Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Print up some ice trays !

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It sucks the price everything had jumped . Iā€™m lucky I get a giant yard trash bag of ice free from my cousin who owns a fresh fish store when I make hash mind you he gets a nice chunk once done so technically itā€™s not free.


Thereā€™s an icemaker in the fridge. But its not exactly fast. LOL I have made bags of ice with it. This woulda taken me all week to make! I had too many bags of trim accumulating in the freezer, and had nothing to do today. Cest la vie! Get 'er done!

@ShiskaberrySavior I hear ya. Understandable on many items with supply issues, but friggen ice is never in short supply! We aint in the 1800ā€™s anymore!


Iā€™d need a shit load of them plus the freezer space to make them . 5 gallon pails
Eat ice pretty fast .


And the days not done. Gotta trim up a half dozen GDPā€™s that have been hanging 10 days now as wellā€¦ half will hit the bowl trimmer, half will be hand trimmed. Probably shoulda waited on the bubble hash to include that trim. Oh well. LOL


Yeah they deff do and it melts pretty quick ā€¦we usually just load up on ice cubes and store them in the chest freezer but itā€™s never enough and the mixer we use dosent exactly like chunks bigger then the molds ā€¦

Iā€™m gonna have to try using more bags !

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Post a video of that trimmer in action !

Trim all the lower shit in the bowl trimmer and hand trim the top ones . They actually work pretty good used those for a few years then finally converted to electric.

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Thats pretty much the method here. Tops and nice buds get the hand treatment. everything else but fans (unless they have sugar on them) goes thru the bowl. The way I figure it, sure, it sends lots of good stuff down below. But since I am using that for bubble anyway, does it really matter? nopeā€¦

Just gotta remember to empty that bowl to a bag and into the freezer. Once I forgot, and realized 4 days later. A TON of nice sugary shake just tossed out. So much mold that shit was making smoke clouds just touching it. Ended up taking it outside and rinsing it there, didnā€™t want any of that mold near my precious buds!


I would throw out the gloves, the shirt, anything that got the oils on it, I got it as soon as I strapped on my brush cutter, the straps had the poison ivy oils from the year before, You cannot wash it out. I tossed my shirt, jeans etc. I have not had it since and I am staying out of the woods and fields, I am lucky I spent all my recreation time in the boat this summer. I retired from the big gardens, I like indoor tents although I do have several nice outdoor plants

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just had a black bear knock in my screen on the back door. Iā€™m sitting in living room, hear a crash from screen door being hit, dog starts growling and barking and before I got to kitchen he was gone out the door chasing the bear. ran across the street and maybe the yard behindā€¦ he came when called eventually but at least I know heā€™s 100% protective of this houseā€¦ scared the fuck outta us though. regular door was open, screen door was closed. 90% of the summer we had the screen door open as well so the pup could go on the deck. yeah, back doors gonna be closed regularly againā€¦ brazen sumbitchā€¦ last time I had one at the back door was in 2009ā€¦ SAME thing attracted it both times, frying with peanut oil!!! in 2009 it was a turkey on the deck, tonight it was fresh potato chips in a countertop fryerā€¦

ran thru 3 neighbors yards barefoot an in the rain and dark calling my pupā€¦ I feared the worst, 1 good swipe from a bear can put him downā€¦ thank God he has boxer in him (boxers were originally bred to hunt bears)ā€¦ lord knows what I woulda done if they were fightingā€¦ probably be on my way to the ER

adrenaline still going for all of us.


Sounds like you bear-ly avoided a catastrophe!

Glad to hear everyone is alright.


hoping for some KFC :-/


I need some of this hash :crazy_face:
I bet that was sum crazy shit ā€¦
Not bringing peanut oil camping thatā€™s for sure :sweat_smile:

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Shit! Thank God or the upper life controllers you were not touched!
Totally agree!! Better safe than sorry! Always!
The best to you brother!! Dangerous stuff!! A wild animal!

Weā€™d better watch out for this peanut oil!!! :flushed:


Donā€™t worry @Abbbian, jaguars donā€™t go for the smell of peanut oilā€¦they love the smell of cannabis on humans! :laughing:


Theyā€™d better be afraid of me, ratherrrrrrroar!!! :rage:


Iā€™m just glad it didnā€™t make its way into the house. That mighta resulted in a rather uncomfortable call to the local PD.

So, Iā€™m taking this as a sign that its really time to move, and that I am on the right path. Actually this is the 4th bear incident here, 3rd where it tried to get in the house. The other two incidents were 1. I was in Chicago for work, and the GF tells me someone tried to break in, kitchen screen was ripped. Its an aluminum screen, and the offender CLEARLY left claw molds in the screening. (Window right above kitchen garbage mighta had something to do with it). and 2. maybe 4 -5 years ago we were in Cozumel for 10 days. Buddy whoā€™s watching the dog / house messages me to ask about a ā€œ2ā€™ x 8ā€™ plywood boardā€ in the yard. I have no clue what heā€™s talking about till I got home and found a bear had torn off the board from under the front of the house (Porch in the 40ā€™s, converted to living space in the 60s), just a crawl space under there but he got in, and dug himself a den in the corner. When we looked under, he wasnā€™t there so threw down some ammonia and moth balls and put the board back up. Yeah, for two weeks that bruins musky scents were eminating thru my floorboards. Yeah, bears STINKā€¦ literally!

So, time to trade in bears for alligators I thinkā€¦


If I smelled turkey fried in peanut oil youā€™d need that deadbolt 100%. Iā€™d be banging on the door like a xanax zombie coming for your home stereo.

ā€œHey can I say grace? Save me some dark meat!ā€

Thats pretty wild though (no pun intended). Have you considered somewhere with just raccoons?