Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

Dammmnn heā€™s even got the collar flap!
thatā€™s one dapper giraffe


You need the friendly domesticated type:



19 posts were split to a new topic: Covid Discussion

Would look nicer in pink and tied on the tail right next to the dookie chute.


Do you want to get up close and personal to tie it there? Me eitherā€¦


I see what you mean. Sounds like a job for @Slick1
What say you?


Heā€™s probably worn out from doing it all day already, but worth a shot.


I canā€™t. Iā€™m morally obligated to hit it and it couldnā€™t handle it. Iā€™ll explain, and no this isnā€™t something Iā€™m making up right now and is 100% true. I have been talking about punching a giraffe for over a decade now, at length. I donā€™t actually want to hurt one Iā€™ve just never heard of a dude punching a giraffe before and I kind of want to be that guy. I imagine Iā€™d break my hand and it wouldnā€™t really even hurt him, which is good cause Iā€™m an asshole for doing it and deserve the broken hand and like I said itā€™s not about hurting it.

I was passing a petting zoo in south Jersey once and they advertised on the sign that they had giraffes but also cats for adoption so my ex had a reason to be there that wasnā€™t giraffe punching research. We went in and I said Iā€™d like to ask them some questions about giraffes and my ex made a beeline for the cats. I asked some questions about how thick their skulls were and they said pretty thick and that they actually had one but it had just gone into storage. I then asked how trusting they were and what they liked to eat while my ex was trying not to let them see her losing it laughing over to the side. I finally said that I had a friend that wanted to punch a giraffe for some reason and the lady said ā€œoh my God who would want to do that to such a majestic animal?ā€ and Iā€™m watching my ex bury her head in her hands laughing. I was like ā€œyeah heā€™s a real weird guy, Iā€™m just trying to find out some info to hopefully make him change his mindā€. Unfortunately they were too focused on the morality of it more than the reality so I didnā€™t get much good intel. It did confirm my suspicion that it would definitely hurt me more than the giraffe though.

So thatā€™s why I canā€™t do it. Sorry guys. Also I live like 20 minutes from the Safari Park at Great Adventure so itā€™s quite doable.


Please donā€™t tell me you Pet-sit for a living.
Next youā€™ll be telling me you want to roast Rabid Weasels at the local crematorium.

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I donā€™t have the desire to punch any other animals (ok well maybe my GFā€™s dog but I wouldnā€™t). I just really want the bragging rights.


You would need some kind of stepladder or a harness swing.


Well a man could just run up behind him with a bucket. Set the bucket upside down right behind the giraffe. Step up on that bucket and punch him in the cajones. Then you hafta run, cuz no one really knows how fast a giraffe can run. The videos always show them running in slow motion, yā€™know.


Youā€™re way overthinking this thing. I was thinking a sunroof and some foliage. Make him come to me

No nuts, punch in the face. And their main defenses are rear kicks and neck swinging, but as far as I can tell the neck swinging is for battling another giraffe more than other threats.

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How you gonna get to his face tho? Huh? Ahhhhh!
Thereā€™s the rub.
First punch the giraffe like as hard as you can. Straight in his balls. When he drops to his knees, mount his back, he wonā€™t be worried about anything but his deep breathing exercises at this point. Shimmy up his neck, knock his fucking block off and jump down.

Oh yeah. Then run like you just spit on the president.


Just trying to help a brother out!


Fill your pockets with marbles , to through on the ground , thatā€™s always my go to , gets them everytime : )


Dude theyā€™re gentle creatures. All I have to do is stand up so my arms are out of the sunroof, some enticing plant treats in my hand and a reassuring tone. The stupid idiot will walk right into the fisting of his lifetime.


Dem Giraffes have some long reach on them


My goodness.


@Slick1 you may need a solid plan before attempting this lol