Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

If it isnā€™t obvious by now lol I have zero sympathy for stupidity, in this case, hers for doing something she knew was illegal and getting caught. Now that she is in the system there, there are powers at play to turn her into something politicalā€¦ whatever. Ganja should be legal all over the world, butā€¦ it isnā€™t. and thatā€™s the way it is until it is changed by whatever means.


Thatā€™s about the way I see it @JohnnyPotseed .
Yeah, it is what it is. I have seen her in interviews. She is an articulate, well spoken person. I donā€™t see any reason to treat her like she isnā€™t intelligent enough to be able to weigh the ramifications of her choices. And as @DougDawson said [quote=ā€œDougDawson, post:4142, topic:73929ā€]
I am big on personal responsibility for oneā€™s actions.

The knowledge that owning your mistakes is the right thing to do is too lacking in our society. I believe thatā€™s because it has to be taught, preferably, by someoneā€™s parents and family. That so many people donā€™t have that core belief is indicative of the breakdown of the family. Even those families that are not ā€œbrokenā€ by divorce or whatever, are broken. The generational bond is breaking in so many families because of a number of things. Technology not being the least.There are so many distractions. Too many families donā€™t experience life as a unit anymore. Itā€™s hard to teach moral standards when you donā€™t spend time together with your kids.
But that could be just the ramblings of a stoned old hillbilly.
Dang @BigMike55 ,
ISS will make a feller long winded. lol
Now where did I put that lighter?


@Dr.VitaminGreen @DougDawson @leetdood

If you click on Dougs name on my post #4081 youā€™ll see it was referring to another conversation he had with Mobilly that Iā€™d just readā€¦it sure popped up at the wrong time and I meant no offence to @leetwood

This is the post I responded toā€¦I was behind in the chat :

The sad part is @MoBilly that I always feel like a shit asking folks to come here so we donā€™t end up with the free seeds thread throttled again. Itā€™s a catch 22, either I mention it and inevitably get someone pissed for saying it or I ignore it and wait for the hammer to fall on all of us when they take action as they have in the past. Dammed if you do and dammed if you donā€™t. I guess I just donā€™t want to be punished like before over others chatting when there is a perfectly good thread available for it. Not saying you were pissed brother, just thought I would shine some light on the position I feel I keep ending up in. Kind of sucks really.


Totally get it bud, it popped up in the middle of something else so I misunderstood but get it now and also appreciate the comment :slight_smile:


Kansas City Star Thursday 8/4/2022 lol

Jar of peanut butter triggers alarm, but the jar held more than peanut butter, TSA says

A jar of peanut butter was stuffed with something much less creamy when it triggered an alarm at a Pennsylvania airport, officials say.

A Transportation Security Administration officer investigated the peanut butter mystery at Pittsburgh International Airport ā€” and discovered more than just peanut butter inside.

Lisa Farbstein, a TSA spokesperson, says the officer found three vape canisters with marijuana wrapped in plastic bags.

The traveler reported the marijuana canisters hidden in his checked bag were for medical purposes, ā€œbut still thought he should try to conceal them,ā€ according to an Aug. 4 tweet.

ā€œNot a good decision,ā€ Farbstein said.


Yes. Itā€™s especially difficult when admitting mistakes can get you sued or convicted.

So itā€™s burnt both ways i guess.


The babysitter of today is the TV, internet, facebook, twitter, etc
We limited time on internet/TV for our 3 sons. Instead, I took them to the beach surfing and swimming. Into the woods, hunting, teaching survival wood crafts, tracking, etc. Boxing & sparringā€¦ stuff like that.
had a ball raising them boys!
Plus lol they all 3 at a young age, started helping on jobsites and with the jewelry, and ganja! Making their own money by producing a kiddie line of jewelry
With no ā€˜free timeā€™ to get into mischief, and making money from several directions lol they were the richest kids on the block, but turned into damn fine, honorable men.


Success everybody. I whipped up a new batch of butter yesterday after my wife relentlessly clowned my weak ass rice Krispy treats. So this time I doubled the amount of weed I infused into the butter to an ounce. Then I doubled the amount of butter called for in the recipe. So I suppose I effectively quadrupled the strength of the Krispy treats.

Needless to say, about 45 minutes later she was blasting through time and space.


:crazy_face: :pray: :+1: I bet that teaches her to ā€˜clownā€™ on your efforts!


Payback for eating all of the first batch? LOL

(muttering under his breath ā€œYa wanna eat em all? FINE! Iā€™m quadrupling the dose!ā€)


I met one of your boys. That guy is a top notch feller. My hat is off to anyone that will do for his folks like he does. Hope I get to hang out with him again.


lol cuz He said pretty much the same thing about you and your missus


Haha. I know itā€™s success when she asks the same simple question for clarification 3 or 4 times in a row.


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.


When sheā€™s to the point it seems thereā€™s no bones in her body, just a rag doll lol tell her you need a hand with something, just to mess with her!

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Sounds like a pretty wise stoned old hillbilly to me.


Thank you, 18th century Puritan elder, for your input on the matter!


Wellā€¦some of us never grow out of that one :love_you_gesture:


I think my original thought was ā€œIā€™ll fuckin show you!ā€ Haha. Gonna try and see if I can get her to see the future.


400 BCE actually.

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