Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

I canā€™t wait to be able to grow outside. Iā€™m always jelly of the beauty of a giant cannabis plant out in its true elements


Iā€™m relieved my wife isnā€™t on hereā€¦LOL


Finally not a million degrees today, I should do some overdue trimming and top-dressingā€¦I should.




I mean this is a weed forum mainly, and she got busted for weed. So the topic is more than relevant.

She was stupid thereā€™s no other word for it. But 10 years in Russia is too harsh for being stupid, I feel for her - and for the thousands that were and continue to be locked up in the USA and in their own countries for the same thing.


Hey you got an induction heater for the dynavap? Pictures or it didnā€™t happen !

Leave it alone everyone has already made over 75 posts about it lol, donā€™t need more of the same, itā€™s pretty annoying tbh. Just scroll up if you want to see someone either agreeing or disagreeing with you, itā€™s already been rehashed multiple times over

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True, but I wasnt inviting discussion with my message - just assured mobilly the post was more than relevant and important to be discussed. Not that were going to change anything about it but sureā€¦

Rite now Iā€™m interested in the induction heater by our zizek resident @EugeneDebs420


Let me tell you a tale of epic bullshittery. Today was the day I finally got pulled over for my expired license plates. Saying they were expired is an understatement. They were so old the DMV cancelled them in their system. When the cop asked me what my fucking problem was I tried to blame it all on COVID. Unfortunately for me, he also noticed that my plates expired before COVID.

So he takes my plates and writes me some tickets. I wait for him to leave and as soon as heā€™s out of site I fire up the van and haul ass back to the house. I pull the switcheroo and hop into my car that has equally expired plates on it. I ride over to the DMV to get new plates and they inform me that I have holds on my account from 2 different cities. Turns out that I had ā€œforgottenā€ to pay my personal property taxes since 2017.

It was an expensive day for the kid but all of my vehicles have stickers on them til '25. And if my math works out correctly I can probably ride on them til '29 or '30.



Seems consistentā€¦


Damn! I get nervous every time a cop is behind me, idk how you did it for that long of time without getting spoken to already lol.

Taxation like that is definitely theft in my mind. Property taxes arebullshit and so is registration.


I swear, years and years ago I just started pretending like the police donā€™t even exist. Itā€™s served me pretty well up until today lol.


Luckily it was on some bogus plates shit and not something more felonious. This was the universes way of telling me to chill out I think.


Just want to say Hayden lake is beautiful
Just beautiful


If I had to catch up on 5 years (lol you go to tax auction in a month in my town), hmm, that would be a $50k ā€œoopsā€ā€¦

That reminds me, gotta send em $2400 tomorrow morning for this quarter. UGHā€¦

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a strain get that many sign ups in such a short period of time as the romulian has these last couple days .


I think itā€™s only been like 18 hrs. Really fast thoughā€¦ quickest Iā€™ve seen yet.


I knowā€¦I lucked out on the last spot for TL3s at #75.

But taking politics away from it. There ARE protocols for documents, regardless of your party. There is a reason they are to be preserved, not destroyed or removed. Clearly someone thought they were above the law, and found out otherwise.

I was enjoying the show last night personally. But because I hate all politicians and love seeing them be brought down to ā€œthe working peoplesā€ level. Show them we are all just the same skin and bones and all subject to the same laws and rules.


Politics on Overgrow will be quashed. Take it elsewhere.