Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

LOL, donā€™t think they would make it through the rollers :rofl: Seriously though, what did you need bud?


Had that in mind too, didnā€™t wanna say it thoughā€¦! @Slick1, just what have you just done!? To be exact!? I know, he wants to show off (to his GFā€¦!) and say how much heā€™s ā€œadmiredā€ on OG! We all admire you here sir!! No worries! :astonished: :flushed: :blush: :joy: :thinking: :hugs: :laughing: :rofl: :innocent:


I actually have before.

More of thank you for letting me buy a ridiculous truck and being onboard with throwing some money at it.

Although I guess itā€™s good to have in my back pocket for the next time I do something wrong :laughing:

I was thinking more of a box with a few bags not just a bag of them lol. Just trying to do something nice for the GF.

Oh Iā€™m admired everywhere I go :wink:


Cocaine used to work well for me.



Does she have a sister? Few bags of chips and she not only okā€™s the purchase, but okā€™s throwing money at it?

Iā€™m waiting for the punchline. Like you gotta attend a bridal shower or somethingā€¦


Hell she doesnā€™t even know about the chips! Sheā€™s just a good sport in general and Iā€™m a thoughtful guy when I remember to be :laughing:

Sheā€™s loving the looks the truck gets too. I donā€™t really notice the heads itā€™s turning (Iā€™m not looking) but itā€™s like a game for her to spot people looking at it. Guess it makes her feel like a badass (Iā€™ve always been a badass so itā€™s old hat :kissing_heart:)

3 sisters all married also :laughing:

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I mean dude if you want to buy a few bags and have them shipped I can help you out. Big bags, little bags?

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Donā€™t people always turn their heads when they hear backfires and a muffler dragging? I always doā€¦

hmm thatā€™s what divorce is forā€¦ Any kids? thatā€™s the dealbreakerā€¦

Yeah Iā€™d appreciate it if you were willing. I figured a couple of the bigger bags shipped in a box. Iā€™ve bought them off Amazon for her before but theyā€™re like 15 bucks for an average size bag so she has to ration them lol.

Hey itā€™s impressive it can hang that low and stay on! And yup kids. Sorry Romeo :laughing:


Anyone with good eyes wanna give these plants a look over and see if you can tell if they are female or not , so far I can only tell one male. Scroll to the last post


Iā€™m gonna 3D print you a new car giftā€¦

Truck nutzā€¦

But Iā€™m printing em in Hot Pinkā€¦ :smiley: Might have to add a tiny weinerā€¦ Thats the beauty of 3D printing. I can just make shit up ROFL mwuhahahahah Maybe even pink dick valvecapsā€¦

Hard to say. In one pic I saw what looks like calyxes.

  1. All that experience printing out dicks will finally pay off for someone other than yourself!
  2. I would hit my buddyā€™s truck with those dick valvecaps every chance I got. I would possibly put them on my bike as well.

Sure man, I will grab them and let you know.

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I literally keep a bag of them in my truck to put on douchebags who park in handicap spots and shouldnā€™t. Oh, and azzhats with fancy sportscars that deliberately park in two spots.

Ya do realize, pink dick valvecaps would look odd on your tricycle, right? People sign up for the sex offender registry after doing thatā€¦

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I appreciate it and sheā€™ll be ecstatic! Let me know how much and how to get it to you. Thanks again!

Thatā€™s awesome :laughing: And as for the tricycle you said the same thing about the rainbow flag I put on it and you should the looks I get with it!


Goodnight all!


Youā€™re Probably used to slipping out @Slick1 haha just trying to leave us like that


where u located and has she ever tried old dutch ketchup chips ? their the best imoā€¦

@DougDawson do you have old dutch chips where your from out east ? if so should add a small bag to see if she likes them better than lays (old dutch for the win)




I am from Ontario but have lived out east and west. We have Old Dutch chips here. Those are an American brand though, @Slick1 could probably find them in the local store.