Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

I thought it would be nice to get a pat on the back but it feels like a kick in the ass. Iā€™m gonna smoke this and see how it goes.


I didnā€™t mean to be cousin that much

Aww man, you have to send those beans back?? That blows!! And Iā€™ve never heard of anything like that happening. Looks like they would just let you keep them.

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No kidding, thatā€™s what I would have done. Such a shame.


DM me your address and Iā€™ll send you some stuff

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Yeah I mean it was their fault and thereā€™s not anything they can do now :woman_shrugging::sweat_smile:

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Well here I am just getting home, had to shovel the driveway and could see a parcel sitting inside my house on the hall stand. Now I am getting excited, I am thinking itā€™s all those missing strains for the fall box. I hold out and do my work with it stuck in my mind. I come inside and give the box a shake and no rattling. Now I know itā€™s not the missing fall box strains as Sebring did not put the typical cotton into the containers so the last package sounded like a maraca, lol. So now I am disappointed and thinking to myself that I was not expecting any packages today. Go downstairs and open it, all of a sudden I am not disappointed any more. Turns out that @buckaroobonsai has send me a care package and I am blown away. You are amazing @buckaroobonsai , canā€™t thank you enough, you made my day bud.


You are very welcome Doug, I hope you enjoy :v:


Thanks so much brother, I will. I will also spread your generosity far and wide my friend, youā€™re the best.


The touch is so sticky but sandy as all heā€™ll

I love the colors all ground up like that :heart_eyes:

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The shoveling the drive way part sucks, but the reward when you got inside was nice! @DougDawson
Very cool @buckaroobonsai :+1: :v:


When the gyms more important
Paid my gym buddy to do my yard work so I could go to the gym .

25 a hr motivated him to wake up lol

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WIthdraw bro , put it in my name !! Lol Iā€™m cad !
Itā€™s all gone isnā€™t it ?
I feel a urge to gambleā€¦ might have to hit the VLTs at the pub lol ā€¦canā€™t haul that much out though lol

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Lol thatā€™s a fair days pay to help out ! There best 6 hours lol

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After taxes and import duties, itā€™d be more than 150$ for meā€¦

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I havent used the dude ones so I cant comment on a direct comparison, but so far my seams look good, the outer bag is sturdy considering it gets stretched over a 5g bucket top.

The little press is greatā€¦ For dry sift. Wouldnā€™t use it on bubble ice hash, but dry ice hash it works a charm. Decent threads, big handle, itā€™ll make bottle cap size hash pucks easily. when it gets sticky, 99% iso wipedown and its all good again just like new.

I read that most of whats collected at 25 is trichome stems and not so much the trich caps. Both contain THC, but caps obviously contain more.

You certainly can teach an old dog new tricks. Love my little flaming hash balls in the banger :smiley:

You certainly can, yield might suffer, but if its trashed bud, youā€™re getting what you can out of it :slight_smile: I mean, honestly, weā€™re spoiled with sinsemiliaā€¦ In college I donā€™t remember buying a bag that wasnt at least 1/8 to 1/4 seeds / stems LOL. And that got you plenty high :smiley: I processed a bunch of my black cream that I ran for seed that way via the dry ice method and thats my purple hash :slight_smile: Soā€¦ YES! DO IT!!

I have an e-nail tooā€¦ Still playing with it, but like any good smokers arsenal, thereā€™s many many ways to imbibe here :wink: Torch and a nectar collector are more my go to for rosin. Hash balls go to the banger. flower in the bowl :slight_smile:

Sorry for the long delay in responses. Met up with @GrouchyOldMan and his lovely wife today as they passed thru the area, grabbed a burger at a great local joint and delivered some Jersey Goodness, aka a TAYLOR HAM, egg and cheese, and a Blackened TAYLOR HAM egg and cheese so they can partake in this breakfast goodness and understand the debate ROFLā€¦ Obviously partook in some fresh pressed blueberry rosin, and some lucky charms flower, brought up a few different strains and its always fun seeing others see / smell the differences :smiley:

I dunno if his handle is fitting though, he wasnā€™t even the slightest bit Grouchy! LOLā€¦


I have not been on here much, so once in awhile I get board an start tapping lol
Itā€™s not in my name either
Only thing with my name on it is my Dl and birth cert lol

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ā€œGRRRRRRRR!!!ā€ :japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre:


Does anyone know what this is?

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