Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Thereā€™ll be more chlorophyll left over if you donā€™t cure it properly - unless youā€™re extracting the THC and isolating it from the chlorophyll somehow, itā€™ll taste a bit harsher. The less edible you have per dose, the more youā€™ll notice it. Gummies will be really bad, brownies will have a hint of the taste but not much.


^^^^^^what he said lol beat me to it cuz, but very true @Cormoran


Wayne Static x Dwayne Johnson


So just a quick question, because Iā€™m curiousā€¦how many of yā€™all would be comfy cozy going to bed leaving your doors unlocked? Or knowing there was a 100% chance your 16yr old child would lazily leave it unlocked? :hushed: Urban, Inner City, Ruralā€¦doesnā€™t matter.

This question is as much out of curiosity as it is out of frustration. :angry:


We donā€™t lock our doors when we are home. Live in a town of around 20,000 people, but its growing.


When I was a youngster we used to leave the doors and all the windows open in the summer, we never locked the doors. Today is a different time and the doors are locked when I go to bed and my shotgun is next to my bed.


We donā€™t live near anywhere lol about 1/4 mile west of(actual places!) MuleBarn, Oklahoma population zeroā€¦ and 1 mile east of Cowskin Valley, population zero. Nothing and no one living in either place. We sometimes forget to lock the doors but itā€™s no biggie if we do.But I get your frustration, having raised 3 boys ourselves.
river on North of us, nearest towns are 15-20 minutes each East, West, and South


Hardly, but mostly. If I can hear traffic, I lock the door. If my company is the sound of trees and crickets, no. But, i do have fantasies of ā€˜home aloneā€™.


Using your dadā€™s aftershave and screaming in the mirror? :rofl:

I donā€™t know if I ever lock my door. I donā€™t even carry keys when I leave the house. If somebody needs my shoddy material possessions that badly, they can help themselves.


If they steal the goats and chickens Iā€™d be pissed :crazy_face:


I fell asleep in the living room a few times this month, each time my front door was wide open, just a screen door.

To be honest. I fear a bear getting in the house more than a humanā€¦

Town is like 86 sq miles, but population is 28k or so. Growing up in this house, I can say the ONLY time the doors were locked were when we were on vacation. Otherwise it was unlocked 24x7 (and we didnt have the bear issues then).

edit: Stark contrast to my island paradise, Utila, HN. Doors there are locked ALL the time, even when you are home. No fear of violent crime, just petty thefts and sneaky little shits. With SO many tourists coming thru and spending 3-5 days then continuing on their journey, petty theft is a way of life for some low lifes there. Doors locked, windows have bars on them. But its paradise otherwise!!!


Thank you for the responses everyone! I appreciate the feedback! :relieved:

There are only 3 women, all of us share some sort of physical assault on ourselves, at some stage in our ā€œherstoriesā€, sharing this apartmentā€¦which is on the ground floor!!!

Town population is well over 100,000! :hushed:

My place here is not permanent, but I find it alarming and triggering when I wake up at 1am and find the place completely open and unlocked, as left by the youngest member of the household! Iā€™ve broached the subject with her mother and received a flippant response from her like itā€™s no biggie, while Iā€™m having an inner ā€œfitā€, for lack of a better descriptive word atm.

I guess Iā€™m just old school, or Iā€™ve watched too many true crime documentaries and have too little trust in humanity these days but IMO the doors should always be locked, at night! This itā€™s not about personal possessions either because the UHaul isnā€™t following the hearse full of my ā€œthingsā€ when I die.
Itā€™s about protecting myself and my loved ones and guestā€™s. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Having been home invaded many times and robbed just as many times, deadbolts are no match for a swift kick from the ill-motivated.

Also bump keys make short work of any commercial lock for those who seek to burgle with discretion.

Better off having a bell on your door.

But seriously have no fear. Love begets love. :heart:


I have seven livestock guardian dogs that average ~90 lbā€™s.
I also live so far back in the woods (on land surrounded by family) nobody comes out here unless they want to see one of us.
And, still, I lock up before bed, and have my .45 next to the bed.
But I also carry two spares in the truck at all times.
Iā€™m not interested in being unprepared.


Heck, a couple paper clips even make short work of most locks.


I donā€™t think I have ever locked the house. While home or gone. We live in a town of 3k. If they want in and we locked the doors they would just break the glass and turn the knob. If we had foot traffic around I guess I might lock it just to keep the lazy thiefs away. But a lock is really false sense of security


Things change, now its just me and my wife both of us 75 in a very large house with no others in sight on a dead end country road, we have acres, its dark at night with the milky way and shooting stars, I like the wildlife, agree with @nagel420 being more concerned about a bear joining us with screen doors and windows left open. So we heard the kids and had a security system installed so at the least the state police etc, are notified if someone breaks in, we turn it on when we are away for a while and at night but during wonderful summer days we leave it all open all day while we are home. I do have weapons if needed.


I own 4 German Sheperds, no need for locked doors


Ever hear of a bump key?

Made my own to see if it would work. Unlocked all 3 doors in my old house in little more time than if I had used the actual key. A pro would be able to make it look like he DID use the real key and get it on the first try. For me it was 2-5 tries. But stupidly easy to do. And a few bump keys for different shapes can open like 90% of the worlds locksā€¦


I do lock my doors at night. I live close enuff to Oklahoma City to know meanness is close by.
Yes indeed, locks at night. I own several firearms as well, and know how to use them expertly. I have my S&W .45 on the nightstand.
I donā€™t want to hurt no one. But I donā€™t want no one to hurt me either, and if someone is in my house after me and the wife go to bed. Heā€™s not there to play tiddlywinks. All I can say is " Sorry about yer luck, you shoulda picked a different house. "