Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Sourwavez told me to just buy a dake press and low temp plates
Idk if that’s the same price range as what your looking at but thought I’d share just in case

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I have bag seeds from 1993, tried to germinate some with no luck. I tried aloe and the paper towel methods. Next time I’m going try worm castings. They’ve been working good for me.


Do you know what it’s from? I have an pretty extensive collection of old seeds from early 70’s all the way to early 00’s
I gotta wait until I can get my lab going again but I learned how to perform embryonic rescue myself as I don’t trust these companies lol


I’ve been wondering about this. I found some dna genetics white walker kush but says they’re a few years old. I wanted it but was scared it would be a waste of money

I popped a few of these,
Shiloh massive sent me these.
They’re the stock that is basically responsible for a lot of dying breed gear.
I have quite a few successive Adonai generations. which is basically what put the watermelon in watermelon Z
Gonna be a watermelon spectacle lol


It’s all just experimenting. I may put 50 or so in next time, I’ll try worm castings with these. I didn’t store them correctly, but it was good smoke with a strong citrus flavor.

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I’d love to add some to the collection if ya ever wanna figure something out
I get great rates on seeds even much older then that.
It’s just a numbers game the more there is to work with the better the chances
It sounds like you have a lot so there’s a lot of chances

seeds can be so tricky…
Ime when talking 70s-90s sativa beans fair much better then 80’s-90’s indica beans

I have a picture somewhere of like 5-10k beans I got of these seeds from Iowa collected in 80-85

Real skunk has to be in there
I’ve just started separating them into different sizes

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Anyone know what this bug is?
Ps. @DougDawson got the camera down pat now lol!


Very cool man, cool bud, got no idea what it is but still cool looking.




Hi @StevieG, looks like you have a true bug!!


@Bizzaro lol yup 100%. Makes sense I’m surrounded by spruce trees lol!

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Looks like it’ll pick you up and carry you away :laughing:

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Hi @Mithridate

“by the most badass males I find. :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you usually choose the males because of vigor, rapid spur of growth, resilience, nice scent!? Something along those lines!? Thanks!


I have seen lots of those wood boring beetles around my area.
I had a ton of them in my yard last year. Some made there way inside and my cats had alot of fun with them. :laughing:


Let me start by saying that there are many schools of thoughts about male selection…

But I’m a simple guy y’know :slightly_smiling_face:

The human brain is a pattern recognition machine and is also embedded with the process of elimination logic to find answers.

Why not use those first :smirk:

Of course, if you only have 2 males, I’d suggest the Tom hill method. “Just cross the damn plants” and evaluate progeny.

In the case of too many males to choose from (10,20 or more)… in an ideal world you’d test them all, since the only parameter to evaluate a male is by what he passes on to its progeny.
Who got time for that?
I start by eliminating males with negative traits ie hermies, genetic defects. Then pattern recognition kicks in. By watching the females I try to associate each male to a pheno and go from there. There are also the males that don’t fit in the gang, he looks different or whatever, unique. That’s one to try.

I personally try to not be too ruthless in my male selection. Out of 20, I’d keep 5-6 and will give a chance to ugly ducklings as I don’t care about structure and yield.

A champ is a champ and I’ll adapt my grow style to fit the plant, not force the plant to fit a style…

Then I’d suggest small batch breeding(to cover lots of terrain/be efficient). Aka pollinate a branch from each female with a different male and grow however many you can from each mating.



So one could have 4 to 5 different males to pollinate 4 to 5 branches of a single plant!! Awesome! Intriguing as heck!! Thanks for the lesson!!


if you have never pressed before there is a bit of learning curve to get the feel for it. i was over pressing blowing out shit making all the nob learning mistakes etc. a lot of people think are under the misconception that you need a massive tonnage press to do this. studies show that the concentrate you are trying to make happens best at somewhere between 600 to 1200 psi. otherwise you are pressing plant lipids/fats and plant parts parts and pieces etc not what you want in solvent-less concentrates. a bit of math to figure psi based on plate size and pressure applied is easy to find on line. i did a lot of learning about subject before i pulled the trigger on the dab press 4 ton 3 x5 plates. it is amazingly rugged well built worth every cent i spent. works perfect for personal use and gifting. if you are going commercial you may want something else. Dabpress 4 Ton Hydraulic Rosin Press for Starter - Home Extraction – DABPRESS. any other questions you may have ask away, will help if possible. the video on that web page is someones hack / mod job. comes with bottle jack. lots of vids on you tube about dabpress.


Our good friend @Budderton has a nice tutorial about pollen collection/small batch breeding :slightly_smiling_face:

I prefer to bag a flowering male individual branches and then put the same bag(s) on one branch per female, then do a 2nd male and bag a 2nd branch from each female.

Ps: anytime Abbbian :blush:


Thanks so much @mainerJ !

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