Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Hmmm another thread where Iā€™m not welcome. Itā€™s ok. Sorry for the political comment.
Iā€™m running out of threads. Haha.

How are you not welcome? Just donā€™t post political stuffā€¦I didnt even see your post, but itā€™s well known political stuff just causes angst and contention.

Much like the long winded discussion on a female basketball player arrested for weed in a foreign country. Just leads to people fighting and arguing

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But that was not called out but mine was.

It didnā€™t start out as a political post and it really wasnā€™t a political post.

It was about someone getting arrested and sentenced for 9 years for weed.

However it divulged into arguing because everyone has their own opinions.

This thread is supposed to be random and fun, at least thatā€™s what I understand.

However, politics is instantly a triggering post.

Itā€™s pretty clearā€¦I donā€™t see you as being unwelcome unless all you can talk about is politics. Thatā€™s your choice my dude, itā€™s not on others

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Could someone please inform Roger Waters of this, he gets off-track as well LOL


Lunchtime, hit my carry everywhere bowl filled with joy. PXP x gsd f5 3 rips and im good.:peace_symbol:


Nice! So I am looking at my candidates for my next grow and I do have some gods space needle (gsd) I am moving it up the list, I have pollen from none other than Mr @DougDawson Inspiration while my best half is in Montreal for Rogers Cup Tennis


That sounds like an interesting cross, best of luck on your run bud.

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Found these in an old piano shop. Anyone know what they are, Iā€™m confusedā€¦

Piano shop


That looks like a cam drive to an old hopper shaker. Iā€™m just guessing though. Iā€™ve seen similar setups on them. Have you looked for markings on this?


Good guess!

Thereā€™s no nameplate but thereā€™s this
ā€œ72 pulsation in one minuteā€

The textile chambers are throwing me offā€¦


maybe mechanical bellows for an organ.


Thatā€™s exactly what it is. Iā€™d almost lay money on it. I didnā€™t see the bellows on the first picture.


Are those bellows. or fold out pouches?


They are bellows @JohnnyPotseed .

images(1) images

that top picture looks much like that piece in your first picture, although much larger. Thatā€™s another section to the organ blower I found online.


Looking at others, Iā€™d say it is from ~1940-50.


Ohhh my lawd :woman_facepalming::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Tag me in 2029 and lmk how that goes :rofl: I have a feeling itā€™s going to go something like this:

ā€œit was an expensive day for the kid but all of my vehicles have stickers on them til ā€˜32. And if my math works out correctly I can probably ride on them til ā€˜36 or ā€˜37.ā€


Just kidding. But Iā€™m curious how you get insurance if youā€™re not tagging lol they send me a letter in the mail telling me Iā€™m a piece of shit if Iā€™m a day late lol


Yes, that makes so much sense! Thank you @MoBilly @tresbundles .

They definitely are bellowsā€¦ it looks like thereā€™s an opening on the top only because I didnā€™t use the flashā€¦

Itā€™s about 2 ft long and 15" high.


Hahaha. For sure for sure thatā€™s exactly how it would go. Iā€™d probably also be talking mad shit about the government, too.

Insurance and having your vehicle registered arenā€™t tied together here. One of them is a commercial policy. I donā€™t know if that changes anything.


I play this game with parking tickets.

ā€œSo itā€™ll cost me $6 to park but a ticket is $30 so if I get away with it 6 times Iā€™m ahead of the game.ā€

The other day I was in a pay parking lot but they left the exit arm openā€¦oopsā€¦