Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

I am guilty.
I will try to catch myself next time.


Sure we can’t keep all the chat out but people should know that going to that thread every day just to chat is not good. There is a chat thread. Now the fact is that some just don’t know but many also just ignore it. Those who know better should be helping to guide those who don’t over here. In the end why do we care where they want us to chat, this thread is the same as the next so why not follow their direction. I have seen where mods have cleared a bunch of the chat out of the free seeds thread and I always feel bad for the extra work they have to do. I too am guilty of this.


Thats what I mean tho. It is very easy to get caught up in the moment. Thats all I mean.


Damn!!! Aren’t we blatantly guilty!? Guilty as charged!! :roll_eyes: :flushed: Now that you mentioned I remember that!! Poor @mods!!! DD is right again! lol!!

@BigMike55 Well, one doesn’t get Black 'n Blue Cookies or C99 x GG4 every day LOL! We gotta get the excitement out, especially when we’re stoked!!! Pardon the honesty!!!


Haven’t seen anything recently posted from said username
I would always wait to see the meme lol


100% agree, I am guilty of the same thing. That said when you go there to say good morning and start chatting you are not caught up in anything. That’s the stuff I am speaking of. It has just become a habit and we need to help those folks learn to post such things in this thread. Better gentle guidance from other users than site intervention :slight_smile:

Yes indeed and when in a giveaway situation that is totally expected. They cut us slack on such things which is great. But I am speaking of general chat when there is no giveaways going on. Going to the free seed thread when nothing is going on just to chat is what I am talking about bud.

Anyway this all came up because I posted a happy birthday in the chat thread and someone decided to say I was against chat on the seed thread out of the blue just because I posted in the appropriate thread. I did not bring it up so I will just let this go here. I got coin flips to pack up. Have a great day everyone.

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I have been holding my tongue in the Free Seeds thread. Unless something really tasty comes around I have enough different seeds to keep me busy for a few years. There is just some fun banter going on there that, like you say, needs a response right now, to be relevant. Some things are funnier just at that moment.

I am wondering if a banner just above the window you type into say, “Remember the Chat Thread” would work? I know it would put a bit of a stop of the chatter, but for example birthdays. How many congratulations were given out today in the thread? Yes we do want to encourage each other here but this thread could get more use.

Just wanna say what’s up OGers! I’m glad I stumbled upon this today. I don’t chat to much, I mostly read up on grow threads and advice threads. As a newbie I have found myself chatting on the FSFC thread. It’s always a fun time over there and that’s where I’ve come to know some of you. Anyways, I’ll do my part to get to know you guys over here popping in on the giveaways here and there. My little dream is to one day do a little give away of mine. Thanks everyone

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@Pluckyevil I saw this.

Made me think of you and your “Weed Witch” …


Love it!


Celebrating my birthday today, with some witchy vibes and weed


@Pluckyevil Happy birthday lady!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Happy @Pluckyevil Month
In our house we get the month


Drinking some hemp and Chai tea!


Happy birthday @Pluckyevil!


Thanks for the love and birthday wishes OGs ! :two_hearts:


Happy Birthday from an old hillbilly!! :birthday:


Happy Birthday @Pluckyevil!


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday @Pluckyevil.

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