Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Fun stuff happening around these parts lately eeh?


Sorry man, but thereā€™s a big difference between, say, smoking weed in Canada, and in the Philippines.

Know the laws or pay the consequences.

My neighbor has plants in his backyard. His wife is Filipino. Her parents are here visiting and the FIL thinks he should go to prison for growing that in his yard. Heā€™s wrong, in this country.


So much activity I thought someone was giving away seeds herešŸ˜‚


Woohoo we have found a volunteer! :call_me_hand:


Yes Cormoran!
Iā€™ve had my experience of living in a metal motel. Lost a year of my life. Iā€™m not wanting to see good folks in jail.

I ā€œLUSTā€ over seeing evil taken out of society, not some pot smoking basketball player even though she did a boneheaded thing!
How is it wrong to say a person should own their own boneheadedness? The country has been turning out young people that refuse to admit ANY wrongheaded act is their fault.
If I hear the words ā€œDonā€™t judge me!ā€ again I may just blow a gasket!
A person should and must know that he or she will be known by their actions in this world.
I am done now.


When I was 14, I decided to run across a busy road, near dusk, in dark clothingā€¦ what do you think happened? I had done it before, no problem! But this timeā€¦ I got hit, I was hospitalized for 3 months, it was entirely my fault, I chose to make bad decisions and made that incident part of my own destiny.


Your posts were highly antagonistic, full of straw men, what-about-isms and borderline direct attacks on fellow members here. Feeling bad for her is ok, the rest is not.


I did not read the article or watch the video. it showed up in my suggested video as a Tim Cast clip but I did not click. I saw the thumb nail pic. Not knowing about her makes this clear. 10 years in a prison box for vape (cruel punishment) Rinky Dink lessons learned from operations so small they were run from ones parents house aside, grumblings of how this generation behaves aside , and personal stories of how you/who ever clearly ignored the laws of a country and got away with it so Ya on you and ha ha on her, aside. She still fosters my sympathy.

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Donā€™t worry one day youā€™ll be appointed to the Supreme Court and will make a real difference.

One can have sympathy and still call her a bonehead.


oh she is totally retarded no question there. :grin:

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Please elaborate.

Full disclosure: I have broken the law in every country Iā€™ve ever visited except for Honduras because it was too hot for fun.

Edit: except for the Netherlands because itā€™s legal there :love_you_gesture:


@DesertHeartGardens Hell ya bud! Cant beat some cheap or free equipment. Always nice to expand heh.


I broke the law there and it was very hot!


There were extenuating circumstances. The ā€œhotelā€ AC was broken and there was no running water for a cold shower because they were replacing the mains.

I got like a 10% discount soā€¦$4 :joy:


ā€˜Lessons of responsibilityā€™ one of the original cornerstones of the argument counter to mine. Something about learning responsibility after being arrestedā€¦ that did not gel with me. did not see the point or relevance of the argument on that. The whole thing seemed learned under a parental para-dime.

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live by the pitch forkā€¦

No. You are wrong. I put a like on that because I appreciate your attempt at an explanation.
I didnā€™t " learn" responsibility by spending time behind bars. My parents taught me valuable life lessons. Sure I screwed up. I never said I was a perfect student of those lessons. I will say, however, that the time I did spend in jail made me see clearly that those lessons "

" were taught in an effort to train me up to be a decent man that takes responsibility for myself and the way I live my life.
Now I am quite through chatting with someone who doesnā€™t mind being hatefully argumentative.
Life lessons never cease it seems.
Think Iā€™ll gather up the next generation of my family at moms house for a barbeque and some good wholesome lessons taught under a family para-dime.
Good day to you. I said good day!


ā€¦farm great crops.

Glad we could get back to the growing discussions! :smiley:




Love & Light