. Would love to wait a bit longer for calynxes to get thicker and pistils to mostly dissappear in the buds. (early week 9 now)

The pollinated buds seem to bear fruit mmmh. You can even see how the seed grows out of the pistil root.
Well, theres hope that Junior is a proper stud and those will be fire, well, possibly, was the only male so selection was wholly fortuna based :partying_face::


Dear Diary,

Today i tried out the plant granulate from “Compo” in a hempy style pot.
Thanks to @methodanon for all the tips.

It looks quite different to the packaging, sweaty and dirty.
washing it did not only produce a load of mud flowing out, but it also reduced the amount by half. O.o
Maybe it shouldnt be washed and the dust is, well, money.
The packaging also says that it has a PH of 8, no idea if thats relevant but my water is at ~8 aswell so i shall hope the nutes sort that a bit. But i guess i might have to down the waters PH.

Tropicanna Poison is fattening up further meanwhile, looking ripe and ready, yet still adding mass. i am considering the big chop chop soon. Sadly the pollinated buds are only at it since about 2 weeks and i might have to keep those branches alive for another 2 weeks, better 4.

Her trichiomes are mostly milky by now, and amber is appearing here and there.
She is still producing some white hair but only at the tips of each bud. However the individual buds, of which every larger bud consists, seem to stretch outward now and have their own white haired tips.

There are appearantly a few nasty fibers and probably even micro fibers on the buds. If you have a rough smoke, check the weed for them. Its imo one of the most widespread and unhealthy problems weed has, even the medical stuff straight from pharmacies. Cat n dog hair you can see, but all those textiles Dunlop and buddies developed are near invisible and straight cancer. Twas the main reason for me to get a tent.
They also fuck the environment really badly, test fish or even just snowflakes or raindrops and youll find plastic pebbles inside, a vast percentage coming from textiles, the rest from tire abbrasion (and some other shit of course).

If i see the color of whatever is behind the trichiome, if it does appear like thick glass, breaking light but not completely diffusing it, being shaded like a cylinder, then it is not ripe yet.
If it appears mostly homogenously whitish, milky, diffused, flat in color, then its ripe and going over into amber which changes flavours and effects to be more mellow.

Im going for a bit of amber, but def below 50%, preferably around 10-30%.
But i also look at the growth and if it is still fattening up, wether its producing new trichiomes, wether the hairs/stigmas are still standing up or are merged onto the fat calynxes already.

Hence i would say she could be harvested already for a maddening high, but i shall wait for a bit more increase in bud volume and slightly more amber for a more balanced effect, probably just a few days thou.


Looking good blackcarp!!

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Thank You webe!
i guess you meant that i need to cut off the smallest bud and test it right? and im totally innocent cus you said so! yay \o/ lets gooo!

ouwww sticky sticky… mean agressive resin smell…

mixed it with some dryer tobacco,

very smooth smoke, furry feeling on your tongue and gums.
eyes feeling a lil sore.
no taste
but ya, theres somin going on, …let me quickly check the fridge then…


Oh yeah, that is what I meant!!
I just cut a few plants myself, not thrilled with them at all.
The genetics are rock solid, but the grow went sideways, and never did recover well.
But there is no sniveling when indoor growing, you take your beating and keep going forward!!
Nugs look amazing!! Good on Ya!!


oh? what happened? you were feeding them all that good stuff.

not cutting the Tropi just yet, was just very impatient and curious XD
dunno what to think of it so far, didnt taste any aroma at all, gotta test it properly dried. Smoked most of the nug and slept very well thou hehe.
Also found a seed, still green but thick already. That branch wasnt pollinated intentionally but one seed is fair enough for my laissez faire method.

But ye, not all plants make it to the happy jar. Alot of things are just out of our immediate influence or get overlooked, gotta breathe and embrace it as a learning opportunity.
Happens outdoor too, one year its a massive 2m bush, the next its tiny 30cm tall crap, then you get 2m bushes again but they herm, and then comes a herd of deer. never know.

Trying out the perlite hempy bucket now and am already preparing to see the germinating seed die in its rocky home -.- But excited to find out if i can get it to work, so its all good.

mmh, just did the last tiny bit of that nug from yesterday while writing, slightly dried, and yes, better, mmh mmh…

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Well the good stuff has done it’s job, with the plants, what they could anyway…
I started that project in January, was flying along really well.
I started to reduce the on times, from 18/6 schedule by increments, until I got to 11/13 where I wanted to fly for the next 3-4 months.
However fate is fickle mistress, as I go down stairs one morning, I see water on the floor, outside my grow area, the room before my grow area.
Then to my horror, I hear my wife flushed one of the toilets’ up stairs, I saw water bubble up through the floor drain!!
Never in my 25 years here, has that happened…can only mean, the main drain line has failed.
Broken or root clogged, but NOT GOOD!
I tried everything for a couple of weeks to try and get it open, to get this run off…but it got worse.
So it’s about 80 feet, from where the main drain dumps to the main municipal sewer line, across the front yard, across the driveway.
Long ass story cut short, $25,000 later, and 10 days, of holding my plants (3 separate timers needed) in make shift areas up stairs, I had to disassemble my entire grow area, so workers could get down there.
THEN rebuild it, carry all my veg plants, the flowering plants, my 18/6 tent’s plants down, AFTER rehang lights, re hang the exhaust system, the walls, just a gigantic hemorrhoid!!
My haze plants seeded, some hermied, the screech stopped cold, so no long buds for me, all short squat plants. What black hole.
But we Endeavor to persevere a quote I stole from Chief Dan George from the movie The Outlaw Josie Whales.
But I’m getting back on my perpetual track, slowly.


I’ll be watching carp. I’m not sure exactly what kind of perlite you have there lol, I’ve never seen ph noted or the brown color/mud. This is what I’ve been buying, 4 cubic feet fills alot of 1 gallon buckets.


oh ye… broken drains suck much.

our building installed a pump to stop the fricking municipal sewer from running into the basement. The council here just aint that smart with the planning and execution of projects.
root clogged is fun too, once pulled half a tree from a cute girls sink. she was grateful so that was allright.
But i also had just moved into my place when i got a knock on the door and got told my kitchen would need to get ripped out asap cause the neighbour just broke a pipe…
atm i just dread the day i will have to fix the bathroom connections. yikes.

nah, screw water damage and waste water even more.
Glad you got it sorted!

never surrender! no regrets! braves know no pain!

…prolly had a digger there, could have used it to build a moat… just saying… moats are great versus ogres and deer alike.


and thats the kind i prolly gonna buy next if i stay with it!

Not sure what mine is, contents list doesnt really say… it says “eco” and “alternative” and “great for plants”… yay for transparency in the EU lol.

id guess its some volcano pebbles, in which case the dust would probably be nice to have and put into living soil or somin.
its heavier than perlite.
The seed i put in just dug itself out and layed ontop this morning, long ass taproot looking a bit lost. So i gently dribbled some pebbles over it.

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Now that is funny as hell!

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Dear Diary,

Today little Neville barely gushed out his golden lovedust during our morning routine. He looked embarassed, and afraid, knowing it would mean that… well, hes at the farm now, happy, with all the other plants. He is going to open pollination parties every day. There is really no need to cry, when you grow up you can go visit him. i promise.

…sometimes you just have to lie to protect their feelings.

Gorilla Zkittlez baby really didnt take Nevilles demise well, shes suffering. i mean, it could also be related to that granulate drying out quite fast and me not bothering for Gorilla baby all day. But im a good dad. Tell that to the ladies. Shes just sad. Cant be my fault. Neville was old and frail, his stud days were over, and this is not some jolly tent for whimpy plants that cant carry their weight.


Tropicanna didnt even notice hes gone, shes busy plopping out little buds from the big buds.

I believe shes trying to recondition brazillian sharks on weed by making white stuff that might trick them.


:joy:.RIP Neville


Dear Diary,

Gorilla Zkitllez baby seems to have survived her tender emotions.

Since everyone mentions topping, i did just that with Sweet Seeds Tropicanna Poison XL Auto The Second, Queen of Tent.

But not before taking some pictures.

(larger version inside link below)

her top is hanging in a cardbox now, most of it…
…paff paff… a bit soapy, and piny, like resin gas maybe.
Has nothing to do with the fruity smell of the buds while on the plant. She surely needs to dry and cure first.
Does the boink. Yet feeling relaxed. nice.

kept the lower two branches for the seeds that are maturing inside.


Dear Diary,

The tent looks empty without Tropi. i enjoyed growing her.
Some things went wrong, nothing fatal, too much water, not enough food, but she pulled through. I cant speak for the yield, dont think much will survive till its dry. Looks kinda little, bit more than an ounce, quite decent compared to her overall size thou i believe.

Her buds still smell like mellow fruit while attached to the drying plant. As soon as they get cut thou its just the typical fresh resin smell. Needs drying and curing imo.
The smoke has a gaseous aroma, a bit like sezchuan pepper, which might be due to its freshness and water evaporating together with the oils.
It feels quite strong compared to other weeds i got to test rescently. Quite a slapping that gently makes room for a motivated yet relaxed feeling. Quite heavy on the eyes. Supermarket felt soo fascinating… :open_mouth: …usually sign of proper weed hehe.

Sweet Seeds Tropicanna Poison XL Auto gets my approval.
Shes the first to make it in the new tent, and offers a satisfying result.
The plant could have been larger for an XL but i guess i could have been a better gardener too ehm ehm.

Then, suddenly, and without any trouble, a new stock delivery arrived in the mailbox. Felt funny how the package appearantly just layed around for 9 days without any determination to ever arrive, just to be here the next day, via air express… like some tourist who just wanted to stay in the spanish sun a few days longer instead of enjoying the european traffic jams on some shite highway. good for them. im happy :smiley:

no clue if ordered somin decent, they tricked me, i wanted the freebies just before those they have now, and then they deviously changed it a day before i ordered, well done mephisto, honor thy name :stuck_out_tongue:
lootboxes are so mean. got so much chemdog and cookies now… need more kush… do i… prolly not… but i do…

reminds me of a shop i ran with a mate, “rugs and crabs”… we had crabs and rugs… he did crabs, i did the rugs, the secret is in the wool you use… …kinda reminds me of that… only two things… not like a supermarket that lets you marvel at colorful packages, only colorful weaving patterns and colorful crabshells. Yes it was a real virtual shop in a simulation of real life with dinosaurs and jetpacks, so basicially a real shop. right?

mek mek mek… :goat:

im not complaining thou, pretty happy to be honest :stuck_out_tongue:
Delivery was smooth, Price was pretty decent at ~3bucks a bean, and am quite excited to see what those F1s are made of.


Hey blackcarp, looks like a lot bean busting is going to happen there!
I’ve not really looked at Mephisto before a few minutes ago. Excellent price points!!
They all sound very nice!
Damn, that reminds me to pull my early vegging plants from the soaking I left them in last night, damn it!
Ok all rescued, and draining excess solution. Damn that was stupid, on my part.
Crabs and rugs, what a combo! I’ll bet you had some unique folks show up, virtually!!
Enjoy those cut flowers!! I got some trimming to do myself, a couple of Alpine 1.0, a couple cbh222 x silk s, a couple of RFK Jr’s, then to day, I’ll pull 2 Mango Hash Plants and clean that area, and start to reload it back up, with those on deck.
All the best to ya!!


mmmh… pontoons with plants ontop that drink from the pond on which they swim… mishaps lead to great inventions, see camembert. moldy cheese is nice.

Tropicanna wasnt much trimming to do, she barely had any leaves hehe. But i wouldnt mind if its worthy bud that will emerge.
Never heard of those strains u got there, gonna check your diary to see. Silk sounds wonderful.
Somehow reminds me of a strain called “Snewitje”, or “snowwhite”, dutch thing, well cured, covered in white flakes, imagine yellow snow, but magical, not huskies. only ever saw it once in some organic eco coffeeshop, and was very nice to smoke.

i sadly aint gonna pop all of those new seeds at once, silly plant limits. Its gonna take forever to grow em and yet im sooo curious. flails arms and stomps foot

Mephisto seems to be decent breeders in regards to autos, spanish dudes that have offspring in the US (and much greater variety stateside too). Nightowl was one of them but does his own thing appearantly. Didnt grow their beans yet but from hearsey theyre topshelf stuff, apple of autos or so.
Pricewise they appear twice as pricy with 3 beans at ~30-40ish instead of 20-30ish like most other companies, but with freebies and whatnot that kinda balances out.
i ordered just two of those 4 packs, got 2 for free, and they were 5 instead of 3 seeds each, cause its a limited release of weirdo F1s, and then its not just 5 in those tubes but 7 cus math. quite decent rubs hands and caresses an imaginary white cat :slight_smile:

But ya, wanna see what comes out before i dare to confidently verify any quality. So far all those modern autos ive seen at mates etc seemes pretty dope, even the white label noname stuff. Theyre just frigging tiny is all :smiley:


Dear Diary,

Fast Buds Gorilla Zkittlez* baby in its rocky mountain range is still alive, looking healthy, but maybe growing a tad slow. Possibly due to nearly dying to dehydration, possibly cus i dont have the nutris set proper yet.

Sweet Seeds Red Mimosa XL Auto is finally starting to build buds. yay. Shes close to 20cm now, thats nearly a whole foot tall. imagine that.

I believe she could do well in a larger pot (currently 2 gal/7,5l), with more airated soil and sane watering techniques.

bonus perception +1 for whoever finds the massive seeds that have already grown, possibly pollinated too soon. If those are seeds mmh… maybe alien eggs… cool i guess. i hope they eat fungus gnats.

Sweet Seeds Tropicanna Poison XL Auto’s left over two stalks with the maturing seeds look mad good now. i might have harvested a bit too early if i am honest with myself hehe. Its not frost anymore, its turning to glazing… and still only a bit of amber. drool


Bird sand is great against fungus gnats it appears. Barely any, and no bother at all, just pour it ontop, rake it well, and be gentle while watering… also adds Cal. Good stuff. approved for soil.

Perlite and such granulates dry out very fast, and should possibly get a top cover during seedling stage to prevent dehydration of the top layer.