Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

@Dale if you find it in Oregon, I can almost put money on it they would mail it to u .

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Thatā€™s wind chill bro.

ā€œSkelly hashplant is the same thing as the puck? I thought the puck originated around Colorado somewhere?ā€

ā€œFunny thing is i moved from colorado in 1987 to camas in 1988 . maybe i should ask my family a few more questions lol.ā€

So Colorado somewhere it is :laughing:

BTW these quotes come from a skunk thread on icmag I read some time ago, If I remember correctly the puck is listed on seedfinder in the legendary/unknown sectionā€¦ Iā€™m at work right now but Iā€™ll check later

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I agree 100%. Always drained my energy and put me in a weird headspace. Probably for all the reasons you listed.

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Always love your metal posts lol. I would post Zimmers Holeā€™s best song, but I think its a bit much for everyone lollll!

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Full disclosure: add 3-4 ft dreads, a beard and this is pretty much me at a Meshuggah show right on the edge of the slam pit.


Doesnā€™t everyone else look at you odd when you are doing the Van Damme?


I generally have my eyes closed (because of my hair) and or Iā€™m watching the band.

EVERY TIME I get into this groove I end up surrounded with other folks that feel similar but find it hard to either be comfortable enough to just go for itā€¦ most of the time women. My partner laughs and she tells me she enjoys me ignoring the hotties moving in close to get flogged by my hair as I dance as everytime Iā€™m done I make an immediate B-line for her which has often gotten her thrown a catā€™s glare.

Jokeā€™s on me as Iā€™m usually oblivious :man_shrugging:

Iā€™m 40, been going to shows since 15 and am still in the pit so in all honesty iā€™m just having a blast the way I want without the harm of those ā€œthrow-downā€ assholes.

As far as the dancing, itā€™s really hard not to get into a groove with these Swedes!

(Edit: the song title is ā€œRational Gazeā€, which is what most Meshuggah Fans give me when dancing)


Nope, not the one I had in mind. The one I had in mind is pretty hardcore trolly thatā€™s for sure (we would blast it across the lumber yard back in the day). Surprising the urge to post it lol!

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Well, considering we are talking about a band was named after the sphincter of the bandā€™s late mutual friend Dean Zimmer who would chase people with his butt cheeks spread during partiesā€¦

Imma gonna second guess:



I can see you now rocking out to This Spiteful Snake and obZen, lol. Dance like nobodies looking brother.


Swing and a miss. Here it is in all its glory! (lolz)

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Ahh yes, a classic! I feel so silly not thinking about corpse fisting as being an offensive subject matter for a song from folks outta Vancouverā€¦ :man_facepalming:

OR like iā€™m being attacked by bees that are also in on the groove! :metal: :honeybee: :notes:

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I have named a few characters in MMORPGā€™s this over the years lol! I am sure our boss was super happy every time we opened the shop doors and cranked it up to max while we went and gathered wood to build with lol. I donā€™t mind the trolly nature of songs like this, but most would be mortified I am sure lol.

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Thatā€™s why I always name my MMORPGā€™S something like ā€œFuckwizard Twizzlestick McGooā€ and make them female.


Lol. Thinking up the character name was always half the fun.

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@Nagel420 makes anatomically correct snowmen which is actually pretty impressive. You just have to make sure to avert your eyes within a few minutes of him completing it or youā€™ll never unsee what happens next.


Unsee that, lol


You Bastard! Ouch! Lol

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