Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

I make mine by decarbing shatter in the oven on a silicone baking sheet. 270* for about 20-25 mins right when it stops bubbling and goes flat like a still pond. I pull it straight to the freezer. Scrap it off and put it into the 1/4 cup of Avacado oil into a beaker in the oven 200* for 30 mins stir a couple of times ā€œinfusedā€ Then into my brownie mix. I like to use Ghirardelli Triple Fudge brownie mix or Dark Chocolate. I find the avocado oil infuses better as far as how the cannabinoids adhere to the avocado fats. 1/2 gram of shatter makes
15- 25MG or 1 gram make 15-50MG brownies


Happy Saturday folksā€¦ working today but scrolling through this feed seems like a better use of my time :joy:


I have to be careful at work, management frowns upon phone use during work hours.


I am done and done for the time being. Iā€™ll hit it a little more after the mercury is down this evening.
Dang Iā€™m ready for some nice cool upper 80ā€™s!


Not at all, I wouldnā€™t even know who she was if not for the situation she put herself in.


The other day my friend mentioned to me that sheā€™d been locked upā€¦ I had to ask who she was. I donā€™t really care eitherā€¦ itā€™s unfortunate, but no more unfortunate than the tens of thousands of completely anonymous people whoā€™ve paid for the geopolitical situation we find ourselves in with their lives in Ukraine this year, or for that matter all the other, less publicized conflicts that might be called wars if there were enough money involved. As far as whether itā€™s just or not, itā€™s probably closer to not, but reallyā€¦ am I supposed to care more because sheā€™s a basketball player? Or a minority? Or because thereā€™s cannabis involved? I donā€™t. :man_shrugging:


True story, I never heard of her until this happened.

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Oh Iā€™m not worried about what other people think, Iā€™m just incredibly vain and a bit shallow :sweat_smile:


dusts self off
Iā€™m still alive, life has been interesting.
Lots of changes, some bad, some good, some meh.

Probably about to have more time to dedicate to hobbies, guess Iā€™ll start a thread sometime soon :slight_smile:


Bad laws are as useful if not worse than no laws at all. I mean Russia is a country that exists in this century as apposed to one that is a little behind the human time line of evolution so it should be able to explain there logic s. Prove damages. Even to there own people explain why it makes sense to invest tax money to this problem. Human right issues justifiable invoke third party involvement. Your parents must have had an easy time with you. One line solves all " because I said so" I am not so moved by that line. On one hand not following the law in another country is bad on another hand caging a person for a decade on some trumped up charges is bad one must simply weigh what is worse to know were they should stand on the issue. There is a but load of permits required to ship seeds to the states but if we all followed the law like robots and enforced the laws like robots we would all suck. That is why we have juryā€™s so humans can weigh the facts especially when thing enter grey areas. .


Lol, ok we are done here.


that was too much lol blind faith in authority is not?
Frankly, I am shocked to find a single person on a weed forum who would lust to see anyone jailed for 10 years over a couple of vape cartrages.


Not to speak for @DougDawson hereā€¦ but thereā€™s a big difference between saying we donā€™t care and that she was not entirely an innocent victim in this, and wanting to see someone jailed for vape cartridges.

I took a trip to Florida last year. I had several vape cartridges, but knowing the laws of the US and that theyā€™re federally illegal despite being legal in my state, I chose to leave them at home. I did make edibles instead, and the TSA agent who tossed my bag opened it, looked at the box of banana bread, put it to one side and went on looking for weapons or obvious contraband.

She made herself a target of opportunity, and Putinā€™s Russia took the opportunity. Sheā€™s not to blame for Putinā€™s choices, but she is to blame for making herself a target of opportunity. Should that be something that comes with years of jail time as a consequence? Probably not. Does it? Sometimes, yes. Is it our fault for not caring? No, especially considering that our caring will do nothing to change things and a lot to drive us crazy and get us to lash out at our fellow cannaphiles. :wink:


When celebrities die people say ā€œoh so sadā€ and I say ā€œI reserve my compassion for people I know and their immediate families.ā€

And I also say ā€œwhy are you telling me this?ā€ :joy:

Edit: however the idea of Foreigners being jailed abroad fills me with dread.


Just to chip in the Problem is everybody worries about everybody elseā€™s problems instead of the ones right in front of them !

Diverting peopleā€™s attention seems a little to easy now a days :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Thereā€™s a Dickens character named Mrs Jellyby who is a caricature of the type of person youā€™re describing.

Quite funny.


Bleak house by Charles Dickens

Shoulda called it up in smoke :crazy_face::sweat_smile:


You donā€™t hear about this, since itā€™s not newsworthy unless a large amountā€¦but, the US does the same thing lol locks em up if someone comes into the US with any illegal drugs.
Including, but not limited to, marijuana


Iā€™m not sure about locking them up, but itā€™s certainly illegal to bring drugs into Canada.

Youā€™d probably get a proper tongue lashing though.


ā€œNow just say youā€™re sorry and weā€™ll let you go.ā€