Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

I doubt seriously Iā€™ll manage to make it through this whole batch of concentrate cuz lol Iā€™d be dabbing every breath and might not make it through it all even then! But, with some help from the wife and son&daughter-in-lawā€¦Iā€™m gonna give it as heroic an effort as possible. Gotta take work-breaks in between the dabs lol ā€¦er, i mean gotta take dab breaks during the workā€¦yeah, thatā€™s it! ā€¦or something like it anyhow lol


Hey @Rhino_buddy I saw this over in the free seeds thread:

And I had to share that Iā€™m a Kansas boy too! Not there for a long time now, but I grew up in Wichita from '92 until about '04. Both my brothers graduated from KU
My kid brother has lived in Brooklyn for a decade, but I think he and his wife are headed back to KC.
One thing Iā€™ve learned: you can leave Kansas, but it never leaves you!

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Itā€™s true. Also, I always thought Iā€™d leave here for good, but itā€™s pulled me back few times now. Itā€™s not a bad place really. Just a bad rap from other cities.

I think we talked about the drive in in wichita before! :yum:

Where are you staying now?

I was just at KUs herbarium. My wife teaches ecology for them. Itā€™s a decent institution. :person_shrugging::laughing:

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Get right out of town! I may be from Canada, but I have this state of Kansas jello mold!


Oh yeah, I forgot about that exchange! Iā€™m in AZ these days, but after I left KS, I took any job that moved me somewhere new: North Carolina, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Iā€™ve spent a few years in each of em

I bet that makes some dirty looking jello. Fitting for Kansas and the dusty crop fields here. :rofl:


Awesome! I used to want to move around, but weā€™ve started a landscape restoration business based around Kansas ecosystems (prairie), so we are kinda stuck in the prairie belt unless we want to throw out this business. The demand has shown the need for our help though.

Wish the laws would change here though.
There is the bill being brought up this year for medical and rec. Well see how that turn out. :crossed_fingers:


:rofl::joy: Now put it flat on a counter top and youā€™ve got a prairie skyline!


Hereā€™s a funny exchange that could just as easily be about growing problems and our growmies/mentors (and a good joke as is for all the technical OGers out there)


I am running a re-vegged plant of BNBC right now. I found it growing in my yard in late October. She was only about 3 inches tall and was already throwing pistils. MAGENTA/MAROON pistils. But kinda like preflowers. I carefully dug her up. So, I KNOW this plant has maroon pistils outside. I re-vegged her inside and put her into flower cycle last week. The pistils are bright white. I can only assume it has something to do with the sun. I grew one of these outside last year and she had the maroon pistils from the time she was preflowering up until harvest day. Plus, I have popped quite a few seeds of these outside, last year, so I could see what the germination rate is. I grew out probly 5 of the females to very early flower. Every one of them had moroon pistils. @MoBilly is running one inside. It never presented moroon, which is what he wanted. Stayed white pistiled. and my little test girl changed from maroon to white by bringing here indoors. I say thats a pretty good indication that the color has something to do with it being outdoors. What say you?


It is a quandary for sure. I run Spider Farmer LEDā€™s and Mike run his under his Marz Hydro. So that rules out the possibility that it was just my lights that caused it.
Very interesting. But it stinks.
Old television reference nobody but old folks would get. lol

Arte Johnson was cool as hell.


Yes sir. I totally agree.

One I always got a kick out of, was Get Smart.
That ā€˜Cone of Silenceā€™ Gag, gets me every time.
For the un-initiatedā€¦ hereā€™s the premise.
Maxwell Smart secret agent and his Boss are talking privately inside this glass cone, called the Cone of Silence. The idea was supposed to be that you should hear each other but outsiders could not.
So Maxwell is saying something and his boss is going 'WHAT??? WHAT???"
Theres an old lady outside vacuuming the floor and she hollers ā€œHe SAIDā€¦ā€


Iā€™d say environmental related for sure. Could also be temperatures. I know indicas like cooler nights to color up more. Indoors weā€™re generally pretty well dialed in with constant temps. Though my LEDs are now giving me 10 degree night / day swings with the chill hereā€¦ (and my BCxNL cross colored up nicely right after the drops).

Now youā€™re making me wanna run them sooner than later so I can experiment. ROFLMAOā€¦


I know, right? I mean, either way they are good sturdy producers of frost, but when those pistils are that color??? OOOOOoooo, La, La!


I want Magenta pistolsā€¦ sniff sniff :cry:


I honestly donā€™t think it is temp related. When I dropped the seed in the ground, it sprouted. In June. In Oklahoma heat. It grew until late October and kept the magenta pistils the whole time, from the preflower in probably late july early august. Its a hot mofo that time of the year hereā€¦ then I let it flower until the frost was threatening and I cut her down. She still had Magenta pistils, soā€¦ go figure, right? She actually was not quite finished when I took her down, but The weather here is really screwy that time of year.

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I am leaning toward something the sun gives it that is not being produced by our LEDs.

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This will work. :thinking: