Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 1)

Apparently Iā€™m a ringleader in some kind of subversive group too.

I must have missed the memo about the last meeting, since I have no idea what THATā€™S aboutā€¦


I own all of them. Lloyd Kaufman is 100% for real up close. Doesnā€™t give a flying FUCK about other peoples opinions so long as the folks heā€™s doing all this for are happy.

He burned his life savings (80K) to invest in ā€œPoltryguest: Night of the Chicken Deadā€; which was such a brilliantly put together horror/comedy/musical that goes as follows:

ā€œWhen a fast food chicken restaurant is built on the site of an ancient Native American burial ground, the displaced spirits unite with the ghosts of exterminated chickens and transform into Native American chicken zombies seeking revenge!ā€

He was partially inspired by Takashi Miikeā€™s ā€œThe Happiness of the Katakurisā€ā€¦

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Oh, I love troma, willys was just bad. Not good bad, just bad bad, like no one cared, plot wasnt important, nic just wanted a paycheck and didnt want to learn lines, energy drink thing was dumb. So much didnt work or make any sense. The whole set up with the town, how he goes back to cleaning up toliets for a night stay after demonic animatronics attack. Then just one fight to another. No motivation. Shoulda just called it boss fight the movie.

This is not a wonderful low budget movie with heart. Its pretty much the opposite and I would insult Troma to say WW is in same league.

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The first Frogtown is calling me, second not so much (also I hate that guyā€™s face).

Color of space looks crazy and if itā€™s Nic Cage and people in on Mandy Iā€™m down!

Willyā€™s Wonderland was a fun watch but I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever rewatch it :laughing:

And the whole time Iā€™m checking out the trailers for the French movies @BigMike55 suggested I kept trying to think of the French horror film I saw and thought was great but couldnā€™t think of the name. High Tension it is!

Donā€™t forget Poultrygeist and Thankskilling!

How dare you have common sense views on something and say something when someone else doesnā€™t?!


Funny you say that. The actor is ā€œMANIAC COPā€!

@FiveGar : Letā€™s all remember that this man started his career making films with Troma by WRITING: TROMEO AND JULIET!

ā€¦and eventually went on to make a lot of money (and good descisions ) with:

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Jeez. I hope I didnā€™t hurt @Yetigrows feelings about licking the spoon.


SOā€¦where can one go NOW to inquire about SEEDS??? Looking for some CHEESE, but if this is the wrong place to bring the subject up, disregard. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Iā€™ll have some (if everything works out in a few months time) ā€œUK Cheese x PPPā€ & ā€œUK Cheese x Black Candylandā€ for ya @misterbee !


He seems like heā€™s got a pretty good sense of humor and would know you were messing around. Or heā€™s plotting a brutal revenge in response to your maligning him :grimacing:

Thatā€™s good, about as much fun to watch as a game of monopoly.

Wait! What??? Revenge??? Say it isnā€™t so!

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It sounds like youā€™ve never played with a group of Jewish friends. 1/2 of my friends growing up were Jewish and when Monopoly came out on game nights OI VEY the kvetching and everything was meshuggeneh!

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As someone who does Jiu Jitsu the movie was . . . Not that. So many weapons.

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If no one flips a board, is it really a game of monopoly?

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Maybe heā€™s watching those movies you suggested for inspiration. And it gets worse- being Canadian itā€™s possible heā€™s watching them in the original French format. Youā€™re fucked, aye!

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Oh in these games there was no physical outburst; just intense psychologically damaging guilt trips and mind games. I learned from them so well that later in life no one let me participate in Monopoly due to how ā€œbrutalā€ i get.

One issue is that most people forget that that if a player lands on a space and decides not to buy it, an auction will result, with the street, station or public utility going to the highest bidder .

So, I learned how to be cutthroat with this ruled when applied and was being called a ā€œbullyā€. :laughing:

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Wow some people are really damn salty arenā€™t they. It feels like the moderators of this website need to smoke a blunt and chill the hell out.


Nah, I just realized that my driverā€™s license expired on my bday. Had to run out and take care of that before I go visit my kids in Toronto.


Do you mean your plate sticker?

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Salt is okay, pepper too.

We should try to be nice to each other, being condescending never helps IMO.