Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 1)

Woo buddy, thats a grip of seeds lol.
On another note, why the hell do I keep getting a weird error on this site lol. Not letting me reply half the time, leave likes etc.

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Better you than me sheesh :roll_eyes:

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You should be subsidized by the government!! Overgrow Canada first, “with Doug’s help!” and then the world! With that much of beans you could make a great “Feijoada!” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed: :rofl: :laughing: :clap: :hugs:

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Shoot. I’d go blind. Probably would have just gone with a tablespoon and been done with it. lol


LOL, yeah, was not fun staring at those little things but at the same time it kind of was. I could have just weighed them I suppose. I am a glutton for punishment :slight_smile: You can bet I won’t be counting the rest. Likely send a good chunk of them to Sebring after the fall box goes out. Now I am getting excited for the next run, gonna be a blast.


I really need to remember to put my glasses on when I go in the tent. Hps got me seeing spots.

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Hps kills your eyes quick wear proper shades .


They’re literally right next to my tent ontop of the dehumidifier, I just keep forgetting to put them on. Gonna tape a big reminder to the door.

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Need a mechanical hand to reach out and slap ya when your in there without them .


You sound like my mom

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I’ve ruined mine years back doing stupid stuff ya only got two . Made a couple trips to the emergency dept to get metal filings washed out .

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Ive been there a couple times. :expressionless:


If you go enough ask about their loyalty card. 10th eye flush is free.

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I can’t afford another trip not the money it’s they get any worst they better send me home with a dog .


took a nap and came back to… nothing. i was hoping for 300 pages to catch up on, lol. hello to all the late night lurkers.

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I have a pair for an LED that blows out cones so it’s annoying to forget but not horrible. Though because there are IR led’s in there I still like to wear eye protection so I put my glasses in a little holder right in my line of sight as I walk into the room to make sure I don’t forget to but them on… mostly. :laughing:


Have the same issue, things are literally hanging in their bag directly in my line of sight and my path to the big flower room…. Yet they still only make it to my face 4/10 times lol, ahh good old cannabis


Have polarized sunglasses outside the room, and I know they aren’t the same, but they should protect for some IR, yes?

I also like to turn the dimmers down on the lights when I am working.

Funny side note. When I was farming coral under MH lighting, a friend who also farmed coral called outta work one day, but felt good enough to work on his corals. After a day of work under them, he got a noticeable sunburn. Next day at work they questioned his day off prior, the sunburn was that obvious…

Yes, these lights can be pretty powerful stuff… I prolly should get growroom glasses eh?


Ya, probably……

Morning all you doobers, dabbers and dibbers!