Cbd strain suggestions?

Hey guys I’m needing some advice on some cbd strains. I’m new to the world of cbd plants, but I have been vaping a cbd dominant flower called eve and am really happy with the results. Kinda blown away to be honest. So I’m looking for suggestions on which strains would be recommended?
I can’t grow a sativa or sativa dominant. I’m more looking for either an indica dominant hybrid or hopefully an indica cbd strains.
I’d love to hear some suggestions! Thanks in advance :relaxed: :v:


Maybe you missed this one outdoor cbd run. I can send you some?


Hey mate yeah I missed this one, sounds really good mate! &thanks for the kind offer I really appreciate it, yeah I’d love give it a go, thankyou mate :blush:


Damn I missed that run too cause I would have been all over that!

@Cranio I’ve said it a million times on here but Pennywise is a great CBD strain. It’s 1:1 with 12-15% of each and I’ve seen it perform miracles.


Hi @Cranio, just send me your address and I’ll send you some. Same for you @Slick1. Still got a handful left. I’m gonna look for a new mom in my next run I think. When I’m out of these @misterbee has some more he’ll sling around :grin:


Hello @Stinky! Not to intrude… sorry if i do it wrong but would love some CBD beans to grow in my honest garden.


You might want to check out the FAIR WARNING NOTIFICATION WARNING in the “Seed Trading Moderated Thread”. There are quite a few CBD and CBG Strains/Varieties to be offered for Trade next week. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


There are more CBD options every day it seems.
They generally fall into a couple categories:

  • 1:1 as Slick1 mentioned. These are great medicinal value, especially for folks doing chemo or dealing with chronic pain.
  • 20~30:1. These are great for folks that want the CBD but not the THC effects, like my wife…



One I’ve seen a lot of people rave about is Deadlights by Joel of Norstar Genetics. It’s Cannatonic (AC/DC) X Harlequin X Jacks Cleaner X Space Queen.



Harle Tsu 60/40 Indica CBD is a 2:1 CBD to THC Harlequin x sour tsunami

I like it A LOT


I would give Monarch Hill Hemp a try. They have a few strains for you to choose from. I plan to get some seeds from them at some point. They have the best prices I have found on seed.

You can also buy CBD bud very inexpensively so in some ways it may not make sense to grow your own unless you plant a row outside somewhere. I picked up a sample pack from these guys, and ozs are $30-40.


I’ve had good results with cbd crew / mr nice therapy which is high cbd, low thc.

Beautiful plant that yields well and smells and looos like absolute dank. Very consistent too. These are fem and can sometimes be had on their auction site for a good price.

I’ve yet to try their 1:1 strains but I hear good things.


Ah cheers mate thanks I’ll definitely look into that! I’ve been curious about some of the mr nice strains/cbd crew… I hadn’t heard of therapy I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it, one that really interested me is the critical mass cbd.
I’m hoping that it also comes in fem. Be great to get both fem. I have looked for vendors that stock cbd crew with little luck. I’ll have to check the mns auctions more regularly
Cheers for the heads up mate :+1:

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No worries; If they aren’t on the auction site there is also a “buy now” option as the cbd strains aren’t always on auction. If I remember correct all their cbd strains are fem. Good luck!


Cheers bro, I’ll definitely be keeping tabs on yhe page now​:+1: much respect :v:

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Thanks for sharing those! Their catalogue definitely looks intriguing, will have to keep an eye out and see if they have a 420 sale or something.

Nobody has mentioned Hoku Seed Co. yet but he has wide variety of CBD dominant strains to strains with 1:1 mixed ratios as well. I recently grew out some of his Ceiba OZ and they were extremely frosty, and smelled quite strong of kush, skunk, slight cakey sweetness with some gas. Really some of the more skunky plants I have grown over the past 7 years or so. They have been in jars for about 3 weeks and I haven’t sampled much just yet.

Out of 4 female plants, seemed to have 4 different phenos although a few of them were somewhat similar.


That looks great! Hoku has some stellar offerings. I have their Medical Mamba and it’s pretty great stuff. Just not sure on the actual CBD levels due to it being from their “Coin Toss” series. Really relaxing smoke though


Agreed about Monarch Hill. My wife has tried CBD products from a ton of places, and she swears the MH is by far the most effective.

They also sell their hemp/CBD beans for pretty cheap. I have a couple different varieties from them but haven’t grown any yet


Yeah, it can be tough knowing the exact cannabinoid content on mixed ratio strains, guess you just have to go by how they feel. Just popped some Tesla Ray from the Coin Toss series but they should still be relatively low THC compared to the Medical Mamba.


I just had Telsa Ray in the last Giveaway. Nobody selected it for some reason!!! Hoku has EXCELLENT Offerings. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: