Cats of OG let's see those kitty pics

My cat does the exact same thing. Little pudgy weirdo


Poor Churchill! I hope he gets treated sooner than later
I just sent a little to add to the pool


My sons cat that he left to me when he got married
Best friend I ever had
He’s named after buzz light year


Lol!! I’m trying to find this foster kitten a good home (along with her beloved pal), and I was thinking - will these photos help, or hurt her chances​:rofl::rofl::rofl:
… I’m sure it really just depends on the crowd.

No adoption fee for OG members if anyone within a few hours of Seattle is looking for cats. :wink:



Tooo Funny Thanks for that @RainToday Nice to know its “Not my Knickers”
ps, we’re out of range; Think Detroit Lion’s, and nothing would stop those Kats


i am sure @CaptainNemo & Janina are grateful! i just checked the fund raiser they are close to 65% of their goal. every thing helps very kind of you! i was always a dog person my whole life, until i had this guy right here, Mr Tom Krueger adopt me and my girl.

it is a bit of a back story so if you let me bend you ear for a bit, it is a great story!
the beginning,
i live on what i call a drop off corner. when times are tough and people are faced with pet choices it becomes difficult to decide what to do. some believe that to release them out in the country back to nature gives them a fighting chance vs the humane society.
first pic shows him hanging out by the frog pond in the flower garden that has bird feeders. second pic from front porch looking towards the corner where he was dropped off. Mr Tom knew he was in cat topia. i have had many animals dogs cats skunks raccoons rats all wanting to hang in the garden. MR Tom was a hunter killer. i found feathers and chipmunks remains every where. tried running him off i would throw rocks at him, he laughs at me, “you throw like a girl” “ha ha ha”. i was pissed you S.O.B. i screamed at him i whistled real loud banged shovels, finally he runs off. MR Tom made himself scarce to me, for the most part after that. i would only see him late at nigh when i was rocking out / working in the garage late into the evening. Mr Tom got mad when i turned off the music getting ready to turn the lights out. I was like wow that cat is a rocker, he likes music.
still the crime scenes remained, body parts everywhere. i trapped his ass and told myself he is a hunter killer he has better chance in the wild vs the pound. so i took him to remote nature away from other homes and released him back to nature.
for all the cat lovers and good reader i can sense you know the rest of the story. he was a domestic cat that was dumped. he adapted at my place and returned to the “CALL OF THE WILD”. it is amazing he survived the vicious fisher and bob cats coyotes foxes and birds of prey here for three plus years outside. he is a smart survivor. it took him 2 years to find his way back to my place crossing 4-5 streams that i know of. i was ready to run him off again but the misses says no he came back for a reason, because he wants to be here. i would not let him in for the first year he survived -30 to -40 degree or so winter in an out building being fed by my girl at 6 am and 430 pm. i will try to make this a short story lol. the the misses feeds him end of story.LOL. he was so wild before he made it into the house. he barley would let us touch him before he bled you out with them krueger claws. he shreds 4x4 lumber with his nails.i still remember the first time i picked him up, we were both scared to death of him. now he is king of the house all chipped up vet stuff and sleeping in the bed. he has taught me so much about a lot of things. his presence, spirit, the love and joy he give us is amazing. i am learning cat and love it. they poses a lot of energy and power. so happy to have this cat adopt us. it was a very positive blessing for all. Every One Lives Happily After!!!
The End.


Yours starts out as quite the heartbreaking story, it sure made me feel sorry for all that poor Mr. Kreuger had been through. I am glad that Tom has ultimately been accepted into your home and the story ended positively, with him taking control of your house and everyone living happily ever after :joy: He is quite the handsome cat, with his tuxedo, moustache, and gloves.

You have quite the beautiful yard, BTW, it does look like it would be a paradise for kitties. :v:


My girl Callie is rocking on the couch in her medical onsie. She got the “fix” yesterday


Smokey an her lil sister Harley just cuddling up after a racause game of the Zoomies


Wads of fur. Oceans of it. :laughing::rofl:
I shave half of this walking dust mop regularly, I brush and trim him, and yet a moment of petting and its everywhere :rofl:


Been awhile since i posted pics of the ‘Rascal’ here she is laying up close to her pals (the pups) lol giving one a kiss


That boy ! Scaling the curtains again . Guess I should rescue him


My road kitty Buzz
In our camper till wed then we drive back to our other house in Puyallup
He travels everywhere never day with out him


Poor thing ……we had an abundance of mice that came out from behind the fridge……now she will sit for hours at the back of the fridge in our new place where we have no mice….just waiting….I know she is thinking “l know your back there cmon out and play”….got her spayed today she is such a trooper but defiantly not a happy camper


Natural born killers with a lovable go F-yourself attitude.


Cat photo dump lol


Our 16 year old Bengal, Ripley.

She sleeps a lot.



My wife caught Thunder at the right time.