Carty's Collective

Happy birthday in advance



Damn bro! I’m sorry to hear about the PM. I fuking hate that sh*t we had it once. What fungicide do you use? We use Safers Fungicide 3, more as a preventative. I’ve heard of powder mildew killers that are organic that can be used up to the day of harvest but, I don’t know enough about them to suggest using them in flower. The old school way was Baking soda and water.

Do you plan on growing Peanut Butter Haze and or Peanut Butter & Caramel? I’m looking forward to those aand the many morey you sent me. The PBB I heard is fire. We’ve grow Delicious Seeds Caramelo yummy stuff.


@Draig Hypochlorous Acid(it sounds terrible, it’s actually made of water/vinegar/uniodized salt), kills it on contact. Use it up to the day before harvest. Totally organic. Use it as a bud wash if you want. I don’t know why anyone who’s ever had PM isn’t using it.


Pete can I ask what the ratio of the listed ingredients are?
How much of each?

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You need the HP generator…I bought the Eco One for about $160 ish. You fill up to the line with water, put a couple tablespoons of vinegar and (I’d have to check later) about an eighth tsp of uniodized salt.


@Carty Morning Bro, hearing that you are battling PM makes me ask a question; have you heard of using a Sulphur liquid slurry to spray on plants, ahead of the PM outbreaks.

Its preventative mtce 1000%, it was OG’r promoting it, with 25 years of success. Soak sulphur pellets (min 90% sulphur) in water for an hour, then pressure spray entire plant. REPEAT 2 weeks later… guaranteed no PM

I’m digging-up details to the menu. I’m doing it tomorrow !!

Here it is…

Just as an Add-on, the Nine-Bark bushes we have in the Yard, got hit with a WPM last summer. I am using the exact same approach to spray them twice this month. The Only difference, is to kill PM on Nine-Bark, you use Copper pellets, instead of Sulphur. Spray twice, two weeks apart, zero PM.

I WILL post results! Cheers gang


Yep that shit is like a nuclear bomb to mildew. I wiped that crap out in the greenhouse and it never came back.


Hey canuckistan does this also work for all plants not just cannabis? That’s awesome.

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It kills it on contact. It doesn’t need to react with the sun or anything…so yes.

ThaNks for speaking-up Joe!

Its hapnin

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You can also do a burn and get good results also.


Awesome share… so ahead of time eh? But, what if I dont wanna poison them with peroxide again…lol. how they got it… MY fault…lol
Way to much hydrogen peroxide trying to kill fungus gnats and still lost the battle


Makes sense the sulphur would. Old growers used to use sulphur burners…


It’s actually the oldest fungicide known to man. Melts the colony on contact, and if you use elemental sulfur it won’t even stink much. They say it’s non toxic but never spray it on in bloom, only veg, and never within 30 days of an oil application.


I love it @Carty because its Pro-Active.
Planned mtce., ie: “mix it today; Friday, spraying it Saturday” done. Repeat in 2 weeks. Way ahead of Flower

I’d have done it already, but their Not in the Ground yet lol. Next week it happens!


I used to use Neem Oil all thru veg… a bottle runs out, ya get lazy… I do add silica which helps them fight things, but not what I did to them… Hey, worst case scenario I found out which strain would to great outdoors in the swampy wet area. Trashberry did ok but UBC Chemo x M39 is the toughest girl…


Nice looking buds .

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Thanks buddy… especially after almost wiping out my crop… I cut a plant down, threw most of it away and afterwards I look into the soil and it has so many fungus gnats it actually appears the soil is alive and crawling. Time for a spring cleaning, pull the tents out, clean behind them… but, it’s coming in with the soil pretty sure… lesson, do not buy your soil at a farm feed store full of all kinds of other stuff that attracts bugs and is stored inside an aluminum building with garage type roller doors… by the time you purchase the soil gnats of laid eggs all thru it… I’m better off going to Sams Club and getting MG… grrrrrr.


I recycle my dirt now . I did buy a bag of rotten pro mix one time . Just reeked it almost got mixed into a large pile of new soil caught myself in time. Never have had gnats in in my room.


OMG they are horrible down here in the swamp. Usually they arrive in the soil, I just gotta be more careful where I purchase it. and thanks to Lady Z I have some of her Dem… (insert long word) all natural killer of bugs used during veg… it’s actually approved to use on foods so…

I have my next grow decided finally… and, I’m going to try something a little different… vs cramming 6 pots in the 2 x 2 x 6ft tent… how about 3 fems of
Peanut Butter Haze by Graysin Farms
In the smaller 2 x 2 x 4 tent… Purple Lot Lizard fems by Gary Repins of Sniper Seeds…