Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Not so fast! There are several of your upbringings that I havenā€™t had the chance to cross examine yet.





I came in to say hello! hope everyoneā€™s day is going well. :hugs: Lots of posts in chat today! :grimacing:


Urrrbody smokin them wirey sativas today :wink:, hope your day went well too


Bro. My days going great. I stopped my ac registers from dripping on the floor, mounted some TVā€™s, gave away 3 pans of Krispy treats. Then I come here and itā€™s like a 1000 posts of non stop buffoonery. Lol.


Sometimes it pays to just skip past the ignorant posts :wink:


Yeah man, even with all the heat I managed to do more work today than most days. Iā€™m feeling good and I hope the vibes are coming through correctly. Love you guys.


image couldnā€™t like it twice lol


@tresbundles brother, being productive for yourself vs being productive at work hits way different. I forgot what that felt like until today.

@DougDawson Itā€™s just so out of the ordinary around here that peoples ideals donā€™t mesh in such an abrasive way. It caught me off guard a little bit. I wanted to single you out personally for something you said 1000 posts ago that kinda bummed me out. I think you were talking about having to accept responsibility for your actions to let go of pent up anger resulting from an arrest when you were younger.

I think youā€™re being too hard on yourself man. I try not to conflate legality and morality. I think itā€™s good to disobey unjust laws. I have found peace in similar situations by realizing my shortcomings of not doing enough to change current legislation. Just a slight tweak on perspective could shift that blame off your shoulders from something that shouldnā€™t be illegal anyway. Peace brother.


Am I volunteering to send you something @Foreigner ?


I appreciate your perspective on that man. Just a difference in thinking which is totally cool. I donā€™t agree with all the laws but at the same time know they exist. One normally knows that certain actions can bring negative consequences. Knowing that I feel one needs to own their choices. Just the way I was raised. Are the consequences for those actions always fair or just, no they arenā€™t. It just is the way that things are. Anyway I do appreciate your perspective :v:


Well hello budšŸ˜‰

Usually suspects over on discord so when you want to you know how to reach us.


Hey bud glad to see your back .


puff puff cheers everyone


Nah Iā€™m just kidding.

At least here in America fair has nothing at all to do with consequences. It does however have a great deal to do with political aspirations of the people dealing out these punishments. They care nothing about someone getting a fair deal or what happens to that person or if they learn something from it. They are furthering their career, nothing more. If others have to burn and have their lives ruined they could care less. Innocent or guilty doesnā€™t matter. Cops, lawyers, judges, prosecutors all benefit at the cost of the the person found guilty and those that love that person.
Worse yet is that these punishments vary from state to state where one person gets a slap on the wrist and another in a different state does major time.
I swore once I got out of prison I would try to change that, and I tried but it didnā€™t take me long to figure out who I was fighting against and the stakes of my personal freedom if I continued.
Guess I am a coward but I wasnā€™t going back to prison or have my freedom taken away for something I knew I couldnā€™t change.


Thatā€™s not cowardice, brother. Thatā€™s making a solid life decision. True, there are laws that really suck. But each of us, as individuals, have to make a decision, whether or not the ends justify the means. Whatā€™s the point of trying to make a change, when you know you will end up in the shitter for it? Sometimes itā€™s best to leave it alone.
However, there is strength in numbers. We have over 60% of Americans wanting legalization. Thatā€™s Big! I say, itā€™s coming. Slooooow! But sure. I think they are finally realizing, you canā€™t out the toothpaste back in the tube.


I still havenā€™t dove into discord :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile: I keep hearing it and I just know you have to download an app. And I donā€™t know how discreet it is or anything so never really ventured any further. Why is everyone on discord :joy:


I think I went as far as to attempt the DL lol I just donā€™t do any social media or forums other than OGā€¦ Iā€™m happy here and anything I gotta say, wellā€¦ I will lol


Thereā€™s og chat but jelly knows what im talking about.

Discord just allows a bit more active chatting, no real difference than say how Johnnys has his threads except it feel a little more active discussion vs say posts, plus i can send all the memes i want lol.