Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Warning Ticket??? Hahahahaha
That was a joke, right?


I’ve only gotten one speeding ticket in my life but I’ve gotten out of a few.


Actually not! For real!! That’s why it wasn’t a ticket. The condition was to have the headlight fixed until (before, I mean!) the following day at sunset!! :flushed: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Calling a woman stupid lock her up for ten years is very stormtrooper and not pragmatic. She is supposed to follow the laws of another country cased closed. Says hypocrites who completely ignore the laws written for Canadian and American borders.

Calculated risk. With seeds the only thing they will do is confiscate them. Cost benefit risk reward analysis. I would never send flower over the border, ever, given the current legal climate.

I saw a guy smoking meth barefoot on a street corner and I thought “can’t you go into an alley like a normal person?”

So bait.


We know the consequences if we get caught sending seeds, which is what? A letter? I wouldn’t physically take something illegal across the border… or else I know I could get locked up.

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Oh no a strongly worded letter!

Speaking of which I’m going to write one to my MP and see how far it gets me :rofl:

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.Use lots of exclamation marks!!!


Any a-hole can make or change a law does not mean everyone else has to start rounding up Jews for them. Calculated hypocrisy then it is still the same thing. They could throw a book at you but law gets/should be handed out with discretion. That is how it should be.

Careful there buddy.


Now you’re pushing it.


Don’t you know that civil disobedience is the same thing as genocide?

Get real.


Just wanted to stop in here and share some awesome news just a few days ago my homie was moving to a new place and decided to part with a bunch of his grow stuff for helping him move I ended up with a small 2x2x4 grow tent a shit ton of supplies(pots fans nutes ) then last night was talking with a neighbor of mine that I got into growing about a year ago was telling me he ended up not having much interest and is giving me a 4x4 tent and some supplies man I’m feeling blessed might be able to get a tent put up in my garage for a seed run this winter after all :blush:


I feel bad for her what do you want from me, to agree with all those callused individuals who don’t?
Make real points. No one stopping you.

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Super cool! That’s some great news :+1:


The word you are looking for is callous.


the word i was actually looking for was mine as well be rats.

We’re weed growers…we’re callused!


So we are hypocrites and rats.

Position heard. Position rejected.

I think maybe you’re just in love with her.


Well this is a sh&tshow
Congratulations @DesertHeartGardens