Cats of OG let's see those kitty pics

Oh geez, I had pancreatitis once and it was absolutely horrible. I’m so glad your cat is ok!

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Congrats on the new babies, they are so cute.

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Thank you, and yes they are cute. All 3 of our new babies are being absolutely spoiled.


Only way this Rolly-Pollie can clean her belly is in this position lol :laughing:


I found this guy in the barn on Thursday

Then I found that he/she has siblings too


Stunning eyes on that beauty!

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@OGBohab thank you there ragdolls


So cute and tiny. Get ready to get them fixed unless you want 80 cats in a few months, haha!

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I take a break this morning…come inside and sit down to relax a minute…what happens? sigh…well, at least she picked the other leg to get on this time lol



@BERZERK grumpy cat

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As usual, this little gal refuses to leave my lap when I sit for a minute lol That or join the dogs! She’s a very sociable cat…


Sometimes after a long day of being carried around in bags, you need to nap in a box.


Well, another day of work done…I come in, sit down and then what…? lol right onto my lap/leg she goes! lol

So, I cross my legs to git a change of position and she just moves with it lol I put her down and she just gets right back on! lol

edit… I can’t help but love this damn cat! lol Plus I think she’s kinda partial to me as well…or at least my leg! :rofl: :+1:
no, just kidding, actually this cat likes to sleep on my hip when I’m lying down, or on my side, or on my head… :smile: :sunglasses:
I have woke up to find her alseep with her head in my open hand outstretched

edit… The bad part is, lol I’m a dog person! We got her for a ‘mouser’ from a rescue center, $25 with all shots, nuetered, and chipped… But, I’ve had several cats over my life, I reckon I’m just an animal person actually! :wink: :+1:


@JohnnyPotseed, I don’t think any of us that’ve seen you post pics of this cat ever had any doubt. And it’s awesome to see.


Yeah lol well the only thing I really don’t care for is she is so very persistent about getting into my lap! lol She’ll walk on the keyboard and wipe stuff out to get here! lol

edit… I’ve had to do a total reboot because she’s so insistent on getting into my lap! But, hell lol I don’t really mind. I think it’s rather ‘cute’ of her.


My mates cats he has a few of these,I’m not really a cat
Person but I do like these,

I use to have a cat in Ireland her name was
Muffin I rescued her,old owner had her declawed as well,
She got out one day and the neighbors greyhounds got her
That was the end of muffin never had a cat again


What is it? It looks badass lol

Egyptian Mau
Pure black ones are bad ass I mite be wrong with the name