Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

I’m sure Joes on the certificate renewal

I’m sure. A cert can take an hour or up to 5 days to be supplied by the CA. I would have installed certbot and gotten a LetsEncrypt cert applied immediately.


ya I don’t know what that means but ok lol


I was worried cuz I was already like, great now what am I gonna do on the internet. Cleared my stuff and WaaLaa I’m on.


This downtime is messing with the site’s SLA’s :joy:

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I’m a legal eagle so I’m not too worried about it. As long as it fixed

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Totally. I was joking anywho… this site doesn’t have SLA’s… no paid services are being provided which require the site to remain up

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ya still don’t know what that means lol

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An SLA functions as a documented understanding between the entity providing the service and the one receiving the benefits of the service. Although traditional SLAs define service expectations between vendors and customers, they may also be employed between departments within the same organization. And while the SLA may consist of as little as a few sentences or as much as entire documents’ worth of provisions and stipulations, they are always a critical component of modern service contracts. It’s also important to note that SLAs should not be thought of as immutable; they should change and grow to meet evolving business needs. With this in mind, SLAs should incorporate a clear framework for introducing revisions or modifications during the course of the contract.
" servicenow .com "


Shit I’m in a non legal state and my landlords a cop :joy: I wasn’t even a little worried. Literally nobody gives a fuck about weed here. I’ve had cops pull someone over in front of my house while smoking a blunt on my porch not 15 ft away and ain’t even get acknowledged. I went inside, but I ain’t even put my shit out. Hell I bet you take a weed charge to trial almost anywhere in the US today and get let off(assuming you don’t have other charges with it ie: guns, hard drugs) cops gonna have to do like that Chappelle skit and “sprinkle some crack on him”


This is far from the truth. There are still states that will gladly put you in jail or prison for cannabis.


I am in a legal country and still dont have faith that somehow they won’t make an example of me. After being illegal for my whole life I just don’t trust the system.


I hate to say it but with the pot industry pushing legislation that would, basically, eliminate home growing, I could see a day when a lot of us will be hiding beans and beating the brush instead of paying whatever the industry chooses to charge for whatever trash they decide to put out.
Remember, tobacco was sold as just that for a long time then our government allowed them to put this poison and that poison in it. Why? That would be a deeper political discussion that should be carried out on a different forum. But, trust me, if the ones controlling the only legally available marijuana source decide, with government approval, to put substances that are addictive and/or harmful in with the product, nothing is stopping them.
Home grown is the only safe, reliable and economically feasible rout for people to take.
I just watched a show about the industry. :angry:


Yeah, but how many jury’s will?

Got to admit getting emails like this still makes me happy even though I dont buy weed any more really.


How tf did I misplace my dang bypass sheers :joy:

The nug in that pic doesn’t look half bad!

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Yeah, they have some great stuff. I used to use them allot once upon a time.

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Is that from bulkbuddy? Canada has great deals on bulk nugs

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No, High Grade Aid is the name of the place