Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 1)

crazyā€¦today I find myself slinginā€™ illicit N95 masks! 3M babyā€¦only the finest gradeā€¦shhhhhā€¦


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We have boxes of those at work.
When covid first hit and there was a shortage some crazy lady started screaming at me . ā€œTHE HEATH CARE WORKERS NEED THOSE, YOU SHOULDNā€™T HAVE ONE!!!ā€
I asked her would you like me to donate my used mask?
Some peopleā€¦


I know, health care workers do need these but I donā€™t feel bad buying some for my 80-year old family members. Somebody is obviously grabbing cases of these off the truck or storeroom at work and selling on ebay for 1000% the normal price.

Anyone that mixes soil amendments should be wearing an N95 also. Perlite, peat moss, dry fertilizers, all very bad to inhale into the lungs.


Sorry, but I had to end the discussion about the masks because it was turning to the old ā€œis it just a flu or notā€ flameā€¦ (removed 35 posts from past 2 hours)

Even experts have very diverse opinions on this topic and we canā€™t reasonably expect to be able to solve this problem or reach to some conclusion on OG.

Please continue discussing in friendly and respectful mannerā€¦ and donā€™t be afraid to help us with community moderation by flagging the post that goes against our rules.


ā€¦ :upside_down_face:

It takes toooo to tango - but itā€™s too lateā€¦to teach youā€¦to dance - cha cha cha

Yeh iā€™m wrecked again :joy_cat:


hope everyone is staying safe from the smoke and fires. Yesterday air quality was so bad here, it was immeasurable.

Because of my health problems I was really badly effected for the first few days, but since then I have rigged up furnace filters on my portable ac units, which has really helped.
If you are in the smoke zone and have some filters available to you, I would recommend taping them to the intakes and blowers of your ac units. close off any rooms that you cannot filter effectively.

Tape the seams around your windows. Painters masking tape works best- it is waterproof and therefore airtight if applied correctly.

If you have multiple exterior doors, tape the gaps around the door frame on all but one of them, which can be used as your only entrance/ exit.
(note- if you are imminent danger from the wildfires, do not tape any doors. if that is the case entrances and exits must remain clear for firefighters to be able to assist you, should it be needed.)

All of these steps will help. Good luck, and stay safe everyone.

I can post pictures if anyone needs a visual aid. Itā€™s a ratchet macgyver setup, but it made a huge difference.


Holy Shit! I used to play golf. To play with her I would need some new grips on my shaft! :grin:



Yargh! some tweaker bastard has taken advantage of the smoky wildfire conditions and low visibility to steal a $50 dvd box set from my mailbox!

I hope that damn junky likes star trek




Was wondering why I had to travel 1100 miles to come run a crane in Ohio for the company I work for. Figured it out late last week. One guy drug up because he was promised a 2 raise after 90 days. They offered him .50. then this week Iā€™m told since a ran the crane so fast they wine have anything for me to do this week so Iā€™ll only get 8 a day. Told the foreman that I make double his pay " you may only have me here 8 a day but Iā€™m still getting what I was promised to come up here. Sorry pal I donā€™t submit my time to you and my boss down south already told me Iā€™ll get mine lol. They expect me to come back during winter. Fuuuuuukkkkk that now


Hi all, Iā€™m trying to get in touch with a member who posted not too long ago about losing their grow house and all their genetics in a flood.

I messaged them and offered to send them a selection of genetics. they replied and said ā€˜thanks, no rush.ā€™

Because they said they wouldnā€™t need seeds for about 2 months, I didnā€™t reply right away.

I just went looking for the pm to update them on when I was going to be able to get seeds in the mail, and the pm seems to be gone.

Not sure what the deal is, but donā€™t want to leave anybody in the lurch.
Especially not a member in need.

Thanks all!


trimmingā€¦ forever.

Iā€™ve been trimming the outdoor harvest for 3 and a half weeks straight.
At this point, I am nothing more than a mindless automaton.


Yuck . The part most of us dread .
:joy::joy:happy trimming
Oh and I have a few of the bbhp just sprouted a couple days ago .


Thatā€™s awesome! I think youā€™ll be happy with those.

a local grower grew a few of them outdoors and got 2 distinct phenotypes, one narrow leaf, one broad leaf. He said they grew pretty large buds, and the high feels potent and happy.

The broad leaf pheno got slight bud rot in our rainy season, and the narrow leaf pheno was resistant to it. He said he got a good harvest from both plants.


I hope to find a super good hashy blueberry pheno. Thank you again

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So I need some advice.
A buddy told me heā€™s got a doc appt tomorrow, and he thinks he has mouth cancer. So, like a good friend, I made fun of him for being scared and told him itā€™s probably cholera, from eating ass.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? He literally said I wasnā€™t helping. :joy:


Honestly, my first response is pray. God is always there. Even if you arenā€™t a believer, itā€™s always a good start.

Secondly, Iā€™m sure he knows you were kidding, but man, heā€™s probably terrified - I know I would be.

Prayers for you and your friend - All you can do is be there for him.


Yeah. He looked up the symptoms on the internet.

Dead ass, I looked up the symptoms and now I feel like Iā€™ve got mouth cancer. Lol.

I think he was lying when he said I wasnā€™t helping. Lol. Also linked him this video;

@nefrella do you have a specific god you like to pray to? Does hedging my bets and praying to a bunch of em increase my odds, or make it worse by potentially insulting one?

Jesus Christ. He is the only and one true Living God.

Seriously of you have questions, hit me up, more than happy to share!

Peace and blessings my friend! :v::peace_symbol:

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