Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

i ll take this to my heart!
Apologize me anything.
I learning so much the regrets and how be a good member here!
I would like to thanks you @DougDawson
And now I out from the topic free seeds and free clones.
by that.
Thanks @DougDawson


Hey @BERZERK , all good brother. Time for a new day.


A Toast Brother
To the Cannabis
I really appreciate your words
Happy new year , happy new days


I voted for you


Thanks homie. I’m not shilling for votes over here (though I do like the name), I just wanna see some of that participation that happens when seeds are being given away!


i was hoping he would choose 'Reeces Pieces", lol


I was hoping he would choose mine lol
I’m just picking the one I liked the most.

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I have told more people about chainmail Fuck vest than any other seeds I’ve gotten :joy_cat:


Anybody know the lineage of monster ghost?
I received today in the mail from October

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I just ask this question
I don’t know how to quote or I would

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I think this is how :thinking:

Edit: it worked :muscle:
@BERZERK I dropped 3 how many are you going to grow?


Thanks by this info bro.
I would like to thanks to Corey.
Arrived yesterday.

i poped 5 seeds of monster ghost.
I use Just Organic Things.
To tell the truth I use some fertilizers of general organics on a hps of 1000w

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I use Dr. EARTH dry amendments
700+ w of led lights

I hope to see them I dropped mine today also.
Expecting some long flower times

I got it now thank you :blush:
I’m slow sometimes :sleeping:
Most of the time

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I apologize if this isn’t the place to post this, but:
@BERZERK I see you have an old post from October 21st, did you actually grow out my apollo ape and soloberry? if so, do you have anymore pictures? How did they turn out?


Hey Dude , they are big!
I with this plants big right now.
my cellphone is without battery
Lately I ll post some picture of them my brother @anonymous4289

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Got some fat nuggs or they still vegging out?

I just Start the 12/12 hours 1 week ago , 1 week 12/12.
They just popped up the sex yesterday

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