Cellular Cloning in Cannabis - Lab Made Hash

Saw High Times reposted this, but huge news out of Israel. Cloning cannabis at cellular level, almost all trichomes! 93% out of the bioreactor, less power and water than growing a plant and you effectively end up with custom hash:

High Times take:


My take:

Seems like a way more efficient way to make hash and vape pens and edibles. Maybe will turn the tides on whats popular in flower: everybody breeding for wash stats. Bring back greasy pot!!!


Very interesting. Maybe I should get one of these things and abandon my traditional grow.



Seems as savory as lab grown meat to me. I’d miss my plant time.


This is very interesting to me but also kinda weird :slight_smile:

Sure it takes less, time, water, and “resources” but they are forgetting the time/money/resources required to build this “bio-reactor” and whatever else is involved. I can grow weed in an old bucket with dirt and water, bio-reactor has got to be way more than that.

Also, we all know how beautiful the buds, plants, hash, can be. As of now these biomass piles of weed look pretty gross. Like your whole community is saving their boogers in a jar.



Hard pass for me…fuckin lab weirdos.


Big Time in agreement with you for the most part, but I like the idea of using this for edibles and concentrates and stuff.

Instead of growing huge plants for months, harvesting, processing into “boogers”, staffing, testing at steps along the way…you just EZ bake oven the boogers. Save the resources for growing actual flower to be consumed as actual flower.

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I’ll stick with my small batch, single source, organically grown, whole plant fresh frozen hash.


Gmos, crossbreeding plants…just another step in evolution.

Question for me is how does it smoke??

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gimme!!! Gotta see how it smokes, its probably pretty basic without any other terpenes and cannabinoids

from what I could tell they can program in any terpene profile/cbd/thc/thcV breakdown etc.

if this is just a “distillate” factory not nearly as impressive.

Yeah I need some flavor. Better put a few more PhDs on this yo move the project along.