Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)


Oh wait,

It has to be one of these

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Been in my wallet since '98:

Complete with “Pokey”; I used to have cut strips of business cards for filters under the papers but I need to add some before it goes back into the wallet :smiley:


HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Bobgrows !!!


No gun wielding cats riding unicorns breathing fire from me, but …

Happy Birthday @Bobgrows

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Happy Happy birthday dear @Bobgrows!!! May you ever forget how young you are and will always be!!! Have fun and smoke a major one of your choice!! You deserve it all!!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:

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Well now I can’t top @Pigeonman 's meme with the fire breathing unicorn…

So I’ll resort to the old-fashioned method… Happy Birthday @Bobgrows !!!


Thank you so much @Nagel420 & @middleman & @Abbbian!
Ya’ll are just making my day!":heart::heart::heart::heart:


Happy birthday @Bobgrows :blush::birthday::gift_heart:


Thank you @Qtip !
Trying to give seeds away… check out free seeds


Happy Birthday hope you have a great day.

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That thing is badass Shiska! Man what I’d give to have a zag one like you said.

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oh hell lol I must be high (oh yeah that’s right, I AM lol) but when I first read your post I thought it was ‘ZAGNUT’ you said the old school candy bar lol
I was completely off-course lol I must be jonesing for some candy/sugar!

‘Have a snickers’ lol

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I have a sweet tooth but im diabetic, I still cheat now and then.

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Ooops wrong thread………

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I’m also diabetic lol type 2, but I cheat also…too often!

I should have seen it coming, my mom was bad, I would almost fill a syringe with 2 different insulin’s and give it to her. I hope we caught mine early enough to just need pills until the end.

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Its 4:20 here at my house and i have 3 Apollo Ape sprouts, time to smoke some herb.

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That will encourage them. Make them feel wanted.

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I dont ask and dont tell, They have caught me staring at them. Im addicted to plant porn.