Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 1)

“So what do you plan to do with that lotion Shaq?”

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A post was split to a new topic: Looking for trades



Long live Mr. Sparkle

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Any Japanese speakers here?

I tried putting the Japanese translation through google translate and it’s mostly nonsense.

Maybe I’m doing it wrong, can never be sure.


Kvetching start:

I just moved 8 clones in 1st week of flower from my 2x4 to the 4x4 and the HEAT IS INSANE.

My AC does not run into the basement so this is gonna be a fun challenge. I’m running the lights at night so at least I can leave the tent open while asleep and then close it just before lights go off.

Crossing my fingers someone sells a portable AC unit on Kijiji at a price I can afford sooner than later.

End Kvetching.

Lol, you wanted a way to keep your skin soft. Gif creeps me out.

He looks just as uncomfortable about hocking skin care products to me.

ay fuhgetta bout it

Got a new bong and pretty nugs to add into bowl. It was not too long ago where I found out the nugs don’t need to be broken down In a bowl piece. Just need to ignite to and it takes over from there!


I thought it fairly resolved before being shut down. Maybe I was mistaken.:thinking:

Mmm sounds like a good giveaway :clap::clap::drooling_face:

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Well, the FSFC thread is still locked. But, I found where everyone has gone to until it’s back! Not too long of a read this morning, only 65 posts.
Damn shame someone hadda go and start calling names and stuff… O F W… hopefully that’s done with! :wink: :+1:


Morning everyone!! and to you sir! Yes, guess we’re human and sometimes s… happens! Let’s have a damn wonderful smoky weekend!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :pray: :flushed: :fire: :clap: :clap:

@JohnnyPotseed Hope you’re feeling better!!! All the best!!


Sure we could remove it and soak it some lotion.


Good morning everyone! I love the morning hours. I was just setting on the deck with a cup of coffee and a bowl watching three deer munch on the clover that I let go along the treeline. I love watching the young ones bounce around in the cool morning.
It’s a new day, and that’s a great time for a fresh start. Nobody can change yesterday. Just hope and work for a better day today. For me, it’s already better than the last few days because my back pain let up.
Yay for today! May it be a blessing to you all.

:pray: :v: :cowboy_hat_face:


I made a “It puts the lotion on the skin or it doesn’t get the peas!” joke at the dinner table one Christmas and my sister lost her shit. She laughed so hard she was tearing; partly because of the joke, but more because of our parents not understanding the joke and pretty much automatically responding with “Okay dear.” :laughing:

Kvetching: Tent was at 28c overnight with the door wide open… ugh. I’m annoyed right now but will appreciate this heat come winter.


Mornin brother.
This city boy loves the country life too. Love watching the squirrels and deer playing.
No joke, if it were not for my wife’s medical condition, I would buy 40 acres in the most remote place I could find, to live out my days away from the fast lane rat race.
I envy guys who can homestead.


We have 60 acres but if you laid it out flat it would be more like 100 acres. :slight_smile:
My two brothers and my mom still live on the land but I have about 2000 acres to ride my horses and hunt. There isn’t many living out near my ridge.