Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Taken 13 years ago today in CT.

LOVE this pic for two reasons.

  1. I am on my way to a 1st in class finish that day.

  2. ALL the awards plaques that day featured a photo from the start of the race there that happened a year earlier. I just happen to be dead center of the pic, as my class was the one being used for the photo. SOā€¦ My first place plaque from that day happens to have me actually ON it! (and Iā€™m hanging in everybody elses house / garage on their plaques).




So Nice what sight that is!!! trim purgatory come fall :metal: :metal: :metal:

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Cry me a river. when $200k a yr is crappy, Iā€™ll be happy to take it. I made 1/4 of that in my BEST year. Sorry, not sorry.

Saw this meme from Joe Rogan today. I canā€™t stand his show, think heā€™s an idiot most of the time, yet, gotta say, this kinda rings true for meā€¦


Serious question:

Does anyone watch womenā€™s basketball on TV?


Yes, more than womenā€™s soccer and they just got a big raise thatā€™s still a fraction of what male soccer players make.

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Iā€™m not really a sports guy so I wouldnā€™t know.


Ok, and they deserve to make millions playing a game, while teachers pay for supplies out of pocket?

Sorry, but I canā€™t feel bad for anybody making six figures playing a gameā€¦ 7 figures, or even 8? WTF? And you ā€œgotta work outta country to supplementā€ your $200k a yr salary? WTF you mean supplement that? In my state, just 14% of the population makes $200k + a year, guess those 86% learned how to live on $200k without needing to supplement it??

We NEED teachers, we donā€™t need professional athletes.

And I still stand by the meme. There are PLENTY of other people in jail for Cannabis, where is the outcry for them? The justice they deserve? Why arenā€™t people flooding the streets demanding that they be released? Why is this woman SO special? She plays basketball? who cares. Shes LGBTQ? who cares. Sheā€™s African American? who cares. Sheā€™s flesh and blood, just like the other people jailed for cannabis. Nothing special about her.

Is it an excessive sentence? Sure isā€¦ But in the past what outcry was there for other excessive sentences for foreigners? Beheadings? floggings? Oh, just a news blip, thats all.

We all make mistakes, its how you OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES that defines who you are. Sheā€™s full of excuses and its bullshit. You smoke? You travel? YOU CHECK YOUR BAGS! I double check before any trip, AND since I always procure smoke while on vacation, I TRIPLE check before I pack to return. And hey, if I got caught in Mexico, Honduras, Jamaica or anywhere else I travel, THATS ON ME. My choice to take the risk, gotta take the good with the bad, i.e. OWNING my mistakeā€¦


Iā€™ve never been one for watching sports. Bunch of adults running around in what amounts to pajamas playing games while making millions of dollars. Usually none of the people playing are even from the same state/city theyā€™re playing for.

Well, I wouldnā€™t switch the channel if it was female college volleyball.


Hahaha:-) :slight_smile:

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I would imagine the salary discrepancies are because itā€™s not nearly as popular or nearly as lucrative for ad dollars.

So itā€™s YOUR fault! If you watched womenā€™s basketball we wouldnā€™t be in this predicament!


My point is sheā€™s doing 9 years in a Russian prison for CBD cartridges. If she was paid a competitive wage based on her talent. She never would of been there.

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Yes, that is true.

Value is hard to define. She may be hugely talented but thatā€™s not the issue.

Why is there no market for womenā€™s basketball in the US?

Why would people rather watch men play basketball?


just like everything its based off of numbers (and ratings) nothing personal just numbers, facts and most likely ratings

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My nephew played pro hockey in Russia. Also in the NHL/AHL. He went because they paid more money. Just like her. This isnā€™t just a womans thing. He chose to play there.

He didnā€™t smuggle dope though, so heā€™s still free.


Much more exciting for the fans.

Womens sports are generally more technical and strategic vs Menā€™s is about physical prowess for the most part.

However, I will say that softball is much more exciting than baseball. Itā€™s a quicker game, with way more fan involvement. Baseball is a statistics snooze fest, and so full of cheaters that the players should just be allowed to cheat. Just my thoughts


Plus, thereā€™s just good old fashion sexism as a contributing factor as well lol

If many of the people doing time currently for various Cannabis infractions were paid a competitive wage, they likely wouldnā€™t be there either.

Lets look at it like this. If I were to get caught growing in my house, the police can take it as a ā€œdrug manufacturing facilityā€, and I go to jail. Would that be an injustice? Sure would be. Now would that make national news? Absolutely not, itā€™s done all the time with forfeiture laws. Just another dollar in the coffers of the local LEOS.

I grow because it got to expensive to buy garbage. I donā€™t sell, and CERTAINLY am not a ā€œdrug manufacturing facilityā€. If I was paid a competitive wage, I wouldnā€™t have to grow either.

People are EXECUTED in China, Egypt and Singapore for Cannabis, I bet they would be GLAD to get 9yrs instead. China can even jail you for testing positive for cannabis if you did it OUTSIDE the country. I wouldnā€™t wanna get caught in the Phillipines with it either! Chances of being killed before seeing a trial are high! And lets not forget Saudi Arabia where you can be beheaded for simple possession by the ā€œMutawaā€ or local moral police.



@ColeLennon no disrespect but, this is for you!
Making my brother a shirt thatā€™s says thisā€¦



Build a Soil is having a 100k giveaway.

Go sign up, maybe you will win.

If you use my referral, it would be dope as well, but no need to if ya donā€™t want.


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Sadly USA only but still good for you Americans

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