Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

You gotta mean it though.


smhā€¦ :crazy_face: :roll_eyes: :scream: :+1:


One thing I havenā€™t seen mentioned yet about this is pro team athletes, Olympians and the like get a full meeting on what is a acceptable and what is not in the visiting country and they get reminded often.

The associations or organizations committee also make it clear that if you go out of your way to fuck up, youā€™re on your own.


I thought Foreigners abroad were known as Domestics


I thought domestics were fighting with your spouse and the neighbors call the police who dread the interaction fully and completely.


You found a shortcut through my maze. Lots of chattel slavery in that industry.

There was one in my building just the other day. I donā€™t know all the details but 5 cruisers and a supervisor. All I heard was ā€œIā€™m scared.ā€

Not good.


You have to give pro athletes a break here thoughā€¦theyā€™ve been coddled for most of their life and been allowed to do basically whatever the hell they want with impunity.


ā€œhe takes the muscle-building drugs for a medical condition and didnā€™t know he was breaking the law.ā€

Good thing he opted for the old ā€œI didnā€™t know that was illegalā€ move, otherwise we would never get to see Rocky XII Adrianā€™s Revenge


I had a guy on my hockey team who was a metro copā€¦got called to a domestic, said the guy was huge (he, the cop is average size). The wife was saying he hit her. My teammate didnā€™t believe her because she wasnā€™tā€¦beat up. But he tells the guy he has to take him in, thatā€™s the rules. The guy refuses and they end up rolling around the apartment, destroying the place. The wife is screaming to stop and admits he never touched her. When both of them are gassed the cop says fuck it and leaves without taking the guy. Said he felt really bad.


Hahah yeah it certainly may appear that way, but they get banned, fined, put through bs therapy and even jailed, we just donā€™t hear about it often.

Then if we do hear about it, the way itā€™s reported is misleading af.

There was this hockey player who loved coke, everybody knew it. But when it went public they said he dont feel well, heā€™s taking a break.

No. Heā€™s fighting a case. :laughing:


In my city, if Johnny Law comes to the house, SOMEBODY is going to jail. Thatā€™s a fact. Nature of the beast. Same if you are pulled over. You are GOING to get a ticket.

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Thereā€™s an old sayingā€¦ā€you made your bed, and now you have to lay in it.ā€ Regardless of whether or not we think the sentence is ā€œfairā€ā€¦. But we are talking about Russia here! She is lucky she only got 9 years, it could have been anything!

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Sheā€™ll probably serve 1 year in a condo. Bu uh uh lol

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I rarely ever get pulled over anymore, but admit to having a lead foot when I was younger. I gotta admit about 90% of the time I was either let go completely or had the ticket dropped down substantially. I was taught to respect the police, which I usually did (big difference between showing respect and kissing ass)

I also admit to a preference of being pulled over in Canada.


Happened to me in NY Stateā€¦ Broken side lightsā€¦ Or a headlight!? A warning only! Nice cop!!


Ya, no doubt, sheā€™ll be fine.

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Anybody interested in going to jail in Russia should read this book.


Itā€™s a semi autobiographical novel about his experience in a debtors prison in Siberia.


My nephew played over there in the KHLā€¦twice! His wife sounded like she lived that storyā€¦lol. And she wasnā€™t in jail.


He has to hulk out for his latest movie roll donā€™t he?!?! We demand our entertainment! :rofl:


Anybody interested in going to jail in Russia should try bringing vape carts into the country.