Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 1)

No offense, I like the religion on paper. Thereā€™s too many fractions with wildly differing beliefs.

Catholicism says me and my progeny for ten generations are bastards doomed to purgatory.
Protestant beliefs are mostly okay, but thereā€™s always weird additions that Jesus never said, like gay people are abominations. Since when do we take Paulā€™s word, as the word of god? Ya know?

Itā€™s just Islam plus a few hundred years of practicality. Both the Bible and the Quran allow for murder, if you want it to.

I like a couple of the East Asian religions, too. Being from older cultures, I think, has worn down some of their more, sharp edges.
Also always baffled me that Christianity isnā€™t more like Judaism, and that any religion still bans certain foods.

I understand why you shouldnā€™t eat pork and shellfish before we knew about trichinosis and red tide, but in 2020?


Its such a quagmire - literally.

I have been on both sides of the coin - both a believer, sinner and redeemed.

I sin daily because Iā€™m human, but Jesus came to take that away.

On the gay(s) issue - also, both sides of the coin.

Hit me up if youā€™re curious.

More knowledge is power right? :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


Yeah. No thank you. You still havenā€™t even given me advice on what to say to my friend.

ā€œDonā€™t worry, if god wants you dead thereā€™s nothing you can do about it anyway,ā€ :rofl:


My advice for you to give to your friend : seek Jesus, and the rest falls into place.

That, imho is the first step.


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My mom died a few years ago from mouth cancer. Got in the jawbone and that was that. Try not to make those jokes anymore brother. I know my mom was scared to death and I never seen her scared of anything


My grandmother had it, too, and beat it. My aunt just passed from pancreatic year before last ā€” found it right as it reached her stomach and liver. She was 62, just about to retire after working two jobs her whole life, and it took her in under a year.

No intention of making light of anyoneā€™s pain. I asked your allā€™s opinion because I genuinely did not know how to respond to him. I still donā€™t, and I do want to hear your thoughts on the correct way to handle the situation.

Telling me to join your cult, or that Iā€™m being insensitive doesnā€™t really help me better manage the issue next time it happens.


Guess I should have offered some advice with the criticism, my apologies brother. Wasnā€™t my intention to beat ya down farther. I couldnā€™t come up with words for my own mother when she was in that position. There really isnā€™t anything you can do or say that will make it any better for him. I hate to say it but itā€™s the truth, heā€™s going to have to find the strength in himself before anyone else can help him. I will say this, donā€™t talk about it all the time, it quickly becomes your entire life as it is no need to speed that up any. It was that easy with my mom anyway so she didnā€™t have any life other than cancer cancer cancer long before it took her. Another piece of advice is if it may require surgery even after chemo and radiation DO NOT let them do radiation. If it doesnā€™t kill the tumor and it has to be surgically removed irradiated tissue does not heal well at all and ultimately what did my mom in.


First Iā€™d apologize Iā€™m sure he knows u werenā€™t trying to make light of it Iā€™m the type of person to use humor to deflect alot of ppl do.Then just tell him ull be there for him maybe do some research on either CBD or thc oils if it is in fact cancer. Also if it takes awhile to hear back from the drs thatā€™s probably a good thing no news is good news sometimes they tend to call immediately if itā€™s bad news and take there time wen itā€™s nothing even tho ur sitting around going crazy in ur head wondering itā€™s natural to be terrified who wouldnā€™t be. Just reassure him ull be there for him and stay off google heā€™ll drive himself crazy with that leave it to the professional thatā€™s all u really can do best of luck itā€™s a shitty situation unfortunately

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No apologies necessary. Itā€™s a difficult thing from every distance, but especially so close. Iā€™m sorry for your loss, brother.

Yeah for real, thatā€™s how he got himself worked up as much as he did. Lol.

Just for the record;
@nefrella @Daytripr69 @Budafly I want to explicitly thank you for taking a moment to respond.


@Worcestershire_Farms , weā€™re all in this together man. I feel for you, cancer is ravenous. I lost my gran two years ago, lung cancer - and she never smoked a day in her life.

All any of us can do, quite literally is just be there for each other. Its as simple as that. Sometimes, you donā€™t even have to talk.

Just being there is enough. Your friend needs your strength to pull him thru, and that, is more precious than anything.

Just, simply show up. :heart::v::peace_symbol:


Was wondering what everyoneā€™s thought on this is? So Iā€™m getting into this manifolding technique thing and was wondering it thereā€™s an ideal cola count for size of pot your in.

Would a 4 cola or 2 cola train be better in a smaller pot As opposed to 8? Anyone played around with this type of idea?

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Am acually doing one this run we topped and trained with 2 nodes in a 5 gallon pot. Got some extra in the center by accident it worked out in our favo tho. Have tried with more and it realy depends on how much space you have for the side branches to come up am personally having more success with this run we have more space so they have the room

This is them a cpl weeks ago branch view

Most recent pic




Love the sparkly tie downs ! Bling for the plant! Lol thanks for sharing!


has anyone noticed only on this site what sounds like a constant baby cricket / white noise / somewhat ringing sound ? no where else on the internet have i heard this i want to crack a joke but im trying to be real


Nope, perhaps you need to restart your device?


sound finder says-
sound finder


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I have thought about my neighbors big trees cuz It blocks out a lot of sunšŸ¤«. I still might do it!lol

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Well Iā€™m finding myself in the middle of a fucked up situation. Was at a friendā€™s house Friday, heā€™s also a grower, and another mutual friend was there, also a grower. Well while sitting on the porch smoking the mutual friend leaves the porch to go inside to get another beer. Well when he comes back my friend also what took so long and the mutual friend got all mad about someone saying anything. Well about a minute later my friendā€™s wife called him in and then the mutual friend disappeared. Come to find out he was ā€œticklingā€ my buddies 6 yr old. He managed to make it out alive but now the fun starts. Donā€™t want to have skinheads take care of it, know the leader of the largest wp organization in the us, donā€™t want the Mexican friend thatā€™s a captain for ms-13 to take care of it, my buddies wife wants to go the legal route so I just had to drive across town with 5 flowering plants 4 vegging plants and 4 lights lol. Now to find a place to put them all so when this is done I can bring him vac sealed bricks from his stuff. Uggggg people are fucking sick. Wish she would have let me shoot him in the head Friday night