Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

I have tried Discord. It was filled up with people that donā€™t really like me, so I leave it alone. I try to only go where I know Iā€™m wanted.


Which is where? :rofl: (you walked right into that one Mike)


Really? I always figured YOU would go where you want and $(Ā®ā‚¬W anyone that had a problem with that.
I guess you can learn something new every day. lol

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Youā€™re too invested in this, dude. Sheā€™s one person whoā€™s suffering because of unjust laws, which are a problem everywhere in the world and are a problem caused by governments run by people. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Thereā€™s still starvation all over the world because warlords, corrupt bureaucrats, and simple folk driven to banditry by the fact that theyā€™d be the ones starving otherwise disrupt supply chain lines - even if thereā€™s enough food to feed the world, it canā€™t get where it needs to go. Whereā€™s your outrage over this? Why arenā€™t you starving yourself in solidarity with them? Oh, wait, itā€™s because youā€™re as powerless as the rest of us to change things. Youā€™re just the only one choosing to take it out on the rest of us. Life sucks, get an umbrella.

outrage not really. I do strongly disagree. I do not have it in my hart to mock this girl. Nothing new.
Been through similar feeling on the subject in a similar situation. Many years I watched truly hart broken at Americans being jailed for decades for breaking marijuana laws in there own country.
This is the same. basically. I feel the same about it. Move the ball in the convo to other unjust awful things and I also will have hart for those situations.I am not nearly as worried about one person breaking a law when I compare my worry for a government body acting criminal.
Sure farmers being pushed of there land through bureaucratic methods. terrible. terrible things are terrible and allot of them are going on right now.I mock non of them.

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Who mocked her? Iā€™ve heard it said that she was stupid - which is not mockery, I think, personally I slip into and out of stupidity a couple hundred times a day - and that sheā€™s paying for it too harshly due to geopolitics, which is unfortunate but a reality of the human condition. The powerful play their games and accumulate more points in the form of wealth beyond what any human could possibly need in a hundred lifetimes, and ordinary people pay for it. Itā€™s been that way forever. Thatā€™s not a justification - Iā€™d change it if I could - but I canā€™tā€¦ and I donā€™t have enough energy to emotionally invest in all of their situations because Iā€™d go insane if I did. Much like you appeared to for a minute. :wink:

Sorry if that seems callous, but I guess it is. Callouses develop to protect vulnerable skin from constant pressure that would otherwise break the skin, so I guess thatā€™s quite an apt analogy.

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Trust me, I will be using this in the future. Thatā€™s a great turn of phrase.


I feel bad for her, but yeah smuggling any amount of drugs into a country your own is adversarial with during a war where their security is on higher alert than usual was not a very smart move. The idea that a wnba player is culturally important enough to target politically is kinda silly tbh, she just did the wrong thing in the wrong place at the extra wrong time. It does suck though.

In more cheerful news this induction heater works way better than the torch for vaping with the dynavap, still feels like a fancy crack pipe though.


Yes. I read an article that said evolutionarily we are a tribal species and can actually only really care about 100 people total owing to the size of the band.

It was an anti- ā€œhow many friends I have on Facebookā€ piece.


Calling her stupid while saying well she knew what Russia was like so she should be responsible she knew, she should get the 9 years seemed to be harsh. Crazy. Americans knew the laws in there own country and broke em, I never felt the responsible thing would be to serve that time.

I still do not see where anyone called her stupidā€¦

Implied ā€œignoranceā€ maybeā€¦


I guess nowhere.

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Hey nowā€¦ that ainā€™t true @BigMike55 !

Right here, OG!



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Youā€™re conflating that with people saying she was stupid. Did anyone here actually say she deserved the sentence? What Iā€™m hearing is people saying sheā€™s not a completely innocent victim, and sheā€™s not. She made a bad choice. My anecdote about choosing to break the law in the US by carrying edibles on a plane was not an example of how I flout the laws and deserve to get away with it. It was an example of how I flouted the laws and got away with it because I was smart enough to conceal my crime. If Iā€™d gotten caught with the vape pens, Iā€™d be paying for it too, and no one would be writing any articles about meā€¦ if I get caught growing, Iā€™ll be paying for it with a felony charge and years of my life while 10 miles away a big corporation sets up another grow op & shop. Unjust, sure. Do I expect any intervention if that happens? Nope, not a goddamn bit, because Iā€™m making the choice to grow anyway.


Bad timing for that Basketballer. Heck even as a law abiding Canadian Iā€™m terrified to attempt to cross the U.S. Border since legalization here. The ebb and flow of politics always catches ordinary citizens in its riptide, shame what we sheep go thru for a nice green pasture.


it is a travesty , only thing needed to be said.
What was the point of bring up responsibility then?
If she was not one of the annoying black lives matters people perhaps she would have garnished more support. who knows. All I know it is a travesty. Not to the johnny come lately weed enthusiasts who have only shown up to the market place since legal growing permits perhaps but for others it just more of the same b.s.

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Yā€™all, no one is going to change their mind here, and all yā€™all are doing is repeated talking points and arguing on the internet, one of the worst things to do in our modern world.

Itā€™s a shit sandwich of a situation, and none of us can do anything about it.

Can we get back to the randomness of the chat room and stop talking about someone who none of us will ever meet and who would never associate with this forum anyway?


Sorry yā€™all. :blush:
I opened a bag of :poop: not meaning to.
I just thought it was a shit deal that she got and thought to mention the outcome (so far) of her situation.


On that note hereā€™s my field of greens


Dang man! I just wanna walk neked through that field!