Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Facing time sucksā€¦careful with that mic

Dude, the woman knew it could happen yet felt it was worth the risk, now she is paying the price for her stupidity. Not sure why you are so quick to take away the blame of the one person who is 100% responsible. I said above I thought the punishment was harsh but that is not the point. Pretty sure nobody thinks of Russia as a place known for its leniency and fairness. The woman CHOSE to break the law in another country, itā€™s not the systems fault she is in trouble no matter how unfair anyone feels it is.


Re: Griner.
I feel bad for her, of course she should have known better. Calling her an entitled moron doesnā€™t really accomplish anything. Sheā€™s been playing over there for several years and I highly doubt it was her first time traveling over there with weed. Whatā€™s more likely the case is she enjoyed a bit of privilege with her celebrity status and a lot of things like having vape carts were overlooked by officials until Russia needed to stir up a stink in response to the US funding the war. If you want a reason to not like her or be mad, sheā€™s a domestic abuser.


I donā€™t think disagreeing with someone means that there isnā€™t any respect, thatā€™s a weird take on the conversationā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I agree with @leetdood on some of his points man. Also respect those who I donā€™t nessicaily agree with. Just feel a number of issues here are being conflated. I am big on personal responsibility for oneā€™s actions.


Iā€™d like that @DougDawson but Iā€™m out of likes.

Iā€™m not looking to excuse her personal responsibility Iā€™m just saying the system is skewed in the first place to criminalize these things to a ridiculous degree.


Remember that American kid in Singapore who got caned for vandalizing cars?

Anyone travelling abroad should realize that they are a guest.

Are the laws stupid? Of course they are. Itā€™s up to you if you want to end up in a Bolivian jail.

And to do it with high US/Russia tension is just beyond stupid.

ā€œgee I wonder if theyā€™d like to use me as a political pawn.ā€

I know a guy who got busted at the US border with shrooms in his underwear. Didnā€™t work out so well


On that we agree 100% The system as it stands sucks rocks. As I say I am still working for a pardon here as my life and career were completely altered over a weed bust. Woken up in my bed by a cop was not a good time nor was it for my family. I also found the only way to get rid of my anger was to recognize my role and own it. While I have no sympathy for her being in trouble as it was 100% her own fault I do not think her punishment fits her crime at all. I just feel those are 2 seperate issues. :v:


I hope you get that pardon man.


Had a 9mm in my face point blank after SWAT entryā€¦fkn awesome lol. Yeah hope you get that pardon. Rough game, i did not make it out unscathed myself


Thanks. I should not really use the word pardon as Canada no longer gives them. Now itā€™s a record suspension which means while you are pardoned on paper they still hold those records and if ever in trouble again will hold them against you. Yet another way the system sucks. There is no true forgiveness in Canada according to our rules :roll_eyes:


Yes, the Apology Act of 2009 :laughing:


Perhaps this would be a good time for her to start sourcing some quality Siberian autoflowering genetics.

Itā€™s really an ugly situation. Sheā€™ll get out. At a high price. After an extended duration.

3 Likes thatā€™s 0.4 km

*Tips hat


I hope you get that! :arrow_up:

I think 9yrs is tough, however; it wasnā€™t her first Rodeoā€¦she knew better. Also, she had to have been given guidance from back home that tensions were on ā€œRed Alertā€ between the two Countries since the flip of the new year.
I donā€™t understand why wait till the last minute to leave! :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Some days youā€™re the windshield, and some days youā€™re the bug.
Iā€™ve gotten away with things, and also been caught for things. The latter is no funā€¦ but thatā€™s the price for fun.
If you can find/afford a good lawyer, you can get out of it. If not, donā€™t cry in jail about the injustice, just shut up and do the time. It passes.


Sometimes youā€™re the Louisville slugger, sometimes youā€™re the ball!
Sometimes it all comes togetherā€¦
Sometimes you gotta loose it all


Guess she lost, that day! :confounded:


Is that the proverbial worldā€™s smallest violin playing ā€˜my heart bleeds for youā€™?

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No, not at all! :relieved:

Thatā€™s a great song. :sweat_smile: Trisha Yearwood, I think. :nerd_face:

It does hold kinda true to her situation though. I guessā€¦Iā€™m high as eff, right now. :joy:

Edit: It is Mary Chaplin Carpenter who sings it and here it is.

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Hah. I knew I was right when I was singing that like a country song in my head.